Part 20 (1/2)
The variety of ”admirers” that are the lot of a person on the stage is extraordinary. It is very difficult for the stage persons themselves to understand it. It has never seemed to me that actors as a cla.s.s are particularly interesting. Personally I have always been too cognisant of the personalities behind the scenes to ever have any theatrical idols; but to a great many there is something absolutely fascinating about the stage and stage folk. The actor appears to the audience in a perpetual, hazy, calcium glory. We are, one and all, children with an inherent love for fairy tales and it is probably this love which is in a great measure accountable for the blind adoration received by most stage people.
I have received, I imagine, the usual number of letters from ”your sincere admirer,” some of them funny and some of them rather pathetic.
Very few of them were really impertinent or offensive. In nearly all was to be found the same touching devotion to an abstract ideal for which, for the moment, I chanced to be cast. Once in a while there was some one who, like a person who signed himself ”Faust,” insisted that I had ”met his eyes” and ”encouraged him from afar.” Needless to say I had never in my life seen him; but he worked himself into quite a fever of resentment on the subject and wrote me several letters. There was also a man who wrote me several perfectly respectful, but ardent, love letters to which, naturally, I did not respond. Then, finally, he bombarded me with another type of screed of which the following is a specimen:
”Oh, for Heaven's sake, say something,--if it is only to rate me for my importunities or to tell me to go about my business! Anything but this contemptuous silence!”
But these were exceptions. Most of my ”admirers'” letters are gems of either humour or of sentiment. Among my treasures is an epistle that begins:
”Miss Clara Louise Kellogg
Before to expand my feelings, before to make you known the real intent of this note, in fine before to disclose the secrets of my heart, I will pray you to pardon my indiscretion (if indiscretion that can be called) to address you unacquainted,” etc.
Isn't this a masterpiece?
There was also an absurdly conceited man who wrote me one letter a year for several years, always in the same vein. He was evidently a very pious youth and had ”gotten religion” rather badly, for in every epistle he broke into exhortation and urged me fervently to become a ”real Christian,” painting for me the joys of true religion if I once could manage to ”find it.” In one of his later letters--after a.s.suring me that he had prayed for me night and morning for three years and would continue to do so--he ended in this impressive manner:
” ...And if, in G.o.d's mercy, we are both permitted to walk 'the Golden Streets,' I shall there seek you out and give you more fully my reasons for writing you.”
Could anything be more entertaining than this nave fas.h.i.+on of making a date in Heaven?
Not all my letters were love letters. Sometimes I would receive a few words from some woman unknown to me but full of a sweet and understanding friendliness. Mrs. Elizabeth Tilton, then the centre of the stage scandal through her friends.h.i.+p with Henry Ward Beecher, wrote me a charming letter that ended with what struck me as a very pathetic touch:
”I am unwilling to be known by you as the defiant, discontented woman of the age--rather, as an humble helper of those less fortunate than myself----”
I never knew Mrs. Tilton personally, but have often felt that I should have liked her. One of the dearest communications I ever received was from a French working girl, a corset maker, I believe. She wrote:
”I am but a poor little girl, Mademoiselle, a toiler in the sphere where you reign a queen, but ever since I was a very little child I have gone to listen to your voice whenever you have deigned to sing in New York. Those magic tone-flowers, scattering their perfumed sweetness on the waiting air, made my child heart throb with a wonderful pulsation....”
One of the favourite jests of the critics was my obduracy in matters of sentiment. It was said that I would always have emotional limitations because I had no love affairs like other _prime donne_. Once, when I gave some advice to a young girl to ”keep your eyes fixed upon your artistic future,” or some such similar phrase, the press had a good deal of fun at my expense. ”That” it was declared, ”was exactly what was the matter with Clara Louise; she kept her eyes fixed upon an artistic future instead of upon some man who was in love with her!” I was rather a good shot, very fond of target shooting, and many jokes were also made on the supposed damage I did. One newspaper man put it rather more aptly. ”Not only in pistol shooting,” he said, ”but in everything she aims at, our _prima donna_ is sure to hit the mark.”
