Part 8 (1/2)


That night, as Reardon slept, two women were murdered in an apartment on Fifth Avenue and 12th Street, a fas.h.i.+onable area in the center of Greenwich Village. When Smith informed Reardon of the crime the next morning he described it as a ”b.l.o.o.d.y” and told Reardon that Piccolini wanted to talk to him.

”Have you read the report on the murder of those two girls in the Village?” Piccolini asked. To Piccolini all females were girls, no matter what their age.

”How old were they?” Reardon asked.

”Twenties. It's all in the report. You didn't read it yet, huh?”


”Well, it's all in there. In the report. It's on your desk.”

”I haven't been to my desk.”

Piccolini looked irritated. Reardon knew that not going to the desk first thing struck Piccolini as being symptomatic of a serious social maladjustment. ”Well, anyway, Mathesson was over there this morning, and there are some strange things about it. It might be a good idea for you to take a look. Like there's a number scrawled on the wall of their apartment, and it's the same number.”

”Two?” Reardon asked.


Reardon felt a wave of tension pa.s.s over his body. ”A roman numeral?”

”No, it's in Spanish. Dos. And it's written in blood.”

”What was the weapon?”

”Probably some kind of broad-bladed knife. And another thing: one of them was hacked up real bad, and the other one was killed with one blow. Just one. That's it.”

”Do you have a pathologist's report?”

”No. The bodies are still at the apartment.” Piccolini looked pleadingly at Reardon. ”Look, why don't you just go over there. Just go on over there. You'll get more there than out of me. Talk to Mathesson about the details. He's been there since early this morning.”

Reardon nodded.

”All I'm saying is that we maybe have more than a deer killer on our hands. So if by chance you've been feeling deprived of your homicide cases, well, now you've got one. If it turns out there's no connection between the two cases that's okay, but the burden of proof has to go against the connection.”

With Piccolini Reardon could never tell whether phrases like ”burden of proof” came from reading or television. ”I'll let you know what I find,” he said.

At the apartment of the murdered women Reardon found the usual swarm of investigators. They were dusting for fingerprints and photographing the bodies from every conceivable angle. A group of uniformed officers stood in corners chatting about baseball scores or comparing arrest records, but otherwise the room was a welter of activity. Mathesson stood near the center of the room writing in his notebook.

”It doesn't look like they were s.e.xually abused,” he said as Reardon approached him.

Reardon scanned the apartment. It looked as if it had been blown up with a hand grenade. Everything was in disarray * overturned, scattered, bloodied. ”They look like they were pretty abused without it.”

”We think they died sometime between midnight and five in the morning,” Mathesson said. ”We can't get much closer than that right now. We're checking everybody in the building, trying to find out when they got home.”

”Who were they?” Reardon asked.

”Two roommates. Both names are on the mailboxes downstairs. One of them is named Lee McDonald, and the other one * the one in the other room * is named Karen Ortovsky.”

”Anything else?”

”McDonald worked at a law firm. The other one worked for some fas.h.i.+on place. A designer, maybe. Something like that.” Mathesson's face turned ruminative. ”But there's something kind of funny.”

”What's that?”

”Well, we haven't been able to find any address book or anything like that around here. There's a lot of cash. Fifty-five dollars in this little desk, another seventy-five in the kitchen, and a hundred and twenty bucks in a night stand in the other room. But no address book at all. No file of telephone numbers. No list of friends. Nothing like that. It don't seem quite right, to tell you the truth. I mean, h.e.l.l, every woman has a list of names and telephone numbers.”

Reardon peered around the room. ”Did you check the back of the phone book?”

”Yeah. Nothing. Blank. No names written in it or circled anywhere in the book.” He looked for some response in Reardon's face, then he added: ”A couple of boys are going through all the clothes in the bedroom, but so far we just got the stuff in their purses, you know. Company ID's and credit cards. That sort of s.h.i.+t.”

Reardon took out his notebook. ”Give me the names of the companies they worked for.”

Mathesson took out his notebook and quickly thumbed through it until he reached the correct page. ”McDonald worked for a law firm named Bailey, Merritt and White. They're at 1604 Sixth Avenue. The other one worked at Tristan Designers at 147 West 37th Street.”

”Okay. And find out which bank they used and check out any safety deposit boxes they might have had. There might be something in them we ought to know about. And keep looking for some kind of address book. I don't see any signs of a forced entry here so they may have known the killer, may have had his name written down somewhere.”

”Yeah,” Mathesson said, ”like I said, that might explain why they're missing names and numbers.”

”Maybe,” Reardon said.

”Well, I guess you want to look around.”


”The other one's tied up in the bedroom closet,” Mathesson said.

Reardon nodded. He took a deep breath, exhaled quickly, nervously, stepped past Mathesson and walked farther into the apartment. He did not like what he saw.

Lee McDonald lay near the far wall, opposite the apartment entrance. She had been butchered like a hog on a rack, stabbed in both eyes, her throat cut almost to the spinal column. There were deep slashes in both her thighs and one long deep cut across her left jaw. One breast had been almost severed from her body and hung like a flap over her rib cage. The other breast had been flayed open by numerous thrusts of the blade. She had been stabbed completely through one hand, splitting it in two between the middle and index fingers.

”All her clothes were just cut off her,” Mathesson said as he stepped up behind Reardon. ”Like opening a package.”

Slithers of clothing lay scattered about the room like discarded ribbons. All the furniture on the right side of the room * two small chairs and a table * was overturned; one of the chairs had been thrown all the way to the other side of the room and rested on its side near Lee McDonald's ankles. On the back wall a painting was tipped far to the right, and the small pink sofa that rested below it was dappled with blood. The left wall of the room was covered with blood, but none of the furniture was disturbed.

From the position of the body and its condition, and from the splotches on the walls, Reardon could visualize what must have happened in that room during the last two or three minutes of Lee McDonald's life.

Someone had come through the front and only door of the apartment. He had had with him * under his coat or wrapped like a package or hidden in a newspaper * a broad-bladed knife, perhaps ten to twelve inches long and three to five inches wide at its greatest width. With this weapon, and perhaps some other one * even a gun * he had forced both women into the adjoining bedroom, where he had tied up Karen Ortovsky and dumped her in the bedroom closet like a bag of dirty laundry.

Then he must have told Lee to come with him into the living room. Either that, or she had attempted flight, tried to make it to the only door. But too late.

”Where's the other woman?” Reardon asked.

Mathesson pointed to the open bedroom door. ”In there.”