Part 16 (1/2)

Soon after the party had started, Hake, who was one of them, observed a female figure disappear round a copse near the of the lake. At that part they were about to strike off into the thick woods, so Hake went up to Biarne and asked leave to go along by the borders of the lake, saying that he could overtake the party again before they had reached the Willow Glen, a well-known rendezvous of the hunters and explorers of the colony.

”Go as thou wilt, Hake,” replied Biarne; ”only see to it that ye overtake us before noon, as I intend to go on a totally new path to-day.”

The youth left with a light step, and, on overtaking the female, found, as he had expected, that it was Bertha.

”You wander far from home to-day,” he said, with a deferential salutation, for Hake's bondage had not robbed him of his breeding.

”I love to wander,” answered Bertha, blus.h.i.+ng.

Poor Bertha, she could not help blus.h.i.+ng. It was her unfortunate nature to do so. When her feelings were touched--ever so little--she blushed, and then she blushed _because_ she had blushed, and blushed again to think herself so silly!

”I fear it may be somewhat dangerous to wander far,” said Hake, stopping, for Bertha had stopped and seated herself on the stump of a fallen tree.

”Dangerous! Why so?”

”Why, because Skraelingers may find us out any day, and if they should come upon you unawares so far from home they might carry you off, and no one would be aware that you were gone until too late to pursue.”

”I never thought of that,” returned Bertha, with a slightly troubled look. ”Well, I shall be more careful in future. But how come you to be wandering here alone, Hake? did I not hear your name called this morning among those appointed to go forth and search out what is good and beautiful and useful in the land?”

”Most true, Bertha, and I have gone forth, and not gone far, and yet have found something both good and beautiful and useful in the land.”

”And pray what may that be?” asked the maiden, with a look of surprise.

Hake did not answer, but the expression of his eyes was more eloquent than speech.

”Nay, then,” said Bertha, looking hastily away, and again blus.h.i.+ng--as a matter of course! ”I am no reader of riddles; and I hate riddles--they perplex me so. Besides, I never could find them out. But, Hake, has your party gone yet?”

”Yes, some time ago.”

”And are you left behind?”

”No, I have leave to go by the margin of the lake.”

”Then if you put off time talking with me you will not find it easy to overtake them; but I forgot: I suppose you count it an easy matter to overtake ordinary men?”

”I shall not find it difficult,” replied the youth briefly; and then, perceiving that Bertha felt uneasy--apparently at the tenor of the conversation--he quietly changed it by remarking that he preferred to walk by the lake for several reasons, one of which was that it reminded him of Scotland.

”Ah, you profess to love Scotland very much,” said Bertha archly, ”but your brother evidently loves it more than you do.”

”With good reason, too,” replied Hake, ”for it has given him a bride, and it had no such favours for me.”

”Indeed! what is her name?” asked the maiden, with much interest.


”Poor Emma,” sighed Bertha; ”but I hope that Heika will be freed one day and return to his native land to wed Emma. Perchance by that time Scotland may smile upon you too, and give you cause to love it better.”

”I love it well already,” said Hake, with enthusiasm, ”yet am I content to stay here.”

”For shame, Hake! you do not deserve to be a Scot if you mean what you say.”