Part 35 (1/2)

There they found the Nors.e.m.e.n ready to receive them; but they found more than they had expected, for, just then, Karlsefin and his men swept round the point above the bay with a tremendous cheer, and were followed by a continuous stream of the canoes of their savage friends whom they had outstripped in the mad race.

Karlsefin did not wait to ascertain how affairs stood. Enough for him that the village seemed to be in flames. Observing, as he pa.s.sed, that his comrades and the women were safe on board the _Snake_, he ran the canoes high and dry on the beach and leaped ash.o.r.e. Drawing quickly up into a compact line, the Nors.e.m.e.n rushed with wild shout upon the foe.

The natives did not await the onset. Surprise alone had kept them waiting there as long as they did. With one consent, and a hideous yell, they turned and fled like autumn leaves before the wind.

Returning to the friendly savages, who had looked on at all this in some surprise and with no little concern, Karlsefin looked very sternly at them, pointed to the woods into which his enemies had vanished, shook his fist, and otherwise attempted by signs to indicate his displeasure, and to advise the instant interference of the friendly savages in the way of bringing about peaceful relations.

The natives were intelligent enough and prompt in action. A party of them at once started off to the woods, while Karlsefin went on board the _Snake_, where he found Leif and his friends right glad to meet him, and the women, in a state of the wildest delight, almost devouring Olaf and Snorro, who had been sent direct to the vessel when the men landed to attack the savages.

”'Tis good for the eyes to see thy sweet face, Gudrid,” he said, giving his wife a hearty kiss, ”and I am quite sure that Snorro agrees with me in that.”

”He does, he does,” cried Gudrid, hugging the child, who clung round her neck with a tenacity that he had never before exhibited, having learned, no doubt, that ”absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

”Oh! I am so happy, and so thankful. My sweet bairn! Where did you find him? How did you rescue him? I felt _sure_ you would do it. How did he look when he saw you? and--”

”Hold, Gudrid,” cried Karlsefin, laughing, ”joy has upset thy judgment.

I can answer but one question at a time.”

Gudrid made no reply; indeed she did not seem to expect an answer to her queries, for she had turned again to Snorro and Olaf, whom she overwhelmed with embraces, endearing epithets, and questions, in all which she was ably a.s.sisted by Bertha, Astrid, and Thora. Even Freydissa became soft for once; kissed Olaf and Snorro several times in a pa.s.sionate manner, and was unusually gracious to Thorward.

”Ye came in the nick of time,” said Leif, as he and his friends retired to the p.o.o.p for a brief consultation.

”So it would seem,” said Biarne, ”but it was more by good fortune than good planning, for I left you weak-handed; and if good luck had not brought us here just at the time we did, methinks there would have been heavy hearts among us.”

”A higher Power than good luck brought us. .h.i.ther in time,” said Karlsefin.

”That is true,” said Leif, with a nod and an earnest look at his friend.

”I doubt it not,” returned Biarne, ”and the same Power doubtless led me to start off with a reinforcement in time to help you in the hour of need, Karlsefin. But it is my advice now that we go ash.o.r.e and put the huts in a state of defence as quickly as may be.”

”That is just my opinion,” replied Karlsefin, ”for it may be that the friendly natives will find it easier to be converted into foes than to turn our enemies into friends. What is your advice, Leif?”

”That we land and do as Biarne suggests without delay.”

”And what if these villains come down in such overwhelming numbers--as they now can easily do--that they shall carry all before them and drive us into the lake?” asked Thorward.

”Why, man,” cried Biarne, with a touch of ire, ”if I did not know thee well I would say that thou wert timid.”

”Knowing me well; then, as ye say,” returned Thorward, ”and reserving the matter of timidity for future discussion, what reply have ye to make to my question?”

”That we must make up our minds to be drowned, like Freydissa's cat,”

replied Biarne.

”Nay, not quite that,” said Leif, with a smile; ”we can at least have the comfort of leaving our bones on the land to mingle with those of as many savages as we can slay.”

”The thought of that would prove a great comfort to the women, no doubt, when they were carried off by the savages,” returned Thorward, with a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

”I see what you mean,” said Karlsefin; ”that we should have the _Snake_ ready to fall back on if we chance to be beaten; but, to say truth, the idea of being beaten by such miserable savages never entered my head.”

”The consideration of your head's thickness, then,” said Thorward, ”would be an additional element of comfort, no doubt, to the women in case of things going against us.”