Part 32 (1/2)

Perhaps Dagaeoga was telling the Mountain Wolf where he has been these many months, why he went away, and why he chose to come back when he did out of the mists and vapors. Dagaeoga is strong and well. Look how his footprints show the length of his stride and how steady and even it is!

He walks stride for stride with the Mountain Wolf, who as we know is six feet tall. Dagaeoga has grown since he went away. He was strong before he left, but he is stronger now. I think we shall find, Great Bear, that while Dagaeoga was absent his time was not lost. It may be that he gained by it.”

”I'm not thinking whether he has or not, Tayoga. I'm glad enough to get the lad back on any terms. We're making great speed now, and I think we ought to overtake 'em before long. The trail appears to grow a lot fresher.”

”In an hour, Great Bear, we can signal to them. It will be best to send forth a call, since one does not approach in the forest, in war, without sending word ahead that he is a friend, else he may be met by a bullet.”

”That's good and solid truth, Tayoga. We couldn't have our meeting with Robert spoiled at the last moment by a shot. But it's much too early yet to send out a call.”

”So it is, Great Bear. I think, too, the rangers have increased their speed. Their stride has lengthened, but, as before, the Mountain Wolf and Dagaeoga keep together. They are great friends. You will recall that they fought side by side on the of Andiatarocte.”

”I remember it well enough, Tayoga. n.o.body could keep from liking Robert. 'Tis a gallant spirit he has.”

”It is so, Great Bear. He carries light wherever he goes. Such as he are needed among us. Because of that I never believed that Manitou had yet taken him to himself. The rangers stopped here, sat on these fallen logs, and ate food at noonday. There are little bones that they threw away, and the birds, seeking shreds of food, are still hopping about.”

”That's clear, Tayoga, and since they would probably stay about fifteen minutes we ought to come within earshot of them in another half hour.”

They pressed on at speed, and, within the appointed time, they sank down in a dense clump of bushes, where Tayoga sent forth the mellow, beautiful song of a bird, a note that penetrated a remarkable distance in the still day.

”It is a call that Dagaeoga knows,” he said. ”We have used it often in the forest.”

In a few minutes the reply, exactly the same, faint but clear, came back from the north. When the sound died away, Tayoga imitated the bird again, and the second reply came as before.

”Now we will go forward and shake the hand of Dagaeoga,” said the Onondaga.

Rising from the bush, the two walked boldly in the direction whence the reply had come, and they found a tall, straight young figure advancing to meet them.

”Robert, my lad!” exclaimed Willet.

”Dagaeoga!” said the Onondaga.

Each seized a hand of Robert and shook it. Their meeting was not especially demonstrative, but their emotions were very deep. They were bound together by no common ties.

”You've changed, Robert,” said Willet, merely as a sort of relief to his feelings.

”And you haven't, Dave,” said Robert, with the same purpose in view.

”And you, Tayoga, you're the great Onondaga chief you always were.”

”I hope to be a chief some day,” said Tayoga simply, ”and then, when I am old enough, to be a sachem too, but that rests with Tododaho and Manitou. Dagaeoga has been away a long time, and we do not know where he went, but since he has come back out of the mists and vapors, it is well.”

”I understood your call at once,” said Robert, ”and as you know I gave the reply. I came from Albany with Rogers to find you, and I found you quicker than I had hoped. We had a meeting with hostile warriors last night, but we beat 'em off, and we've been pus.h.i.+ng on since then.”

”Your encounter last night was what enabled us to find you so quickly,”

said Willet. ”Tayoga read on the ground the whole story of the combat.

He understood every trace. He recognized the footprints of Rogers and then your own. He always believed that you'd come back, but n.o.body else did. He was right, and everybody else was wrong. You're bigger, Robert, and you're graver than you were when you went away.”

”I've been where I had a chance to become both, Dave. I'll tell you all about it later, for here's Rogers now, waiting to shake hands with you too.”

”Welcome, old friend,” said Rogers, grasping the hunter's powerful hand in his own, almost as powerful, ”and you too Tayoga. If there's a finer lad in the wilderness anywhere, I don't know it.”

They said little more at present, joining the group of rangers and going on steadily until nightfall. On the way Robert gave Willet and Tayoga an outline of what had happened to him, not neglecting the dying words of the slaver.