Part 18 (1/2)
”Under,” Lach ordered, walking around the other side of the bed, not waiting to see if she followed his instructions. Phoebe didn't want to remove his robe, but she figured she was getting the better trade by crawling under his covers. As she settled herself against two oversized pillows propped against the headboard while pulling up the sheets, Lach handed her one of the steaming mugs and placed his on the nightstand. He removed his jeans and boxer briefs, giving her a view that she would never tire of seeing. Right now, she just needed to be held. ”Drink.”
”I noticed that when you were talking today, you didn't speak more than ten words in a sentence.” Phoebe took a sip without looking to see what was inside the cup and grimaced when it wasn't tea or coffee. She pulled it away and looked down, seeing that it was warm milk. She'd never had a taste for it before and didn't really want it now. To cover up that she wasn't going to drink anymore, she went on to explain what she meant. ”Counting helped keep me calm.”
”Wait,” Lach said, standing there in all his glory and hands on his hips, ”while there were weapons trained on us and the potential was high of us getting shot, you sat there on the couch and counted my words?”
When he said it like that, Phoebe could admit that it sounded odd. Technically, it had become a habit a long time ago and relying on it during a time of crisis had kept her composed. She lifted one shoulder slightly and looked down into the white liquid, tossing his words aside.
”Anything was better than thinking of the alternative,” Phoebe replied in a soft voice, the terror she'd felt earlier still within the vicinity. Would it ever go away? ”When you walked in there like you didn't have a care in the world, I thought for sure they'd shoot you on sight.”
”Phoebe, I wasn't saying there was a right or wrong way to think when faced with a situation like that.” Lach finally climbed onto the bed and joined her under the covers. She took the moment to place her mug on the nightstand by her side and then turned back to see him propped up on his elbow and watching her intently, but he didn't comment on her sly move. ”It actually makes me feel good that you would concentrate on something that I'm saying or doing to keep yourself calm.”
Lach finally lay back against his pillow and reached out for her, pulling her close so that she could rest her head on his chest. Phoebe made sure her cheek rested on his right side, enduring she didn't put pressure on his bruise. She couldn't say what it was...his warmth, the tenderness of his touch, the peace she felt by finally being in his arms...but a sob rose up within her, catching her off guard.
”It's okay, Phoebe,” Lach whispered against her hair, pulling her tighter against him even though it had to have caused him pain. His action made her cry harder. ”I've got you.”
Phoebe wasn't sure how long she cried, but she did know the reasons why. It was for losing a mother so early in life. It was for having come so close to losing her own life before she actually lived it. It was almost having lost her sister and that now that Kimmie had survived, she would live with a guilt that could never be taken away. It was for Agent Johanson and the family he'd left behind. It was for experiencing a fear like she'd never known existed upon seeing Lach get shot. It was for thinking she'd lost him and would have to carry out her days without him by her side.
”I didn't know l-loving someone could h-hurt so much,” Phoebe stuttered, trying to breathe through the sobs wracking her body. ”Watching y-you, s-seeing you go down l-like felt l-like my heart exploded. Please don't ever l-leave me.”
”I can't make a.s.surances of things beyond my control, but I do promise that I will never leave you voluntarily.” Lach tucked her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with his thumb, wiping away some of her tears. It wasn't the guarantee that Phoebe really wanted, but she knew it was the most paramount oath he could have given. ”I do love you, Phoebe. You don't seem to understand that if you don't survive, neither do I. I can't live without you. That much should be obvious. I should share something with you though.”
”What's that?” Phoebe whispered, grateful when he handed her tissues from the bedside table. She wiped her eyes and her nose, keeping her head tucked into the corner of his arm. She didn't want him to see her like this, but it was useless. He cradled her chin and brought her face up to his until she met his gaze. ”Lach?”
”This is the second time that I've had to save your a.s.s, and lovely as it is, I can guarantee if you put it in danger again you'll have large red handprints on your lovely a.s.s cheeks that will make it difficult for you to sit for days.” Lach released her and let his head drop back against the pillow, closing his eyes. ”Now if that's what you wanted all along, all you had to do was ask.”
Phoebe's emotions had been all over the place today, and now was no exception. She half cried and half laughed at his remarks. She couldn't seem to help herself and she felt the floodgates open up once more. She couldn't have asked for anything more when Lach stroked her hair and arm continuously until the darkness consumed her.
Lach watched as Phoebe's eyelashes fluttered on her flushed cheeks. He'd known she couldn't get warm enough earlier, so he'd turned up the heat before joining her in the bedroom. She'd only been asleep for two hours and most of that wasn't restful. He'd left the lamp sitting the bedside table on so that she wouldn't awake to darkness. He didn't want her scared and he found that he couldn't stop looking at her, relis.h.i.+ng in the fact she was and sound.
Lach placed his hand on Phoebe's shoulder when her breathing became uneven. She moved her head towards his warmth and he had to wonder if she instinctively knew that he was there, watching over her. There was a peace within him now that hadn't been there this morning. He'd made decisions that he would have to discuss with her, but a future together would contain a lot of compromising. He twirled the bottom edges of her hair, wrapping the silky strands around his fingers.
”You're deep in thought,” Phoebe whispered, catching his attention. Her nose was still red and her eyes were slightly bloodshot from crying herself to sleep. Lach brushed the back of his fingers over her cheek, taking in every detail. ”Everything okay?”
”I have you by my side.” Lach gave her a small smile, letting her know that everything was fine. He made a mental note to book another trip to California. His parents should definitely meet the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. ”I'm busy making plans. Go back to sleep and let me concentrate.”
