Part 1 (1/2)
Nightingale (The Sensitives).
Dawn Rae Miller.
To Erin and Deb ~.
For holding my hand in the darkness.
”My name is Lark Greene.”
A white light flashes, blinding me. I can't see beyond the small circle of darkness, but I know they're out there, pressing in on all sides, listening to everything I say. Blasting my words over the newsfeeds. Mother prepared me for this. She and Annalise worked with me on my statement, reviewing details, having me repeat my answers over and over again until they were burned into my mind.
I tuck my trembling hands beneath my legs and lean forward against the small table I'm seated behind. Mother's fingers drum against my shoulder, a reminder that I am not alone, and her energy flows through me like a steady fix of soothing medicine. My hands steady a little.
A camera floats over my head like an annoying gnat. It whirls and hums, zooming in close on my face. With closed eyes, I inhale deeply, and open them on the exhale. The light flashes again. I cover my face with my hands, prepared for the pain that's sure to follow.
Mother crossed the room until she stood next to the side of the bed. She leaned over me, her face mere inches from mine, and her minty breath fanned across my face. I wanted to shrink away, but there was nowhere to go.
”How do you feel about Beck Channing?”
My heart clenched like a fist at the sound of his name. She'd asked the same question a hundred times since Annalise rescued me from Summer Hill.
I wouldn't tell her. She couldn't know I loved him. That I hadn't forgotten him, the way she wanted me to.
An icy chill raced down my spine and my mouth opened. Words I didn't mean to say spilled out. ”Is he okay?”
A cruel smile stretched across Mother's lips. ”Do you love him?”
I should have said 'no'. I wanted to say 'no'. I needed to protect Beck.
Scorching air blasted over me, and the bed tilted sideways, spilling me onto the floor.
I scrambled to my knees, gasping. ”Why are you doing this?”
”Beck Channing is your enemy, Love. He wants to kill you.” A small light bounced in Mother's upturned palm. Without warning it exploded into dozens of glowing fire orbs and hurtled toward my face. Each impact burned more than the last.
”Stop!” I screamed and curled my arms around my head. ”Mother, please! Stop!”
My body was yanked from the ground until I dangled several feet in the air. My arms flailed, trying to grab something. Anything. But there was nothing to hold on to. I could move, but I couldn't seem to propel myself forward. Or down.
Beneath me, Mother circled like a wild animal. ”Oh, Lark, I can't stop.” Notes of sorrow filled her voice. ”I need to fix you. The Light witches have confused you and I need to help you remember who you really are. You want that don't you? My help?”
My skin burned where her fireb.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t me. If this is how she loves me, what will she do if she hates me? I thought while nodding my head. If I agree, maybe she'll stop.
She snapped her fingers, and Annalise and two male guards appeared. They stood behind her, staring at me with a mix of curiosity and pity. I didn't mind the staring-I would too, if I saw a girl dangling in the air-but the pity concerned me. Especially after the fireb.a.l.l.s.
Mother beckoned one of the men forward.
”Malin?” he said, with his head bowed.
”Fire,” she ordered.
He balked. ”Surely, Malin, you don't mean-”
”Set my daughter on fire, Oliver.” He hesitated and Mother screamed, ”Now.”
Oh G.o.d. ”Please, no. Please.” I clawed at the air, trying to escape, but it was no use. I didn't move.
Oliver didn't look at me when he pointed his finger in my direction. Fear tore through my insides.
The flame ignited the hem of my skirt. I slapped it out, burning myself. ”Mother, stop,” I pleaded. ”Please. I'll do whatever you want.”
”Dawson!” Mother screamed. ”Take care of this.”
The other man pushed himself before Oliver and a second flame hit my tights. They melted and oozed down my legs. Stinging, burning pain raced across my skin. My body jerked and writhed, but I gathered the pain, pulled it deep into my core. It combined with the fear and anger already inside me. My fingers twitched and magic exploded from my fingertips.
I fell in a heap on the floor. All around me, angry orange flames climbed the walls, gobbling up the curtains and paintings. They nibbled at the ceiling.
Thick, black smoke choked my lungs and I crawled toward the door, only to be immediately flung back.
Mother wasn't done with me yet.
”Try again,” Mother whispers. ”Everyone is waiting.”
My wrist smarts and I touch where my wristlet should be. However, instead of the normal delicate band, a thick, blue restraint encircles my left wrist. To the public, it probably looks like a custom wristlet. But I know better. It, along with the guards, is all that's keeping my powers in check. Mother explained this to me. The trauma of what happened at Summer Hill tapped into my power more than she had antic.i.p.ated. Basically, my system became overwhelmed and I exploded.
”Six days ago...” My voice shakes. I must seem so frail to these people. I try again. ”Six days ago, my mother's guards rescued me from Summer Hill, the Channings' family home, where I was kept hostage.”
The crowd murmers and another camera floats into position near my head.
There's more I'm supposed to say, but the words are lost in the confusion of my mind. I open my parched mouth, then close it. Again. And again. No sound escapes my lips. Annalise appears at my side and hands me a gla.s.s of water. I drink deeply, allowing the liquid to soothe my throat.
The silent room waits for me to continue. I s.h.i.+ft in my seat and set the gla.s.s down. Mother's slim fingers travel down my arm, never breaking contact, and stop at my elbow. A sense of calmness washes over me, and I don't fight Mother's magic.
”Lark?” Mother says, prompting me. ”You're among friends. Everything is okay.”
I start reciting again. ”While I was there, I was subjected to numerous tests and forms of...” My chest heaves. The memory of Bethina, lying on the gra.s.s as flames crept closer to her body, flashes through my mind. My heart races and I dart my eyes toward the exit, looking for an escape. All I want is to do is run as far as I can. I need to get out of here.