Part 4 (1/2)

Gudrid could not help blus.h.i.+ng a little and looking down, for Karlsefin, despite his suavity, had a way with him, when thoroughly in earnest, that was very impressive. She did not hesitate, however, but answered with straightforward candour, ”I will not say nay to that if my brother Leif is willing.”

”It is settled then,” replied Karlsefin decisively, ”for Leif has already told me that he is willing if you are, and so--”

At this interesting point in the conversation they were interrupted by a loud merry laugh not very far from them, and next moment little Olaf, starting out from behind a bush, ran shouting into Gudrid's extended arms. ”Oh, what do you think?” he exclaimed, ”aunt Freydissa has come over from Heriulfness, and is in _such_ a rage because Biarne has told her that Thorward has been making love to his cousin Astrid, and--”

”Hush, boy,” said Gudrid, covering his mouth with her hand, ”you should not talk so of your aunt. Besides, you know that it is an evil thing to get the name of a tale-bearer.”

”I did not think it was tale-bearing,” replied the lad, somewhat abashed, ”for it is no secret. Leif was there, and Astrid herself, and all the house-carls in the hall must have heard her, for she spoke very loud. And oh! you should have seen her give Thorward the cold shoulder when he came in!”

”Well, well, Olaf, hold your noisy tongue,” said Gudrid, laughing, ”and come, tell me how would you like to go to Vinland?”

”Like to go to Vinland!” echoed the boy, turning an ardent gaze full on Karlsefin, ”are you going there, sir? Will you take _me_?”

Karlsefin laughed, and said, ”You are too quick in jumping to conclusions, child. Perhaps I may go there; but you have not yet answered Gudrid's question--would you like to go?”

”I would like it well,” replied Olaf, with a bright look of hopeful expectation that said far more than words could have expressed.

Just then Thorward was seen approaching along the beach. His brows were knit, his lips pursed, and his eyes fixed on the ground. He was so engrossed with his thoughts that he did not perceive his friends.

”Here he comes,” said Karlsefin--”in the blues evidently, for he does not see us.”

”We had better leave you to his company,” said Gudrid, laughing; ”a man i' the blues is no pleasure to a woman.--Come, Olaf, you and I shall to the dairy and see how the cattle fare.”

Olaf's capacity for imbibing milk and cream being unlimited, he gladly accepted this invitation, and followed his aunt, while Karlsefin advanced to meet his friend.

”How now, Thorward, methinks an evil spirit doth possess thee!”

”An evil spirit!” echoed Thorward, with a wrathful look; ”nay, a legion of evil spirits possess me! A plague on that fellow Biarne: he has poisoned the ears of Freydissa with lies about that girl Astrid, to whom I have never whispered a sweet word since we landed.”

”I trust you have not whispered sour words to her,” said Karlsefin, smiling.

”And Freydissa, forsooth, gives me the cold shoulder,” continued the exasperated Norseman, not noticing the interruption, ”as if I were proved guilty by the mere a.s.sertion.”

”It is my advice to you, Thorward, that you return the compliment, and give the cold shoulder to Freydissa. The woman has a shrewish temper; she is a very vixen, and will lead you the life of a dog if you marry her.”

”I had rather,” said Thorward between his teeth, and stamping, ”live a dog's life with Freydissa than live the life of a king without her!”

Karlsefin laughed at this, and Thorward, taking offence, said fierily, and with some scorn--”Thinkest thou that because thy Gudrid is so smooth-tongued she is an angel?”

”That is what I am inclined to think,” answered Karlsefin, with a smile that still further exasperated his friend.

”Perchance you may find yourself mistaken,” said Thorward. ”Since you are so free with your warnings, let me remind you that although the course of your courts.h.i.+p runs smooth, there is an old proverb--descended from Odin himself, I believe--which a.s.sures us that _true_ love never did so run.”

”Then I recall my words, Thorward, and congratulate you on your true love--for a.s.suredly your courts.h.i.+p runs in an uncommonly rugged course.”

At this Thorward turned on his heel and walked away in a towering pa.s.sion.

It so happened that, on drawing near to Brattalid, he met Biarne coming in the opposite direction. Nothing could have pleased him better--for in the state of his mind at the time he would have turned savagely on himself, had that been possible, in order to relieve his feelings.

”So!” he cried, confronting Biarne, ”well met! Tell me, Biarne, didst thou poison the ears of Freydissa by telling her that I had been courting thy cousin Astrid?”