”You aren't allowed to resort to the below ten word sentence with me,” Phoebe said, her eyes being drawn to the bruise that now contained more hues of blue, black, and green than she probably ever knew existed. Lach didn't want her attention on it, so he tapped her chin. ”I've earned a full conversation.”
”Oh really? And how did you come up with that a.s.sertion?”
”You love me.”
”That I do, little socialite,” Lach replied with a laugh, instantly wincing at the deep ache in his chest.
”What were you thinking about?”
”The changes we need to make,” Lach answered honestly, pulling the covers a little higher when he saw her s.h.i.+ver. Phoebe scooted a little closer to him, her warm legs entangling with his. ”I'll talk to Crest on Monday regarding contract work.”
”What?” Phoebe scrambled to sit up and Lach berated himself, knowing he should have waited to have this conversation with her in the morning. Her blue eyes were now wide open and there wasn't anything lethargic about her. If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn by her reaction that she'd spent time in boot camp. ”Why would you do that?”
”Because that's the way it has to be.” Lach rearranged his pillows and eased himself up slightly so that he was eye level to her. The sheet had fallen, revealing her beautifully shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s. If she wanted to have this conversation now, so be it. At least he had a view that would keep him occupied. ”You have eight weeks left before primaries. After that, you said you were handing your duties over to Mooney so that you can put your energy back into the foundation. So, for eight weeks, where you go-I go.”
”Then why resort to contract work if it's only for eight weeks?”
”Because after that, I'll be your personal security detail on your mission trips.” Lach reached out, stroking the side of her breast with his finger. She grabbed a hold of his hand, as if she couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. He grinned. ”Which, since compromise is what I'm aiming for here, you'll cut back the overseas operations and include domestic a.s.signments, which will allow me to take occasional jobs with my team.”
”Wow, you have really thought about this.” Phoebe tucked her hair behind her ear, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his shoulder. ”What happens if my father becomes President?”
”We'll make adjustments.” Lach rested his cheek on top of Phoebe's head, where she once again snuggled against him. He wrapped his arm around her and when her hand snuck down below the sheets, he quickly held it against his abdomen. ”It shouldn't change the initial summary.”
”I'm not tired.” Phoebe lifted her chin so that she could meet his gaze. Her blue eyes darkening to the sapphire color he loved clued him in to what she was about to say. ”Let me explore.”
Lach raised an eyebrow, not willing to let her get away with starting something now. They'd both had a h.e.l.l of a day and she was exhausted. She needed sleep. If he had anything to say about it, they would live long lives enjoying each other in the most carnal way.
Lach held his chest as she elicited another laugh from him. d.a.m.n, that hurt. She'd already pushed the covers down, revealing his hardened c.o.c.k. The moment she'd sat up revealing her pert b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her pink nipples, his d.i.c.k had responded. Once again, he held tight to her wrist.
”You're tired.” Lach caught her other wrist when she repositioned herself over his thighs. ”You need to rest.”
”What I need is to feel you inside of me.” Phoebe stilled and Lach saw the determination in her eyes. He slowly released her and watched as she leaned over the bed without disconnecting their contact, retrieving a condom from the bedside table. She held it up triumphantly. ”Looks like we're going to need a lot more.”
Lach smirked and allowed Phoebe to tear open the wrapper. She didn't know it, but he was giving her two minutes before he took over this show. h.e.l.l, maybe she did know it and that's why she constantly baited him. He adored her independent streak, but for f.u.c.k's sake, did it ever spur his dominance.
”You don't seem too tired,” Phoebe quipped, removing the condom and tossing the wrapper over the bed and onto the floor. She then proceeded to roll the latex over the head of his c.o.c.k, causing him to lock his jaw to prevent himself from throwing her back onto the mattress and driving himself into her. d.a.m.n, but she knew just the right amount of pressure that triggered his b.a.l.l.s to tighten. ”I bet I could help with that though.”
Lach motioned with his finger that she should lean down. When Phoebe did as he requested, he wrapped his fingers around her neck and pulled her mouth down on his. Drinking from her, he made sure he had his fill before releasing her. Her inflamed lips were now the same color as her flushed nipples. He s.h.i.+fted his hips against hers so that he could catch one in his mouth, nibbling on one of her sensitive nubs. She cried out and braced herself with her palms on his pillow.
”I didn't hear my t.i.tle,” Lach murmured against her skin, now using his teeth to hold her into place.
”Sir,” Phoebe replied breathlessly.
”Go ahead and take me inside of you.” Lach didn't release her nipple, wanting her to feel the pull when she moved her body. Phoebe hissed when she lifted her hips and slowly sank down over his c.o.c.k. The more she took of him, the more taut her nipple became between his teeth. He swiftly released her, his hands immediately holding on to her waist so that she couldn't lift up. ”I want to see you pleasure yourself at the same time.”
Lach made sure she understood what he was saying before gradually loosening his hold on her. He would initiate a scene at some point where she pleasured herself, giving him more insight to what pleased her. At the moment, he understood her desire to feel physically close to him as he had the same deep-seated animal need. It was embedded inside of them.
He locked his fingers behind his head so that he could lay back and enjoy watching what was about to take place. The dull throbbing in his chest faded away slightly as the heat of her womb engulfed his c.o.c.k. Lach opened his mouth and though it took a second, Phoebe presumed correctly that he wanted to be the one to wet her finger. She slid her middle digit into his mouth, where he encircled it with his tongue.
No words were exchanged as Phoebe pulled her hand away. Gently pulling up on her folds to expose her c.l.i.t and give him a better view, she gently placed the pad of her middle finger over the now unprotected tissue. Her eyes immediately closed at the sensation and he could feel the walls of her p.u.s.s.y contract. He tightened his fingers on the back of his head.