Chapter 29 (1/2)

The Uncle and the Feast

While waiting for me to arrive into town, the entire town had become impa.s.sioned.

Ludao was killed by the bandits. The Barkers had been toppled. The magic beast had vanished.

The bandits had been tied up neatly. Like beads on a string, they slowly headed into their prison.

Based on Uncle Bone’s announcement, I had been cast as the great hero who had saved the entire town.

Despite me trying to reject them, the town still held a feast. The property found when the Barker house was searched was returned to the original inhabitants of the town. The liberated peasants sang, and the whole town regained its exuberant vitality.

The center of the plaza was lit up brightly. Everyone sang and drank their fill.

I really did not enjoy this kind of gathering, but it was difficult to refuse such grand hospitality.

The reason I did not want to partic.i.p.ate is simple. I could not show my face, so I could only watch them eat and drink. Strong scents from the delicious food before me a.s.sailed my nostrils. I could only swallow my saliva, and tell myself to be still like a lake that is a perfect mirror.

But to speak frankly, my appet.i.te wasn’t too great either.

“Raise your, everyone! Many thanks to Lord Masked Hero!”

“Thank you, Lord Masked Hero!!”

A spate of cheerful echoes came forth.

I could not show my ident.i.ty, so I had no way of rejecting the nickname. Fortunately, no one had seen me take off my cloak and scarf. This kind of baseless nickname did not matter.

On the other hand, Ka Luona and the inspection official had already talked things over. Afterwards, the town would have direct jurisdiction over itself. The law would gradually return to normal. Though because the reinstatement of tax collection is leading to the numbers of travelling merchants to decrease, the flouris.h.i.+ng quality of the town is much stronger than before.

The banquet was in full swing when I asked Uncle Bone in a quiet voice:

“Are we going back to the blacksmith shop? I am not suited to being a hero. You didn’t forget that you were going to teach me about forging, right?”

“Of course this old geezer hasn’t forgotten.”

“Ladies and gentlemen!”

I raised my gla.s.s and stood to speak.

“I just happened to pa.s.s by this place, and because of my beliefs in courage, I drew my sword to help. Everyone, you do not need to worry. After you have taken back your authority, you are the upright original inhabitants! From now on, please eat of your own strength. Have the courage to continue on living! I believe that all of you have experienced bitter hards.h.i.+ps, so that you can build a better tissue. At the same time, just because you have endured bitter hards.h.i.+ps doesn’t mean that you can harm others! I have no more words! Have a wonderful night everyone!”

“OOOOOO Lord Masked Hero!!”

“Everything is so lovely! Cheers, everyone!!”

“Don’t stop the music and dancing! Today, let’s get plastered!!”

The sounds of cheerful laughter went on forever.

This is good.

I took a rope and tossed it to the people in h.e.l.l, but I won’t pull them out. What I just did here was laying down the rope, but for them to escape the abyss of suffering, it depends on whether they’re willing or not to climb out. It is all their choice.

There is a verse inside Faust.

“Is it love? Or is it hate? Revolving around our selves.

Between bitterness and happiness, the alternation of the two cannot be conveyed in words.”

Full of love for the future, flooded with hate for the past, bearing both hards.h.i.+ps and joys while surviving,

I believe in the recovery ability of this little town. If I hadn’t beaten away the bad people, the bullied people would’ve survived happily. There would be a time when they would become used to their positions as slaves. If it was like that, I would’ve had no clue what to do. I’ve done what needed to be done, but the battle has just begun. Moreover, it wasn’t a fight that I could intervene in.

“Uncle Bone, what did you say about forging?”

“Let me take a look at the sword at your waist.”

I took off the black tachi and presented it with two hands.

“This sword has a very high degree of completion.”

“But what you’re saying is that it still hasn’t reached total completion.”

Uncle Bone started a fire, then took my sword and placed it on the stove.

“I haven’t made any weapons since long ago, but since you saved the town, I will fulfill our agreement.”