Part 11 (1/2)

_Fourth round_--Repeat the second.

_Fifth round_--pearl one; knit two; bring the silk forward, slip one; knit one, pa.s.s the slip-st.i.tch over it; knit two; pearl one.--Repeat.

_Sixth round_--Repeat the second.

_Seventh round_--pearl one; knit three; bring the silk forward, slip one; knit one, pa.s.s the slip-st.i.tch over it; knit one; pearl one.--Repeat.

_Eighth round_--Repeat the second.

Commence again, as at first row.


Lozenge pattern Bag.

Cast on thirteen st.i.tches for each pattern.

_First round_--pearl two; knit four; bring the silk forward, slip one; knit two together, pa.s.s the slip-st.i.tch over them; bring the silk forward, knit four.--Repeat.

_Second round_--pearl two; knit two; knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit three; bring the silk forward, knit two together, taken at the back.--Repeat.

_Third round_--pearl two; knit one; knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit five; bring the silk forward, knit two together, taken at the back; knit one.--Repeat.

_Fourth round_--pearl two; knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit three; bring the silk forward, knit two together; knit two; bring the silk forward, knit two together, taken at the back.--Repeat.

_Fifth round_--pearl two; knit two; bring the silk forward, knit two together, taken at the back; knit three; knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit two.--Repeat.

_Sixth round_--pearl two; knit three; bring the silk forward, knit two together, taken at the back; knit one; knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit three.--Repeat.

Commence again, as at first row.


Hem-st.i.tch Pattern Bag.

Cast on thirteen st.i.tches for each pattern.

_First round_--knit two; bring the silk forward, knit two together; knit one; bring the silk forward, knit two together; pearl one; bring the silk forward, slip one; knit one, pa.s.s the slip-st.i.tch over it; pearl three.--Repeat.

_Second round_--knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit one; knit two together; bring the silk forward, knit two; pearl two; bring the silk forward, slip one; knit one, pa.s.s the slip st.i.tch over it; pearl two.--Repeat.

_Third round_--knit two; bring the silk forward, knit two together; knit one; bring the silk forward, knit two together; pearl three; bring the silk forward, slip one; knit one, pa.s.s the slip-st.i.tch over it; pearl one.--Repeat.