Chapter 509 The High Pries (2/2)
Emperor Xia coldly chuckled, ”No one resents being able to live a long life. Or do you loathe the fact that I may not be able to do it?”
Emperor Xia took one step forward and plainly said, ”It is true that I cause people to loathe me. But I want you to live.”
Soft came the reply, ”But I do not care about my life and whether I live or die. I care about the survival of Da Xia, the continuance of the Xia clan. Do you know that the moment you were born, I immediately understood that you would be the strongest of his sons? And that you would be the last king of Da Xia?”
”Without you even saying it, I knew, and my father knew. That is why he wanted to kill me, for the sole purpose of Da Xia's continued existence. Perhaps if I was gone, Da Xia could continue existing for a long time,” Emperor Xia said.
”When I found out, I killed him,” he continued.
The taboo subject came out of his mouth as if it was nothing. The fact that he killed his father sufficed to show how savage he was.
The High Priest's lips quivered and he sighed, ”You need not personally confess to this.”
”It has already been done. What is there not to confess? But since you knew of that fact when I was born, why not kill me there and then? Why teach me about so many things and turn me into a person incapable of committing such things?” Emperor Xia coldly stared at the High Priest.
”I thought that if you were strong enough, fate could be changed. And to add to that, you have never let me down. The Xia Dynasty produced so many talents, and yet you were the only one able to surpass them all. There was even more hope that you could reach the same state as them,” said the High Priest.
”This is not your reason. But as you do not wish to say it, I will not force it upon you. Now that I have told you the truth, you can tell me the matter involving the young man with the Daoist name 'Qing Xuan'.” Emperor Xia changed the subject to that of an earlier time.
”You should know that the world around us is not originally the world of the living. If there were no stars are no sun, the children that were born simply cannot survive for long. It is more impossible then, for them to reproduce and create the many populations of clans we see today,” the High Priest faintly said.
”Of course I know that. This world is the world of the dead. Or rather, it could be said that this world originally ought to be the final destination of departed souls,” Emperor Xia said plainly.
”You are correct. Furthermore this world has considerable origins in the Xia clan. Its birth was very much connected to the birth of your forefathers and the birth of the first living beings in the Asura Blood Sea. Therefore if there was legitimism in this world, half of it would be the Xia clan, while the other half could be considered as that of the Asura Blood Sea,” the High Priest casually mentioned. However this was a secret even the university students of Guan Longzi could not comprehend.
”That is why I wanted to wipe out the blood sea and become the true legitimism of this world. If it were not for the people in the blood sea that cultivated to become swordsmen of slaughter and successfully achieving great Asura, I would have succeeded,” Emperor Xia still harbored those troubles at heart. The Great Asura in the blood sea occupied and dominated the home ground, and it was because of this that he had no way of coping with the opposing party.
The High Priest continued, ”It is true that combating the Asura Blood Sea is much more important than eliminating the Eastern Barbarians or Yin Shang. I believe that one day you will complete this task. But it only 30 years ago did I understand that fate cannot be resisted. That year, the Asura Blood Sea's Flower of the Other Shore bloomed.
Once the Flower of the Other Shore bloomed, it signified that the true owner of this world has arrived. Just like there can be only one sun in the sky, the world can only have one owner. Once he comes, it would represent the perishing of Xia, because the Xia clan is only half of the legitimism of the world. This is one of the things that the new owner cannot be tolerant of, unless you surrender. But surely you will not.
As for the young man, he is probably the person that was released for this situation by the Flower of the Other Shore, and also the last owner of this world.”
Emperor Xia coldly replied, ”All the more reason we should dispose of him.”
”What makes you think you can kill him if you could not kill Tianyi? That is why I have been thinking, that maybe we can come to an agreement with him before everything happens. So in the event that Xia perishes, at least the Xia clan could continue in existence,” the High Priest unhurriedly said. This was something he started to prepare for many years ago.
The general trend of fate is that there is no way to resist it. Even so, the tiniest details still contain many changeable aspects.