Part 11 (1/2)

They had only laughed and Dua had run away in confusion and frustration. They were. were. Almost every Emotional, when she was getting on to the age of triad-formation, became interested in babies, fluttering about them in Parental imitation which Dua had found repulsive. She herself had never felt such interest. Babies were only babies; they were for right-brothers to worry about. Almost every Emotional, when she was getting on to the age of triad-formation, became interested in babies, fluttering about them in Parental imitation which Dua had found repulsive. She herself had never felt such interest. Babies were only babies; they were for right-brothers to worry about.

The name-calling died as Dua grew older. It helped that she retained a girlishly rarefied structure and could flow with a smoky curl no other could duplicate. And when, increasingly, lefts and rights showed interest in her, the other Emotionals found it difficult to sneer.

And yet-and yet-now that no one ever dared speak disrespectfully to Dua (for it was well known through all the caverns that Odeen was the most prominent Rational of the generation and Dua was his mid-ling), she herself knew that she was a Left-Em past all redemption.

She didn't think it dirty-not really-but occasionally she caught herself wis.h.i.+ng she were a Rational and then she was abashed. She wondered if other Emotionals did- ever-or just once in a while-and if that was why-partly-she didn't want a baby-Emotional-because she wasn't a real Emotional herself-and didn't fill her triad-role properly- Odeen hadn't minded her being a Left-Em. He never called her that-but he liked her interest in his life-he liked her questions and he would explain and he liked the way she could understand. He even defended her when Tritt grew jealous-well, not jealous, really-but filled with a feeling that it was all unfit in his stubborn and limited outlook on the world.

Odeen had taken her to the Hard-caverns occasionally, eager to posture before Dua, and openly pleased at the fact that Dua was impressed. And she-was impressed, not so much with the clear fact of his knowledge and intelligence, but with the fact that he did not resent sharing it. (She remembered her left-father's harsh response that one time she had questioned him.) She never loved Odeen so much as when he let her share his life-and yet even that was part of her Left-Emmishness. impressed, not so much with the clear fact of his knowledge and intelligence, but with the fact that he did not resent sharing it. (She remembered her left-father's harsh response that one time she had questioned him.) She never loved Odeen so much as when he let her share his life-and yet even that was part of her Left-Emmishness.

Perhaps (this had occurred to her over and over), by being Left-Emmish, she moved closer to Odeen and farther from Tritt, and this was another reason Tritt's importunities repelled her. Odeen had never hinted at anything like that, but perhaps Tritt felt it vaguely and was unable to grasp it completely but did so well enough to be unhappy over it without being able to explain why.

The first time she was in a Hard-cavern she had heard two Hard Ones talking together. She didn't know they were talking of course. There was air vibration, very rapid, very changing, that made an unpleasant buzz deep inside her. She had to rarefy and let it through.

Odeen had said, ”They're talking.” Then, hastily, antic.i.p.ating the objection.” Their kind of talk. They understand each other.” kind of talk. They understand each other.”

Dua had managed to grasp the concept. It was all the more delightful to understand quickly because that pleased Odeen so. (He once said, ”None of the other Rationals I've ever met have anything but an empty-head for an Emotional. I'm lucky.” She had said, ”But the other Rationals seem to like empty-heads. Why are you different from them, Odeen?” Odeen did not deny that the other Rationals liked empty-heads. He just said, ”I've never figured it out and I don't think it's important that I do. I'm pleased with you and I'm pleased that I'm pleased.”) She said, ”Can you you understand Hard-One talk?” understand Hard-One talk?”

”Not really,” said Odeen. ”I can't sense the changes fast enough. Sometimes I can get a feel for what they're saying, even without understanding, especially after we've melted. Just sometimes, though. Getting feels like that is really an Emotional trick, except even if an Emotional does it, she can never make real sense out of what she's feeling. You You might, though.” might, though.”

Dua demurred. ”I'd be afraid to. They might not like it.”

”Oh, go on. I'm curious. See if you can tell what they're talking about.”

”Shall I? Really?”

”Go ahead. If they catch you and are annoyed, I'll say I made you do it.”


”I promise.”

Feeling rather fluttery, Dua let herself reach out to the Hard Ones, and adopted the total pa.s.sivity that allowed the influx of feelings.

She said, ”Excitement! They're excited. Someone new.”

Odeen said, ”Maybe that's Estwald.”

It was the first time Dua had heard the name. She said, ”That's funny.”

”What's funny?”

”I have the feeling of a big sun. A really big sun.”

Odeen looked thoughtful. ”They might be talking about that.”

”But how can that be?”

It was just at that time that the Hard Ones spied them. They approached in a friendly manner and greeted them in Soft-One fas.h.i.+on of speech. Dua was horribly embarra.s.sed and wondered if they knew she had been sensing them. If they did, though, they said nothing.

(Odeen told her afterward that it was quite rare to come upon Hard Ones talking among themselves in their own fas.h.i.+on. They always deferred to the Soft Ones and seemed always to suspend their own work when Soft Ones were there. ”They like us so much,” said Odeen. ”They are very kind.”) Once in awhile he would take her down to the Hard-caverns-usually when Tritt was entirely wrapped up in the children. Nor did Odeen go out of his way to tell Tritt that he had taken Dua down. It was sure to evoke some response to the effect that Odeen's coddling simply encouraged Dua's reluctance to sun herself and just made the melting that much more ineffective. ... It was hard to talk to Tritt for more than five minutes without melting coming into the conversation.

She had even come down alone once or twice. It had always frightened her a little to do so, though the Hard Ones she met were always friendly, always ”very kind,” as Odeen said. But they did not seem to take her seriously. They were pleased, but somehow amused-she could feel that definitely-when she asked questions. And when they answered it was in a simple way that carried no information. ”Just a machine, Dua,” they would say. ”Odeen might be able to tell you.”

