Part 21 (1/2)

”Her other idea is--that is, it was--I think it can be avoided, of course--it was about her furs.”

”No!” he exclaimed, quickly. ”I won't have it! You must see to that. I'd rather not talk to her about it, but you mustn't let her.”

”I'll try not,” his wife promised. ”Of course, they're very handsome.”

”All the more reason for her to keep them!” he returned, irritably.

”We're not THAT far gone, I think!”

”Perhaps not yet,” Mrs. Vertrees said. ”She seems to be troubled about the--the coal matter and--about Tilly. Of course the piano will take care of some things like those for a while and--”

”I don't like it. I gave her the piano to play on, not to--”

”You mustn't be distressed about it in ONE way,” she said, comfortingly.

”She arranged with the--with the purchaser that the men will come for it about half after five in the afternoon. The days are so short now it's really quite winter.”

”Oh, yes,” he agreed, moodily. ”So far as that goes people have a right to move a piece of furniture without stirring up the neighbors, I suppose, even by daylight. I don't suppose OUR neighbors are paying much attention just now, though I hear Sheridan was back in his office early the morning after the funeral.”

Mrs. Vertrees made a little sound of commiseration. ”I don't believe that was because he wasn't suffering, though. I'm sure it was only because he felt his business was so important. Mary told me he seemed wrapped up in his son's succeeding; and that was what he bragged about most. He isn't vulgar in his boasting, I understand; he doesn't talk a great deal about his--his actual money--though there was something about blades of gra.s.s that I didn't comprehend. I think he meant something about his energy--but perhaps not. No, his bragging usually seemed to be not so much a personal vainglory as about his family and the greatness of this city.”

”'Greatness of this city'!” Mr. Vertrees echoed, with dull bitterness.

”It's nothing but a coal-hole! I suppose it looks 'great' to the man who has the luck to make it work for him. I suppose it looks 'great' to any YOUNG man, too, starting out to make his fortune out of it. The fellows that get what they want out of it say it's 'great,' and everybody else gets the habit. But you have a different point of view if it's the city that got what it wanted out of you! Of course Sheridan says it's 'great'.”

Mrs. Vertrees seemed unaware of this unusual outburst. ”I believe,” she began, timidly, ”he doesn't boast of--that is, I understand he has never seemed so interested in the--the other one.”

Her husband's face was dark, but at that a heavier shadow fell upon it; he looked more haggard than before. ”'The other one',” he repeated, averting his eyes. ”You mean--you mean the third son--the one that was here this evening?”

”Yes, the--the youngest,” she returned, her voice so feeble it was almost a whisper.

And then neither of them spoke for several long minutes. Nor did either look at the other during that silence.

At last Mr. Vertrees contrived to cough, but not convincingly.

”What--ah--what was it Mary said about him out in the hall, when she came in this afternoon? I heard you asking her something about him, but she answered in such a low voice I didn't--ah--happen to catch it.”

”She--she didn't say much. All she said was this: I asked her if she had enjoyed her walk with him, and she said, 'He's the most wistful creature I've ever known.'”


”That was all. He IS wistful-looking; and so fragile--though he doesn't seem quite so much so lately. I was watching Mary from the window when she went out to-day, and he joined her, and if I hadn't known about him I'd have thought he had quite an interesting face.”

”If you 'hadn't known about him'? Known what?”

”Oh, nothing, of course,” she said, hurriedly. ”Nothing definite, that is. Mary said decidely, long ago, that he's not at all insane, as we thought at first. It's only--well, of course it IS odd, their att.i.tude about him. I suppose it's some nervous trouble that makes him--perhaps a little queer at times, so that he can't apply himself to anything--or perhaps does odd things. But, after all, of course, we only have an impression about it. We don't know--that is, positively. I--” She paused, then went on: ”I didn't know just how to ask--that is--I didn't mention it to Mary. I didn't--I--” The poor lady floundered pitifully, concluding with a mumble. ”So soon after--after the--the shock.”

”I don't think I've caught more than a glimpse of him,” said Mr.

Vertrees. ”I wouldn't know him if I saw him, but your impression of him is--” He broke off suddenly, springing to his feet in agitation. ”I can't imagine her--oh, NO!” he gasped. And he began to pace the floor.

”A half-witted epileptic!”

”No, no!” she cried. ”He may be all right. We--”