Part 18 (1/2)

Gossamyr Michele Hauf 61210K 2022-07-22

”Newlings are rare. Faeries generally mate for life; a pairing that sees but a single child.”

”Sounds like we mortals-though we do tend to have hordes of children. So you marry and have children and settle long and happy lives?”

”Marriage is not common. It is reserved for royals and the upper caste. Commoners merely...I don't know...join and have children. I believe it is called honeymooning. But a faery's fickle heart affords much time to discover a life mate.”

Desideriel was rumored to romance a new woman every new moon. A rogue who might never be tamed following their vows? She hoped he would turn true to her, but did not expect something so untouchable as love.

”Oftentimes, they never wed, and instead choose the singular life with a.s.sorted partners. A child is never born of such a situation.”

”Sounds freeing. To sort through a variety of choices before finally settling?”

He shrugged at her wondering lift of brow. A soft, deep chuckle, innately male, was followed by his dazzling smile. ”I am a man, Gossamyr. We men...fickle though our hearts may be, do enjoy our women. And if given the freedom to pick and choose?”

Such freedom was far from Gossamyr's reach. For Glamoursiege, as s.h.i.+nn would remind.

”I should like to marry for love,” she said. Trailing her fingers over the surface of the stream, she fell into the fantasy of a life she would choose for herself. ”My mother loved a man who sought her out every morning merely to watch her wake. The blush of waking, s.h.i.+nn had once told me, is the most beautiful color on a woman's face.”

”It is true. So smooth and perfect, a woman's lips, like tiny little sweets upon a king's table.” Ulrich's sigh evoked a longing in Gossamyr. How she would like a man to look upon her with such reverence. ”Er, I suppose you will wed a faery man? Can you ever return?” Ulrich asked.

”Of course .”

When s.h.i.+nn saw to retrieving her, for she had not an idea in all the Spiral how else to return. Without twinclian she was a literal prisoner on the Otherside.

” will return?”

”Anon. When my mission is complete.”

”Of course, you must. So! Are all faery warriors women, then?”

Gossamyr smirked and stroked the base of her throat. ”I explained before, male and female fee are equal. I took this mission because I was the only one qualified for it. My father was reluctant to send his daughter to the very land that stole away his wife-”

”Your mother was stolen from you? Be that something like the Dance?”

”Not at all, it was the mortal pa.s.sion.” She s.h.i.+fted on her feet, moving closer to Ulrich. The need to scent him remained fore.

”And do you have this mortal pa.s.sion?”

”I pray not.”

Those words came out more quickly than the truth registered in her brain. Of course the pa.s.sion festered within her. Else she would not at this moment stand ready to enter an embattled city. And she would not be sitting so close to a mortal man merely because he intrigued. Nor, she suspected, would the air entice with every light step she took.

The mortal world lay beneath her feet. No one stopped her from seeking. Perhaps-following their defeat-she would listen to the mortal opera and watch a comedy in the theater. Ride upon the great barges floating the river and listen to the choirs sing under a lusciously arched nave in a grand cathedral. The bestiary had ill.u.s.trated the beautiful colored windows and alluded to the tempestuous religions that reigned in the center of many a war between the mortals.

And then there was the chance she may stumble across him.

But to stay? She did not wish to go rogue! And there was always Time of which to be wary.

Ulrich's open expression beseeched her to continue.

”I do not have the leisure to think on anything but defeating the Red Lady. She will not see me coming until it is too late.”

”You are brave.” He reached and touched her forehead, smoothing aside a strand of hair that had escaped the tight plaits. Gossamyr flinched at the touch, but Ulrich made a soothing sound deep in his throat. Ah, that throaty rumble, initially frightening to her, but now it fit in her breast- right-as she fit here in this air.

”I mean you no ill.” He lingered as his fingers traveled down to her shoulder.

”It is said,” she offered, ”that a fee who is touched by a mortal receives a chill that cleaves to his bones ever after.”

”That be mortal touched.”


”Do you wish me to stop touching you?”

She clasped his wrist, but let it go immediately. ”Your touch... gentles.”

”Your hair is soft and s.h.i.+ny. So elegant these twists of summer suns.h.i.+ne,” he marveled.

”Witch plaits. They keep away-”

”Witches?” He gave a soft chuckle. ”So faeries are as superst.i.tious as we mortals?”

She twisted her head, tugging at the tips of her plaits, and eyed Ulrich's hand, which, in the strangest way, claimed. She regarded the touch as personal for it lighted a flame in her breast and stirred-just a little-her reasoning. What did the man want from her? She would never again wager her heart. Not for the ache that still pulsed within. You could find him. Mayhap he has thought of you?

”Your closeness causes wonder, Ulrich.”

”Ah. Indeed. Not minding my own caution.” He snapped back his hand, but did not change the distance between them, which was fine for Faery but far too close for his mortal reasoning. ”Mortal touched aside, have you never been touched by a faery man?”

She twisted her neck, tilting her chin away from him. ”Why ask you that?”

”Just a little jumpy. You don't like my being so close.” A tilt of his head hushed his breath across the bridge of her nose. ”How is it when you deem it fine, it is, but when I decide to, it is not.”

”It is...uncomfortable.”

Now he caressed her chin. Commanding fingers forced her to look back at him, yet the gentlest smile filled his eyes. ”Perhaps there are a few wonders for you to discover in this Otherside, eh?”

”Mayhap you guess at something I know well?” She pushed from his touch and began to march alongside the stream. But frustration kept her from treading too far, so she turned back. She wanted to look him in the eye. To challenge his teasing. Gossamyr de Winters.h.i.+nn stepped from no challenge!

”Ah, so the woman has had a lover.”

”You imply very much!”

Putting up both palms to placate, he then stood and brushed off his cloak. ”Just making small talk.”

A slash of her staff connected just below his chin. A jerk lifted his head so he had to look down at her. ”It is small when you seek intimate means with someone you know so little.”

”I merely seek to know you better. I did not intend to offend.”

Gossamyr followed his parti-colored strides as he paced over and stepped inside the sh.e.l.l of the mill. Tall and lithe, a quiet fluidity marked his movements. If she must sum him up he was a fine mortal man. Not so c.o.c.ksure as the fee male.

Marry your daughter, my lord? Er...