Part 2 (1/2)

Boscobel Thomas Blount 88600K 2022-07-22

Lieu. Col. Alex. Newton.

Capt. James Stepford.

Capt. Samuel Smith.

Capt. John Downes.

Capt. Vincent Corbet.

Capt. John Delves.

Capt. John Griffith.

Capt. Tho. Portington.

Capt. Edward Alc.o.c.k.

Capt. Ralph Pownall.

Capt. Richard Grantham.

Capt. Edward Stelfax.

This was the authority, and some of these the persons that condemned this n.o.ble Earl to death, notwithstanding his just plea, _That he had quarter given him by one Captain Edge, who took him prisoner_. But this could not obtain justice, nor any intercession, mercy; so that on the 15. of October, he was executed at Boulton in Lancas.h.i.+re, in a most barbarous and inhumane manner.

The Earl of Lauderdail with divers others were carryed prisoners to Windsor castle, where they continued many years.

Whilst the rebels were plundring these n.o.ble persons, the Duke, with the Lord Levistan, Col. Blague, Mr. Marmaduke Darcy, and Mr. Hugh May, forsook the road, and betook themselves to a by-way and got into _Chessardine woods_, not far from Newport, where they receiv'd some refreshment at a little obscure house, and afterwards met with two honest laborers in an adjoining wood, to whom they communicated the exigent and distresse which the fortune of war had reduc'd them to, and finding them like to prove faithful, the duke thought fit to imitate his royal master, quitted his horse, delivered his _George_ (which was given him by the Queen of England) to _Mr. May_ (who preserved it through all difficulties, and after restor'd it to his Grace in Holland) and chang'd habit with one of the workmen; and in this disguise was convey'd by one _Nich. Mathews_ a carpenter, to the house of _Mr. Hawley_ an hearty cavalier at _Bilstrop_ in Nottinghams.h.i.+re, from thence to the _Lady Villiers_ house at Brooksby in Leicesters.h.i.+re, and, after many hards.h.i.+ps and encounters, his Grace got secure to London, and from thence to his Majesty in _France_.

At the same time the Lord Leviston, Col. Blague, Mr. Darcy, and Mr.

May, all quitted their horses, severally s.h.i.+fted for themselves, and most of them, through various dangers and sufferings, contriv'd their escapes; In particular Mr. May lay 21. days in a hay-mow belonging to one _Bold_ an honest husbandman, who liv'd neer Chessardine; Bold having all that time rebel-souldiers quartered in his house, yet faild not to give a constant relief to his more welcom guest, and when the coast was clear of souldiers, Mr. May came to London on foot in a disguise.

The Lord Talbot, (seeing no hope of rallying,) hasted towards his fathers house at Longford neer Newport, where being arriv'd, he convey'd his horse into a neighbours barn, but was immediately pursued by the rebels, who found the horse saddled, and by that concluded my Lord to be not far off, so that they search'd Langford house narrowly, and some of them continued in it four or five dayes; during all which time my Lord was in a close place in one of the outhouses, almost stifl'd for want of air, and had infallibly perish'd for want of food, had he not been once relieved in the dead of night, and with much difficulty by a servant; yet his Lords.h.i.+p thought it a great providence, even by these hards.h.i.+ps, to escape the fury of such enemies, who sought the destruction of the n.o.bility, as well as of their king.

In this interim the valiant Earl of Cleveland, (who being above 60.

years of age, had marched 21. days together upon a trotting horse) had also made his escape from Worcester, when all the fighting work was over, and was got to _Woodcot_ in Shrops.h.i.+re, whither he was pursued, and taken at one Miss Broughtons house.

The Scotch cavalry (having no place to retreat unto neerer then Scotland,) were soon after totally dispersed, and most of them taken by the rebels and country people in Ches.h.i.+re, Lancas.h.i.+re, and parts adjacent.

Thus was this royal army totally subdued, thus dispersed; and if in this so important affair any of the Scottish commanders were treacherous at Worcester, (as some suspected) they have a great account to make for the many years miseries that ensued thereby to both nations, under the tyrannical government of Cromwell.