She wondered if she had met Estwald. She never quite dared ask the names of the Hard Ones she met (except Losten, to whom Odeen had introduced her, and of whom she heard a great deal). Sometimes it seemed to her that this Hard One or that might be he. Odeen talked about him with great awe and with some resentment.

She gathered that he was too engaged in work of the deepest importance to be in the caverns accessible to the Soft Ones.

She pieced together what Odeen told her and, little by little, discovered that the world needed food badly. Odeen hardly ever called it ”food.” He said ”energy” instead, and said it was the Hard-One word for it.

The Sun was fading and dying but Estwald had discovered how to find energy far away, far beyond the Sun, far beyond the seven stars that shone in the dark, night-sky. (Odeen said the seven stars were seven suns that were very distant, and that there were many other stars that were even more distant and were too dim to be seen. Tritt had heard him say that and had asked of what use it was for stars to exist if they couldn't be seen and he didn't believe a word of it. Odeen had said, ”Now, Tritt,” in a patient way. Dua had been about to say something very like that which Tritt had said, but changed her mind after that.) It looked, now, as, though there would be plenty of energy forever; plenty of food-at least as soon as Estwald and the other Hard Ones learned to make the new energy taste right.

It had only been a few days ago when she had said to Odeen, ”Do you remember, long ago, when you took me to the Hard-caverns and I sensed the Hard Ones and said I caught the feeling of a big sun?”

Odeen looked puzzled for a moment. ”I'm not sure. But go ahead, Dua. What about it?”

”I've been thinking. Is the big Sun the source of the new energy?”

Odeen had said, happily, ”That's good, Dua. It's not quite right, but that's such good intuition for an Emotional.”

And now Dua had been moving slowly, rather moodily, during all this time of reveries. Without particularly noting the pa.s.sage of either time or s.p.a.ce she found herself in the Hard-caverns and was just beginning to wonder if she had really delayed all she safely could and whether she might not turn home now and face the inevitable annoyance of Tritt when-almost as though the thought of Tritt had brought it about-she sensed Tritt The sensation was so strong that there was only one confused moment in which she had thought that somehow she was picking up his feelings far away in the home cavern. No! No! He was here, down in the Hard-caverns with her. He was here, down in the Hard-caverns with her.

But what could he be doing here? Was he pursuing her? Was he going to quarrel with her here? here? Was he foolishly going to appeal to the Hard Ones? Dua didn't think she could endure that- Was he foolishly going to appeal to the Hard Ones? Dua didn't think she could endure that- And then the feeling of cold horror left her and was replaced by astonishment. Tritt was not thinking of her at all. He had to be unaware of her presence. All she could sense about him was an overwhelming feeling of some sort of determination, mixed with fear and apprehension at something he would do.

Dua might have penetrated farther and found out something, at least, about what it was he had done, and why, but nothing was further from her thoughts. Since Tritt didn't know she was in the vicinity, she wanted to make sure of only one thing-that he continued not to know.

She did, then, almost in pure reflex, something that a moment before she would have sworn she would never dream of doing under any circ.u.mstances.

Perhaps it was (she later thought) because of her idle reminiscences of that little-girl talk with Doral, or her memories of her own experiments with rock-rubbing. (There was a complicated adult word for it but she found that word infinitely more embarra.s.sing than the one all the children had used.) In any case, without quite knowing what she was doing or, for a short while afterward, what she had done, she simply flowed hastily into the nearest wall.

Into it! Every bit of her!

The horror of what she had done was mitigated by the perfect manner in which it accomplished its purpose. Tritt pa.s.sed by within almost touching distance and remained completely unaware that at one point he might have reached out and touched his mid-ling.

By that time, Dua had no room to wonder what Tritt might be doing in the Hard-caverns if he had not come in pursuit of her.

She forgot Tritt completely.

What filled her instead was1pure astonishment at her position. Even in childhood she had never melted completely into rock or met anyone who admitted she had (though there were invariably tales of someone else who had). Certainly no adult Emotional ever had or could. could. Dua. was unusually rarefied even for an Emotional (Odeen was fond of telling her that) and her avoidance of food accentuated this (as Tritt often said). Dua. was unusually rarefied even for an Emotional (Odeen was fond of telling her that) and her avoidance of food accentuated this (as Tritt often said).

What she had just done indicated the extent of her rarefaction more than any amount of right-ling scolding and for a moment she was ashamed and sorry for Tritt.

And then she was swept by a deeper shame. What if she were caught? She, an adult- If a Hard One pa.s.sed and lingered- She could not possibly bring herself to emerge if anyone were watching but how long could she stay within and what if they discovered her in in the rock? the rock?

And even as she thought that, she sensed the Hard Ones and then-somehow-realized they were far away.

She paused, strove to calm herself The rock, permeating and surrounding her, lent a land of grayness to her perception but didn't dim it. Instead, she sensed more sharply. She could still sense Tritt in his steady motion downward as sharply as though he were by her side, and she could sense the HardOnes though they were a cavern complex away. She though they were a cavern complex away. She saw saw the Hard Ones, every single one of them, each in his place, and could sense their vibratory speech to the fullest detail, and even catch bits of what they were saying. the Hard Ones, every single one of them, each in his place, and could sense their vibratory speech to the fullest detail, and even catch bits of what they were saying.

She was sensing as she never had before and never dreamed she could.

So, though she could now leave the rock, secure in the knowledge she was both alone and un.o.bserved, she did not; partly out of amazement, partly out of the curious exultation she felt at understanding and her desire to experience it further.