Part 18 (1/2)

”Yes, but why? Why? The island isn't worth having. As well as I can make out it's simply a rock with a little clay sprinkled on top of it.

What can it matter to the Emperor who owns the place? It isn't as if it were his originally or as if it would become his. It belongs to Megalia. With all the fuss that's being made you'd think there was a gold mine there.”

The puzzle became more complicated and Gorman's curiosity was further whetted before he started for Salissa. After leaving my rooms he went to c.o.c.kspur Street and called at the office of the Cyrenian Sea Steam Navigation Company. Steinwitz was expecting him and received him in the most friendly manner.

”Sir Bartholomew Bland-Potterton,” said Steinwitz, ”rang me up this morning, and told me that you'd undertaken our little negotiation. I need scarcely say that we're quite satisfied. We feel----”

”By we,” said Gorman, ”you mean yourself and the Emperor, I suppose.

Now what I want to know is this: Why is the Emperor so keen on----?”

Steinwitz waved that question away with a motion of his hand.

”I do not discuss the policy of the Emperor,” he said.

”You must be the only man in Europe who doesn't,” said Gorman.

”However, I don't mind. I suppose the Emperor must have some pretty strong reasons for wanting to get Donovan out of Salissa, or he wouldn't offer to pay a fancy price--it was a fancy price, you know.”

”King Konrad Karl will pay,” said Steinwitz.

”No, he won't. He can't. He hasn't got it. There's a cool ten thousand gone on a pearl necklace, as well as----”

”Goldsturmer is prepared to buy back the necklace,” said Steinwitz. ”I have arranged that.”

”Well,” said Gorman, ”it's your affair, of course. But I wouldn't be too sure. I don't think Madame Ypsilante will sell at any price.”

”Madame Ypsilante will do what she must,” said Steinwitz. ”The Emperor----”

”I don't envy the Emperor the job of tackling her,” said Gorman. ”He won't find it a bit pleasant. I daresay he doesn't know Madame Ypsilante. He wouldn't be so c.o.c.ksure of himself if he did. She's the kind of woman who throws things about if she's the least irritated. If the Emperor suggests her selling those jewels there'll be a riot. But it's no business of mine. If that Emperor of yours really enjoys a rag with a woman like Madame Ypsilante--I should have thought a man in his position wouldn't care to be mixed up in the sort of scene there will certainly be.”

Steinwitz stiffened visibly. His hair always stands upright on his head. It actually bristled while Gorman was speaking.

”I do not,” he said, ”discuss the Emperor in that way. It is enough for you to know this. Madame Ypsilante will sell. Goldsturmer will buy. I myself will settle these matters.”

Gorman was enjoying himself greatly. Nothing in the world gives him more pleasure than intercourse with a man who takes himself seriously.

Steinwitz was a real delight. He was solemnly and ponderously serious about himself. He was pontifical about the Emperor.

”Goldsturmer,” said Gorman, ”is a Jew, and the Jews are a cautious race. However, if you go to him and say 'The Emperor' in an _Open Sesame_ tone of voice he'll no doubt give in at once.”

”Exactly,” said Steinwitz gravely.

Gorman collapsed then. Steinwitz' portentous solemnity was too much for him. Sticking pins into a man or an ape is a pleasant sport. They have skins of reasonable density. It is dull work p.r.i.c.king a rhinoceros, even with a rapier.

”About going to Salissa,” he said meekly. ”Can you manage to send me there?”

”Certainly,” said Steinwitz. ”How soon can you start?”

”At once,” said Gorman. ”I'll buy a tooth-brush on my way to the steamer. I realize that I must waste no time when conducting business for the Emperor.”

”That is so,” said Steinwitz, ”but you cannot start before to-morrow.

To-morrow at 9 a.m. the _Ida_ leaves Tilbury. She is the steamer which Mr. Donovan chartered from us. She returns to the island according to his orders. If you care to sail on her----”