Part 5 (1/2)
He opened his book and showed a single page. It was completely blank, apart from a short paragraph in German and a few geometric doodles in the margin. Marx's hairy face almost looked humble.
'Oh,' said the Pirate Captain. 'I'm sure it's very good. What does it mean?'
'It means nothing, sir. It's little more than the lyrics to a song that I couldn't get out of my head all night.'
'Ah. Well, I've finished mine. But don't feel bad it's probably not all that.'
The Pirate Captain handed over his hastily stapled-together wodge of papers. The front cover featured a picture of the Pirate Captain leaning on a gate and looking clever, beneath the t.i.tle The Wit and Wisdom of the Pirate Captain. A ragged cheer erupted from the a.s.sembled pirates, and they waved their flags.
'All right, lads, give it a rest,' said the Pirate Captain. He'd rather they didn't make things worse by raising everybody's expectations.
Marx cracked open the book and started reading. 'You can't have a rainbow . . . without a little rain,' read Marx slowly. He turned the page and read on. 'By observing the natural world, we can deduce that the best way to impress girls is by being aloof, then funny, then deep in that order.' Marx licked a finger and turned the page again. 'It is my opinion that there are several different kinds of face. There are ”plate” faces, which are flat with upturned chins. There are ”potatoes”, which are shapeless and may be lumpy. There are ”lion” type faces, which tend to have flat, broad noses and-' Marx stopped, and fixed the Pirate Captain with a serious stare. 'Is this all your work, Pirate Captain?'
The Pirate Captain looked sheepish. 'Yes. It's just a first draft, you realise.'
'But it's brilliant!' exclaimed Marx, slapping his forehead. 'It's . . .' He leafed furiously through the book. 'There's all sorts here recipes, jokes, puzzles, little observations . . . and what's this? A list of what's hot and what's not!'
'I do a new one every so often,' said the Pirate Captain.
'So do I! I tend to stick to philosophers and macroeconomic trends, but it's the same principle! Oh, Pirate Captain, we have more in common than I realised!'
'You really like it?'
'It's a triumph! I love the ”pick it up and put it down” approach. I could keep this in my toilet and edify visitors to my house. This is astounding!'
'I think I've misjudged you,' said the Pirate Captain.
'And I you,' said Marx. 'You see, Engels? This is where I've been going wrong why, Das Kapital didn't even have a single page to colour in!'
'Oh, look,' said the Pirate Captain, 'there's Paris.' He beamed.
19 A tip for students of philosophy: writing philosophy is quite tricky. You need to make a cogent and logical argument based on accepted premises. You can't just get away with reading a bit of someone else's work and then vehemently disagreeing with it to hide the fact you don't really know what you're talking about.
20 s.h.i.+p's biscuits would be baked three times, in order to make it as tough as possible for weevils to burrow into them. An unfortunate side effect of this is that when you're seven years old and you go on a school visit to HMS Victory and they give you an authentic s.h.i.+p's biscuit and you try to take a great big bite out of it, chances are you'll lose a tooth and end up crying for the rest of the trip.
Paris in those days also had its fair share of cholera-ridden hags and infant death and mud, but the cholera-ridden hags coughed with slightly more continental elan, and the infant death only seemed to strike the uglier babies. The mud was pretty much the same. Even though the pirates didn't have any real reason to be disguised, several of them had cut their hair into chic bobs and bought themselves tiny dogs to carry about. The pirate in red pointed out how useful the Pirate Captain's French language skills would prove to be now they were actually in France, but the Pirate Captain said that he spoke such a complex dialect the Parisians probably wouldn't be able to understand him, so in fact he would be sticking to English for the duration of their visit, and anybody who was minded to bring the subject up again would be advised to keep quiet.
'I suppose,' said the Pirate Captain to Marx, as they strolled down a leafy boulevard, with Engels and the pirate with a scarf hefting their luggage a little way behind, 'that there's some clever way we get in touch with these Paris communists? Something to do with code words inserted into the Le Monde crossword? ”Three across the swallow flies east tonight”. ”Shadowy meetings in the park”. That kind of thing?'
'No, Pirate Captain,' replied Marx. 'We're on the more enlightened continent now, where we communists are not vilified like in London. In fact, a group of my followers have set up the Paris Commune, as a sort of utopian model of how society should be, lived according to my philosophical principles.'21 'A utopian society!' said the albino pirate excitedly.
