Part 13 (1/2)

”He is raising his gla.s.s!” said Ruth near the floor.

”With my heart full of love and grat.i.tude I now take leave of you all.

Most devoutly wis.h.i.+ng that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable.”

”His eyes are full of tears!” almost sobbed Ruth, and the eyes of them in the little room were dim. clinked together, then the full voice went on:

”I cannot come to each one of you and take my leave, but I shall be obliged if you will come and take my hand.” They needed no second bidding those comrades, tried and true. One by one, feeling no shame in their manly show of sorrow, they grasped their General's faithful hand and parted from him with bowed heads.

”They are going out!” panted Janie. ”Now, Andy, for the hall. We must meet him at the door.”

As he came from the banquet room, Was.h.i.+ngton and his officers met the three. He knew Andy at a glance, and then recognized Janie. He took them by the hand, and bowed in courtly fas.h.i.+on.

”Patriots all!” he smiled. ”You well deserve your hard-earned peace.”

They joined the throngs which followed Was.h.i.+ngton to the river. They stood upon the Battery until the barge which bore the gallant figure away faded from sight. So lost were they in admiration that for a moment none of them noticed a tall figure approaching dressed in Continental uniform. Then Janie saw him. Her face flushed like a girl's.

”Andy!” she whispered, pulling her son's sleeve, ”see, here is your--”

”Father!” greeted Andy, and stretched out a welcoming hand.

Back to the lonely pa.s.s the four went, Janie and Martin on ahead.

”And now,” questioned Ruth in a soft whisper, ”what comes next, Andy?”

”I am to study. Ah! Ruth, how I shall study! I mean to learn all that I can and carry the best to them who call me.”

”You really mean to be a minister?”