Part 6 (1/2)
[Enter Gustaf Vasa suddenly.]
Gustaf. What's up? The city is in a tumult, the people are marching through the streets crying for the ma.s.s. What's the meaning of all this?
Brask. Mischief, Your Highness.
Gustaf. Bishop Mns!
Sommar. The city has failed to pay its t.i.thes.
Gustaf. And for that reason you refuse to hold divine service? 'Sdeath!
Brask. Your Highness ought to remember--
Gustaf. Answer me, Bishop Malls!
Sommar. Your Highness ought to remember that matters like these, which fall within the jurisdiction of the Church--
Gustaf. I command you to attend to your duties!
Brask. The Bishops of Sweden take no orders except from their superiors, the Pope and the Canon Law.
Gustaf (checked). I know, but if the Pope cannot always keep an eye on them?
Brask. That's our concern.
Gustaf (flares up, but controls himself at once). Your Grace is right.
It will remain your concern.
Brask. To change the subject--Stockholm is about to rise in rebellion.
Gustaf. Who says so?
Sommar. Our canonicus here.
Gustaf. Your schoolmaster? Where is he? Oh, is it you? What's your name?
Olof. Olof Pedersson.
Gustaf. Master Olof! They tell the you are a heretic, and that you are scheming against Holy Church! That's a perilous venture!
Brask. This very day he has dropped his mask by daring to show open defiance of the Chapter's prohibition against services, and for that reason we demand that Your Highness consent to have him duly punished.
Gustaf. That's a matter for the Chapter and does not concern me. (To Olof.) But what was that you had to say about a rebellion at Stockholm?
Olof. The Anabaptists!
Gustaf. Is that all?
Brask. Does not Your Highness know how those madmen have been carrying on in Germany? We suggest that Your Highness return to the city in person with your armed force.