Part 32 (1/2)

”What?” I tease, knowing he can feel the effect he has on me.

His lips hover over mine and my hands tangle in the s.h.a.ggy dark curls at the base of his neck. I close my eyes and imagine Beck the way he should look: blond messy waves, chiseled jaw, dimple, olive eyes.

His hands run up my back to my bare shoulders and heat spreads throughout my body.

”I love you,” he whispers.

Kyra gasps. My guards are watching Ryker and me kiss. And Ryker say he loves me.

And every one of them knows there's something not right about that.

Over Beck's shoulder, Annalise glares at us. She folds her arms across her chest. I draw a quick breath and imagine different scenarios in which what just happened is even possible.

I step back and rub my hands down the front of my skirt, stalling for time. The best thing is to pretend like it was unexpected. Which is was. But I need to act aloof. Or even upset.

”What was that?” I accuse, forcing a tinge of anger into my voice.

Beck rubs his bicep. ”I thought...I'm sorry, Lark. I thought you'd be okay with it. It seemed like...”

”Like what? Like I wanted you to force yourself on me?” I set my jaw hard. ”Don't forget what happened last time.” Fire, I think. I tried to set Ryker on fire on our binding night.

I know. ”Are you going to set me on fire again?” The conversation is seamless, yet next to Annalise, Kyra frantically taps her wristlet, and my panic grows as the color drains from her face.

”Annalise?” Beck calls. ”When will Malin be back? Lark and I need some time alone to discuss what happened, but I don't want to miss dinner.”

His question falls on deaf ears. Kyra's body shakes and her lip trembles as she holds out her wristlet to Annalise.

Something bad has happened. Kyra's trying to not be hysterical, Beck says to me. Can you sense it?

The deluge of horror coming from the knot of guards is overwhelming and I brace myself against it. If I let it all hit me at once, I can't control my magic.

Beck wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. The action doesn't match our conversation, but not one of my guards notice.

Are you able to tell what's happened?

I think they know. Beck strokes my arm. ”I'm so sorry, Lark. For everything. I didn't want this to happen.”

”What are you talking about?”

He squeezes my hand. ”I thought things would be different.”

Several members of Mother's staff appear at the end of the walkway and confer with my guards. They're too far away for me to hear, but Kyra paces wildly along the edge of the group and keeps her eyes turned from me.

”You need to go. Transport or something. Just get out of here.”

”I can't leave you alone to deal with this.”

Suddenly, Annalise spins around and her raven-colored ponytail flies behind her like a dark flag.

All eyes are on us and I keep my hands loose, ready to strike. There's enough fear and misery in this garden to make me lethal, and while I don't want to hurt anyone, no one is going to hurt Beck.

”Kyra?” I say evenly. ”Is everything okay.”

Annalise vanishes and reappears at my side. Her closeness sends electricity rippling through me.

”You need to come with me,” she says.

Another guard appears next to Beck.

I position myself between Beck and the guard. My hands are in the ready position, near my chest, palms out.

Annalise's arm darts out and she slaps a piece of metal around my wrist. I stare at the restraint in disbelief.

”You're restraining me? Why? What did I do?”

”Go home, Ryker.” Beck takes a step toward me and she cuts him down with an icy glare. ”Now.”

I dig my shoes into the dirt, but it isn't enough to stop her from dragging me up the path toward the house. Magic is boiling inside me, and with no outlet, it feels like I'm suffocating. I can't breathe.

”Annalise! Stop! Tell me what's wrong!” I plead.

Beck chases us down the path. ”Where are you taking Lark?”

No one answers him.

”I said, 'Where are you taking Lark?” Beck's bronze hand clasps Annalise's shoulder, and he yanks us to a stop. My other guards rush forward and encircle me. The anger rippling off him combines with the grief coming from my guards, and I drop to my knees. I can't lift my hands, I can't do magic, and I have no idea what's happening.

”Annalise? What's going on?” I cry.

”That's what I want to know.” Beck paces the perimeter of my security zone. His jaw clenches. ”Let her go,” he says, swinging his fist at Oliver.

”Arrest him.”

Magic sparks from Dawson, but Beck deftly deflects it and sends a stream arching back toward my guards and me.

There's no point in fighting the pain of my locked magic anymore, it rushes through me and my body convulses under the strain.

I'm sorry, Birdie. I never meant to hurt you. Beck's anguished voice fills my head. I didn't mean for this to happen.

A slow burn builds in my gut and spreads through my body. I turn my head to the side, to where Beck stood just moments ago, and find emptiness. He's gone.

And with him, whatever small piece of calm that existed within me has disappeared.