Part 20 (1/2)

[66] Ephes. v. 23-25.

[67] Ephes. iv. 15-17.

[68] John xiv. 16-26; xv. 26; xvi. 7.

[69] 2 Cor. iv. 17.

[70] Matt. v. 14.

[71] Compare Luke xii. 8, 9, with Matt. x. 32; Mark viii. 38; Rom.

x. 10; and again, Mark xvi. 15, with Matt. xxviii. 19; Acts ii. 41; viii. 36; xix. 5; 1 Cor. xii. 13; and Matt. xxvi. 28, with Luke xxii. 19; 1 Cor. x. 17; xi. 21; and Ephes. iv. 11, with Acts xx. 28; t.i.t. i. 5.

[72] Compare Ephes. iv. 11-16, with 1 Cor. xii. 13-31; and Matt.

xviii. 18, with John xx. 21; Acts xv. 41; xvi. 4; 2 Cor. x. 6; 1 Tim. v. 20; t.i.t. i. 13; ii. 15.

[73] Jude 18; 2 Pet. iii. 2, 3.

[74] Augustin. in Euchirid. c. 63.

[75] Aug. In Tract de Symb. c. 11.

[76] Aug. De Baptismo Cont. Donat. Lib. 3, c. 16.

[77] Aug. Cont. Litt. Petiliani, Lib. 1, c. 21-2, Lib. 2, c. 13-23.

Lib. 3, c. 52.

[78] Optat. Lib. 1.

[79] Ambros. de Obitu Satyri fratris, Lib. 1, n. 47.

[80] Idem. de Poenit. Lib. 2, 4.

[81] Lactant. Div. Inst.i.tut. Lib. 3, c. 30.

[82] Le vrai Systeme de l'Eglise.

[83] Answer to Cardinal Perron.

[84] Defense de la Reforme, p. 200.

[85] Traite de l'Eglise, p. 286.

[86] Bossuet, writings against Jurien.

[87] The brothers Walemburg, Treatise on Necessary and Fundamental Articles.

[88] Nicole, de l'Unite de l'Eglise.

[89] See the recognition of this law, Mark xvi. 16; Matt xxviii.

18-20; Luke xii. 8, 9; Rom. x. 10.

[90] Such the Fathers call Faith, terming it, ”the beginning and foundation,” ”the greatest mother of virtues,” ”the principle of salvation,” ”the prelude of immortality,” ”the clear eye of Divine knowledge,” ”the foundation of all wisdom.” See Suicer, art.