But to return to the duty of my attendance on his Sacred Majesty in Spring Coppice; by that time Richard Penderel had conveyed him into the obscurest part of it, it was about sun-rising on Thursday morning, and the heavens wept bitterly at these calamities; insomuch as the thickest tree in the wood was not able to keep his Majesty dry, nor was there any thing for him to sit on; Wherefore Richard went to _Francis Yates_ house, (a trusty neighbour, who married his wifes sister,) where he borrowed a blanket, which he folded and laid on the ground for his Majesty to sit on.

At the same time Richard spoke to the goodwife Yates, to provide some victuals, and bring it into the wood at a place he appointed her, she presently made ready a mess of milk and some b.u.t.ter and eggs, and brought them to his Majesty in the wood; who being a little surpriz'd to see the woman (no good concealer of a secret,) said cheerfully to her; _Good woman, can you be faithfull to a distressed cavalier?_ She answered, _Yes, sir, I will dye rather than discover you_; with which answer his Majesty was well satisfied.

The Lord Wilmot in the interim took John Penderel for his guide, but knew not determinately whither to goe, purposing at first to have march'd Northwards, but as they pa.s.sed by Brewood forge, the forgemen made after them, till being told by one Richard Dutton, that it was Col. Crompton whom they pursued, the _Vulcans_ happily, upon that mistake, quitted the chase.

Soon after they narrowly escaped a party of rebels as they pa.s.sed by _Coven-brook;_ so that seeing danger on every side, and John meeting with William Walker (a trusty neighbour,) committed my Lord to his care and council, who for present conveyed them into a dry marl-pit (where they staid awhile,) and afterward to one _Mr. Huntbaches_ house at Brinsford, and put their horses into John Evans barn, whilst John Penderel goes to Wolverhampton to see what convenience he could find for my Lords coming thither, but met with none, the town being full of souldiers.

Yet John leaves no means unessayed, hastens to Northcot, (an adjacent village) and there, whilst he was talking with _Goodwife Underhill_ (a neighbour,) in the instant _Mr. John Huddleston_ (a sojourner at _Mr.

Thomas Whitgreaves_ of _Moseley_, and of Johns acquaintance) was accidently pa.s.sing by, to whom John (well a.s.sured of his integrity,) presently addresses himself and his business, relates to him the sad news of the defeat of his Majesties army at Worcester, and discovers in what straits and confusion he had left his Majesty and his followers at Whiteladies, and in particular that he had brought thence a person of quality, (for John then knew not who my Lord was) to Huntbaches house, who, without present relief, would be in great danger of being taken.

Mr. Huddleston goes home forthwith, takes John with him and acquaints Mr. Whitgreave with the businesse, who freely resolved to venture all, rather than such a person should miscarry.

Hereupon Mr. Whitgreave repaires to Huntbaches house, speaks with my Lord, and gives direction how he should be privately convey'd into his house at Mosely about ten of the clock at night; and, though it so fell out that the directions were not punctually observ'd, yet my Lord and his man were at last brought into the house, where Mr. Whitgreave, (after some refreshment given them) conveys them into a secret place, which my Lord admiring for its excellent contrivance, and solicitous for his Majesties safety, said, _I would give a world my friend_ (meaning the king) _were here_; and then deposited in Mr. Whitgreaves custody a little bag of jewels, which my Lord received again at his departure.

As soon as it was day Mr. Whitgreave sent William Walker with my Lords horses to his neighbour Col. John Lane of Bentley near Walsal, South-East from Mosely about four miles, (whom Mr. Whitgreave knew to be a right honest gentleman, and ready to contribute any a.s.sistance to so charitable a work) and wished Walker to acquaint the Colonel, that they were the horses of some eminent person about the king, whom he could better secure than his horses: The Col. willingly receives the horses, and sends word to Mr. Whitgreave to meet him that night in a close not far from Mosely, in order to the tender of farther service to the owner of the horses, whose name neither the Colonel nor Mr.