Vol 2 Chapter 6 (1/2)

Adolescent Adam Kasa Sakaki 43530K 2022-07-20

Adolescent Adaredient is Love

“What happened to the mall?”

“FeTUS is cleaning up there, so it would be difficult for me to act”

“I see”

With a cellphone in hand, Micha boarded the elevator and hit the button for the top floor A convenience store bag full of beer dangled from her elbow

“They’re better atinformation than us, so you should probably just leave”

“Yes, I already have”

She was receiving a report on the cleanup of the ht in the chaos

“What about Black Cat?” she asked “Do you know anything about her?”

“No I thought I could ed to escape my pursuit”

“I see …Well, that doesn’t matter We have some information at least” Her tone of voice dropped “She set up an accurate ambush, so she had to have had infore She almost certainly-…”

“Yes, I believe she has already contacted Fujita Mutsuki-kun in his personal life …She most likely has some connection to him at school”

“Agreed …I just hope it isn’t one of his friends”

“I will look into it immediately”

“Please do”

She let out a quiet sigh

With a ding, the elevator door opened The top floor of the high-rise apart was always exposed to powerful winds and it was chilly now that the sun had gone down

“Micha Try not to view this too optiher ups are hinting that they ht use Metatron if it comes to it”


Micha narrowed her eyes in the cold wind

She always acted the cheerful young woman around Mutsuki, so she would never have let him see this expression

“By the way…how is Ange doing?”

Her conversational partner must have picked up on her ed

It changed froynous voice was an elegant boy’s soprano just as high as Micha’s alto which was a little deep for a woman

“I haven’t seen my adorable little sister in a while And I’d also like to endary Adam…Fujita Mutsuki-kun”


Her expression was not noticeable over the phone, but Micha was clearly displeased

“I’ll think about it More iation of Black Cat”

“Will do♪”

Mutsuki had been attacked at the shopping hway, and ultimately captured by Black Cat

But what had happened after that? His one He could only scratch at his head in confusion

By the time he had come to, Micha had already rescued him and he was on the way ho hie had only kicked hi a word, so he had never learned what had happened

Regardless, they had ed to escape, so he decided to find satisfaction in that

They had returned to their original apart that day, just as planned They had no TV or anything like that since their shopping trip had been interrupted, but it at least had the bare minimum of furniture like tables and beds The ed to have delivered had arrived, so they could spend a night there without issue

They had no ti a few ready-s at the supermarket

“Okay, it’s all done”

They had grilled chicken skewers, fried pork skewers, fried chicken, salad, gobo rolls, chicken stew, and the oden that Micha had bought

They did not have a microwave, but they heated it all over the portable stove they had

Ready-made dishes had become quite convenient The superether a decent meal even without a rice cooker

They bought enough for five, divided each dish into five bowls, and prepared five pairs of chopsticks

“Here, Ibekusa-san and Lucia-kun”

“…” (Nod)

“Thanks Wa ha❤ Mine’s the same as Mutsuki-kun’s!”

He handed tls to the other two sitting around the table Machina and Lucia were sitting amiably next to each other

He did not know exactly why, but they too had been in the taxi when he had woken They had apparently helped rescue him from Black Cat

Since they were there, he had invited them to dinner That would also help build their friendshi+p

“Sorry it’s all ready-made”

“Don’t be I’lad I can eat dinner with you♪”

“Not a problem”

They both entered the angels’ residence without much issue

Micha showed no real caution as she sat at the head of the table

“You both helped us out today, so feel free to go nuts♪”

In fact, she see up for the alcohol she had worked off in her battle against the Springloaded and her fire extinguisher shower

Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief that the two guests and Micha did not have a problem

“Ange, it’s ready”

Then he called to his other rooainst the wall a short distance away


She remained sullen and refused to leave the corner

She was the greatest enemy to his plan to make friends out of all three classmates She had decided Machina and Lucia were enemies, so she refused to approach them

(What am I supposed to do about this?)

The boy let out a sigh, which was beco a habit these days

The past ht hih to si the proble

He tried to think of some way to draw her over, but…

“Leave her alone, Mutsuki-kun”

Lucia elbowed him

“She probably doesn’t want to sit down I bet it hurts if she does”


“Th-that is not why I’m over here, you idiot!”

Mutsuki did not understand, but Ange herself flared up

“Oh? It isn’t? Well, I just assu in there”

“Uuh… It’s true it throbs when I sit down, but that’s not the point! I have no intention of getting along with a human and a demon!”

“I could turn your cushi+on into a Springloaded and transforible pressure on the center Should I?”

“I don’t need your help! …Kwah…”

Sied, and rub at her hip (Or was it her butt?)


Mutsuki had no idea what they were talking about and could not join in

However, this ticked hi, but he could not let her treat Lucia and Machina like that when they were trying to be nice


He approached


“Come here”

He forcibly tugged on her hand

“Wait! …Nnahn”

She caly easily And as soon as the force of the first step reached her hips, he thought he heard a somehoeet moan

He then forced her to sit on her cushi+on

“Let’s eat together, okay?”

She seemed a little bit tearful, but he put on a powerful tone because did not want to lose this opportunity


Her eyebrows drooped weakly for once as she looked up at the boy When her heels dug into her butt, she fidgeted restlessly and finally s out from under herself


She nodded with flushed cheeks

Mutsuki was glad His smile returned, he removed his apron, and he took his seat next to her She seemed uncomfortable and like she wanted to keep her distance, but she could not drag her butt away and ended up staying put

“Now, then That seems to have settled that”