'With lady models! And as much meat as you can eat!'
'And furniture made from that Spanish ham that tastes of fruit!'
'And intelligent, talking dogs that brush your teeth for you!'
The pirates all got so carried away with imagining what a perfect utopian society would be like that they didn't even notice that they'd already arrived at the Commune. It was a bit of a let-down. But the pirates tried their best to hide their disappointment.22 'Funny sort of utopia,' muttered the Pirate Captain, pulling away some of the peeling paint from the door. A hand-written sign said 'No door-to-door salesmen, no circulars and no bourgeois oppression'. Marx rang the bell, and before long a baleful-looking eye appeared at the peephole and peered out at them. Then there was the sound of several bolts being drawn back, and the door creaked open to reveal a French communist in a beret.
'Comrades!' boomed Marx, ushering the pirates into the hallway. 'These are my new friends. This is the Pirate Captain, and these are his aquatic crew. I know they look like questionable types, but the Pirate Captain here is a fellow philosopher.'
'h.e.l.lo, pirates,' said the communists.
'h.e.l.lo, communists,' said the pirates.
After that, the conversation lapsed a bit. Normally, the Pirate Captain would put this down to how bad his crew were at mingling with non-work people, but in this instance he had to partly blame the communists. They seemed glum, especially for a group of people living in a utopia. n.o.body was singing, or laughing, or even reading out stirring political poetry. Mostly the French communists looked like somebody had just that second told them the truth about Santa.
'Things haven't been going well in London,' said Marx. 'We've had to flee because someone is trying to ruin our reputation.'
'Oh, dear me. It's the same here,' said one of the communists miserably. 'All sorts of terrible things have been happening, and we seem to get the blame for everything.'
By way of explanation the communist indicated a stack of old newspapers piled up on the coffee table. Marx's eyes flicked across the headlines.
'It goes on in the same vein. Just last week we were accused of stealing nine bears from the Paris zoo. What would we do with nine bears?' said the communist, sounding a little exasperated.
'You could get them to form one of those human pyramid things, except with bears, instead of humans,' suggested the Pirate Captain. 'Actually, you'd only need six bears to make a pyramid, but the other three could be spares.'
'We didn't steal any bears.'
'That's a pity. I'd have liked to have seen a bear pyramid.'
'This is bleak,' said Marx, shaking his bushy beard. 'My reputation back in England is in tatters, and now I find out that our troubles seem to have followed us here to France.'
'Would you like to hear my considered philosophical opinion, Marx?' said the Pirate Captain, trying to lighten the mood.
'By all means, Captain.'
'I think of it like this there are only two certainties in life. One is the inevitability of death, and the other is uncertainty itself. So when everything seems to be going badly, it's probably meant to be. Or perhaps it's fate. Either way, it's something we'll never really know, and it doesn't pay to waste too much time thinking about it. Eat a chop instead.'
'Dr Marx,' said Jennifer. 'it's obvious you and your communists have a lot to discuss, and we were thinking that it might be nice for us pirates to see a few sights.'
'Yes, good idea,' said the Pirate Captain. 'A lot of people follow our adventures with a view to getting travel tips and ideas, because we go to so many exotic climes. So I think it's only right that whilst we're here in Paris we check out the local attractions.'
'While your pirates do that, perhaps you would accompany me to the salon?' said Marx to the Pirate Captain.
The Pirate Captain looked a bit dubious at this suggestion. 'Is that a salon like we have in England, where you go to get a fancy new haircut? It's just that I never let anybody but the pirate with a scarf cut my hair. Between you, me and the gatepost, I have a slightly funny-shaped head, and if I'm not careful I end up looking like that Nefert.i.ti bust. He does these clever feathery bits, hides it very well.'
'Yes, I see. But you needn't worry. It's not like one of those salons, but rather a place where the Parisian elite go to discuss intellectual matters of the day. It will be a fantastic introduction of your philosophies to the wider world.' Marx clapped the Captain on the back. 'And I must confess to a selfish interest, because I have a feeling that by bringing you along, I may be able to restore my popularity.'
'Oh, well, that's different. It sounds right up my street,' said the Pirate Captain. 'I love intellectual matters of the day.'
The pirate with a scarf held up his hand, looking a little anxious. 'Pirate Captain, do you think sitting about in a Paris salon talking about stuff counts as an adventure any more than sitting about in London did?'