Part 23 (1/2)
Olof. Yes, I see.
Christine. No, you don't. You must come over here.
Olof. My dear, I haven't time.
Christine. You haven't looked at the starlings which I bought for you this morning. Don't you think they sing sweetly?
Olof. Rather.
Christine. Rather?
Olof. It's hard for me to work when they are screaming like that.
Christine. They are not screaming, Olof, but you seem to be more fond of a night bird that does scream. Tell me, what is the meaning of the owl that appears on your signet ring?
Olof. The owl is an ancient symbol of wisdom.
Christine. I think that's stupid! Wise people don't love the darkness.
Olof. The wise man hates the darkness and the night, but his keen eye turns night into day.
Christine. Why are you always right, Olof? Can you tell me?
Olof. Because I know it pleases you, my dear, to let me be in the right.
Christine. Now, you are right again.--What is that you are writing?
Olof. I am translating.
Christine. Read a little of it to me.
Olof. I don't think you could understand it.
Christine. Why shouldn't I? Is it not in Swedish?
Olof. Yes, but it is too abstract for you.
Christine. Abstract? What does that mean?
Olof. You wouldn't understand if I told you, but if you don't understand what I read to you, then you understand what is meant by ”abstract.”
Christine (picking up a piece of half-finished embroidery). Go on and read while I work at this.
Olof. Listen carefully, then, and forgive me if you find it tedious.
Christine. I shall understand because I want to.
Olof (reading). ”Matter when considered separate from form is something wholly without predictability, indeterminable and indistinguishable.
For nothing can originate out of pure non-being, but only out of the non-being of reality, which is synonymous with being as a possibility.
Being in its possibility is no more non-being than is reality. For that reason every existence is a realized possibility. Thus matter is to Aristotle a much more positive substratum than to Plato, who declares it to be pure non-being. And thereby it becomes plain how Aristotle could conceive of matter in its opposition to form as a positive negativity.”