Part 16 (1/2)
”You've plans to use it? How? And don't you dare say- This is my concern!”
Gossamyr swung up her staff, preparing to catch him under the chin, but Ulrich slapped his palm across the end of the stick. His boldness raised her ire. How dare this pitiful mortal handle the alicorn!
”Very well.” He held the alicorn like a sword. It peeked from the black cloth, threatening with its beauty. ”It is legend the one who returns the alicorn to its rightful owner is in return granted one wish. I need that wish, and I will have it.”
”To bring life to your dead damsel?”
”You are most perceptive.”
”It is a cruel magic you seek to employ. I will not have it!”
”It is not your place to have it or not to have it. The alicorn is mine, paid for with real coin-coin that does not disperse to dust.”
”It belongs to no man! Least of all no mortal man.”
”I told you I intend to return it.”
”For your own gain!”
Ulrich tipped the air with the horn. ”Yes, my gain. But tell me how else this thing will ever find its way back to the unicorn. If I simply succ.u.mbed to evil and let it ride off with the prize it would never again see the unicorn. Someone has to bring it to the beast. That someone will be me.”
”Oh? And where do you plan to find a unicorn? And a hornless one at that!”
”I am...following my heart.”
Gossamyr snorted. The man actually bristled. He had no right to take offense!
”It is a real feeling I have had ever since taking claim to the alicorn. I am being led. And so I follow.”
”To Paris?”
”Indeed. So, if you wish to keep an eye on the thing then remain by my side. But I promise a fight should you even consider taking it from me.”
”I would not touch the alicorn if the only other option were facing a throng of revenants.” Only the pure of heart could press flesh to the alicorn and not suffer burns or great calamity. Everyone knew that!
”Well then, your argument fades. Shall we be off?”
Such dread filled her gut, completely opposite, Gossamyr felt, of how she should feel to be in the presence of the sacred horn. The song of the alicorn was muted, wrapped within the black cloth. Wicked portents caressed her bones. Evil wants it?
”Keep it tucked away.”
”Trust me, I will. But it will matter little; evil will find us.”
”Evil...” Gossamyr was suddenly struck by a realization. But of course- it must be! ”You say you follow your heart?”
”Yes, a calling; as if I am being led.”
”Why Paris? The mortal city is as far from Faery as one can possibly travel. Certainly no place for a unicorn.”
”As I said, I am merely following my instincts. I sense that is where my troubles will find relief. So Paris it is.”
Instincts? I am being led. Could the Red Lady be luring Ulrich to Paris? It made sense. Because a unicorn in the great city of Disenchantment defied all logic.
Gossamyr paced, her eye keen upon the wrapped horn in Ulrich's grip. Suddenly the lightness of this mortal air had been stirred to a wicked simmer of intrigue and confusion. From the moment she had set foot on the Otherside Ulrich had been impossible to shrug off. Had her original instincts been true? Did he accompany her for a purpose?
Had some part of Faery known what he carried in the tattered saddlebag? And so the enchanted wood would not have allowed her to march off alone, but to accompany the one thing that could restore Enchantment complete to Faery.
”The alicorn is the key,” she said.
Swiping a hand across his dirt-smeared face, Ulrich stared at Gossamyr. He handled the horn with such disregard. Impossible that he knew its true power. Mayhap that was a boon, for in the hands of the unknowing the alicorn could be little more than a nuisance-which stirs up evil.
Wherever I go, evil follows. And evil wants it.
It seduced all far and wide. So why had she not sensed it? So close for two days and not even a hint of the Enchantment within a stride? To think on it overmuch troubled. Time-her mortal enemy-would not allow more than reaction.
Gossamyr retrieved her staff, and with a glance to the men, then scanned for the mounts. Both chargers and her palfrey galloped toward the horizon. ”Isn't that some luck?” She patted Fancy's saddlebags. Briefly she sought for something, a vibration, some call from the contents. Nothing. ”We are in this together now. She knows.”
”We are? Wh-who knows?”
”The Red Lady. I believe she entices thee toward Paris. An alicorn in the hands of that woman would prove chaos.”
”You mean I'm being led to Paris by-by evil?”
”You said so yourself.”
”But I thought...well, I a.s.sumed... By the same red woman who has been sucking the innards from your rogue faery men? Let's turn around. I'd prefer to keep my insides intact, if you don't mind.”
”You told me you followed an instinct. That you can think only to travel to Paris.”
”Indeed.” Fingers to chin in thought, his eyes darted furiously across the ground. Fear brightened the blue to overwhelm the white. Gossamyr could verily scent his distraction, taste the fear brewing out from his every breath. ”So we were meant to travel together?”
”It may have been Enchanted, the forest.”
”That must be it!” Spinning into a grand gesture, arms punching the air and head tilted back, Ulrich ended with a stomp and a splay of arms before her. ”A man mustn't question destiny. We were meant to come together.”
”I knew nothing of the contraband alicorn you carry when we first met. Which begs to wonder now why you were so eager to remain with me.”
”Truth?” Ulrich shrugged. ”When I thought you were a faery I couldn't summon a better traveling companion. If there is a unicorn in seek of its horn surely an enchanted being will attract it more quickly than a mere mortal.”
”I cannot believe you simply intended to ride about Paris until your path crosses with the unicorn.”
”Dangling my half faery as bait.”
She sneered at him. To be called bait made her feel low as a slithering insect. He said it in jest, surely. On the other hand, he held no fealty to her or Faery. He simply sought his own means, with no regard for her fate. Not an ally.
”Is there a simpler way to call the beast to my side? I forgot my virginal maiden at home.” He swallowed. All angles on his face fell and tightened with a quickening grimace. ”Rhiana, she died a cruel death.”
A name? Yet another truth from the man's past. But such information softened Gossamyr's stern need to push away the mortal who held Enchantment hostage. ”I am sorry for your loss.”
He splayed a sweeping hand through the air in a lost gesture, ending it with a powerful punch. ”Every road I take I meet a bad thing that wants to crush my skull and make off with the alicorn. And you've been little help thus far.”