My ”sincere admirers” were from all parts of the house, but I think I found the ”gallery” ones most sincere and, certainly, the most amusing.
Max Maretzek used to say that he had no manner of use for an artist unless she could fill the family circle. I am glad to be able to record that I always could. My singing usually appealed to the people. _The Police Gazette_ always gave me good notices! I love the family circle.
As a rule the appreciation there is greater because of the sacrifices which they have had to make to buy their seats. When people can go to hear good music every night, they do not care nearly so much about doing it.
I wonder if anybody besides singers get such an extraordinary sense of contact and connection with members of their audiences? I have sometimes felt as if thought waves, reaching through the s.p.a.ce between, held me fast to some of those who heard me sing. Who knows what sympathies, what comprehensions, what exquisite friends.h.i.+ps, were blossoming out there in the dark house like a garden, waiting to be gathered? Letters--not necessarily love letters--rather, stray messages of appreciation and understanding--have brought me a similar sense of joy and of safe intimacy. After the receipt of any such, I have sung with the pleasant sense that a new friend--yes, friend, not auditor--was listening. I have suddenly felt at home in the big theatre; and often, very often, have I looked eagerly over the banked hosts of faces, asking myself wistfully which were the strangers and which mine own people.
It was not only in the theatre that I found ”admirers.” My vacations were beset with those who wanted to look at and speak to a genuine _prima donna_ at close range. Indeed, I had frequently to protect myself from perfectly strange and intrusive people. Often I have gone to Saratoga during the season. Saratoga was a fas.h.i.+onable resort in those days and I always had a good audience. One incident that I remember of Saratoga was a detestable train that invariably came along in the middle of my performance--the evening train from New York. I always had to stop whatever I was singing and wait for it to go by. One night I thought I would cheat it and timed my song a little earlier so that I would be through before the train arrived. It just beat me by a bar; and I could hear it steaming nearer and nearing as I hurried on. As I came to the end there was a loud whistle from the locomotive;--but, for once, luck was on my side, for it was pitched in harmony with my final note! The coincidence was warmly applauded.
When on the road I not infrequently practised with my banjo at hotels.
It was more practicable to carry about than a piano and, besides, it was not always an easy matter to hire a good piano. One time--also in Saratoga--I was playing that instrument preparatory to beginning my morning practice, when an old gentleman who had a room on the same floor, descended to the office in a fine temper. He was a long, slim, wiry old fellow, with a high, black satin stock about his bony neck, very few hairs on his little round head, deep sunken eyes, pinched features, and an extremely nervous manner.
”See here,” he burst out in a cracked voice, as he danced about on the marble tiling of the office floor, ”have you a band of n.i.g.g.e.r minstrels in the house, eh! Zounds, sir, there's an infernal banjo tum, tum, tumming in my ears every morning and I can't sleep. Drat banjoes--I hate 'em. And n.i.g.g.e.r minstrels--I hate 'em too. You must move me, sir, move me at once. That banjo'll set me crazy. Move me at once, d'ye hear?--or I'll leave the house!”
”Why, sir,” said the clerk suavely, ”that banjo player is not a n.i.g.g.e.r minstrel, at all, sir, but Miss Clara Louise Kellogg, who uses a banjo to practise with.”
The hard lines in the old fellow's face relaxed, he looked sharply at the clerk and, leaning over the counter, remarked:
”What, Clara Louise Kellogg! W--why, I'll go up and listen! Zounds, man, she's my particular favourite. She's charmed me with her sweet voice many a time. D---- n it, give her another banjo! Tell her to play all day if she wants to! Clara Louise Kellogg, eh? H'm, well, well!”
He tottered off and, as I observed, after that so long as I stayed left the door of his room open down the hall so that he could hear my ”tum, tum, tumming.”