Part 5 (1/2)

Block led the way from the tent.

”Mount your horses,” he said. ”We'll go to the railroad station and catch a train for Amsterdam. You shall be my guests until the pa.s.sports are prepared.”

Hal was nothing loath. He realized that they had encountered good fortune in the person of Herr Block. He placed implicit confidence in the man, for it was perfectly plain that Block was telling the truth when he said his sympathies were with the Allies.

For two days the three friends were the guests of the young Dutchman at his bachelor apartments in Amsterdam. Upon the morning of the third day, Block presented them with pa.s.sports properly vised by the Dutch authorities.

”These will get you through,” he said quietly.

”We can never thank you enough,” declared Hal, quietly. ”Some day you will realize what a great thing you have done for the world.”

”I realize it now,” was the young Dutchman's reply. ”I wish I were going with you, but it may be that I can be of more service here.”

”Undoubtedly,” said Hal, ”if this is an example.”

”Now don't forget who you are,” enjoined Block. ”You,” to Hal, ”are Herr Block, of The Amsterdamer.” To Chester, ”You are Herr Amusdem”

To McKenzie: ”You are Herr Spidle, both of The Nederlander. Do not forget. Should you encounter other Dutch correspondents, it will be well for you to stand on your dignity, and to talk to them as little as possible. Now, have you any idea how you are to go about the accomplishment of your mission, whatever it is?”

”No,” said Hal, ”I haven't. We shall act in accordance with developments.”

”Well,” said Block, ”you may as well be going. The sooner you get there the better. I shall go with you to your train. You will have to show no pa.s.sports until you get to the frontier.”

At the station, Block saw them comfortably installed in a car that would carry them across the border. He shook hands with them.

”Good luck,” he said quietly; and added: ”Should you, by any chance, come out of Germany a jump ahead of a bayonet, remember you will find temporary, safety in my quarters. Good-bye.”



”You may pa.s.s, gentlemen.”

The speaker was a German officer. Upon the arrival of the three friends at the railroad terminus just across the German border the officer had made a tour of the train, examining the pa.s.sports of the pa.s.sengers. Hal, Chester and McKenzie had extended their pa.s.sports along with the other pa.s.sengers, and the German officer had found nothing wrong with them.

As the German took his leave, McKenzie breathed a sigh of relief.

”I was sure he was going to nab us,” he said.

”Careful,” whispered Hal. ”We must do all our talking in German, and we must do very little of that concerning our private affairs.

Remember, walls have ears, and I guess that will apply to a railroad car as well as a house.”

”Right, Herr Block,” said Chester with a smile.

The lads found that by remaining upon their car they would go straight through to Berlin. The train was called the Amsterdam-Berlin express, and, while at the border, it was crowded with troops, there was still a fair sprinkling of pa.s.sengers bound for the German capital.

It was after dark when the train pulled into Berlin and Hal, Chester, and McKenzie prepared to disembark. As the train stopped, Hal made sure that his revolver was loose in his pocket, settled his hat firmly on his head, and led the way from the car.

As with most travelers in that part of the world at that time, neither was burdened with baggage. Each carried a small portfolio, much used at that time by war correspondents, but they had no other luggage.