Part 29 (1/2)
In Madame Clarence's drawing-room the conversation turned upon love, and many charming things were said about it.
”Love is a sacrifice,” sighed Madame Cremeur.
”I agree with you,” replied M. Boutourle with animation.
But Professor Haddock soon displayed his fastidious insolence.
”It seems to me,” said he, ”that the Penguin ladies have made a great fuss since, through St. Mael's agency, they became viviparous. But there is nothing to be particularly proud of in that, for it is a state they share in common with cows and pigs, and even with orange and lemon trees, for the seeds of these plants germinate in the pericarp.”
”The self-importance which the Penguin ladies give themselves does not go so far back as that,” answered M. Boutourle. ”It dates from the day when the holy apostle gave them clothes. But this self-importance was long kept in restraint, and displayed itself fully only with increased luxury of dress and in a small section of society. For go only two leagues from Alca into the country at harvest time, and you will see whether women are over-precise or self-important.”
On that day M. Hippolyte Ceres paid his first call. He was a Deputy of Alca, and one of the youngest members of the House. His father was said to have kept a dram shop, but he himself was a lawyer of robust physique, a good though prolix speaker, with a self-important air and a reputation for ability.
”M. Ceres,” said the mistress of the house, ”your const.i.tuency is one of the finest in Alca.”
”And there are fresh improvements made in it every day, Madame.”
”Unfortunately, it is impossible to take a stroll through it any longer,” said M. Boutourle.
”Why?” asked M. Ceres.
”On account of the motors, of course.”
”Do not give them a bad name,” answered the Deputy. ”They are our great national industry.”
”I know. The Penguins of to-day make me think of the ancient Egyptians.
According to Clement of Alexandria, Taine tells us--though he misquotes the text--the Egyptians wors.h.i.+pped the crocodiles that devoured them.
The Penguins to-day wors.h.i.+p the motors that crush them. Without a doubt the future belongs to the metal beast. We are no more likely to go back to cabs than we are to go back to the diligence. And the long martyrdom of the horse will come to an end. The motor, which the frenzied cupidity of manufacturers hurls like a juggernaut's car upon the bewildered people and of which the idle and fas.h.i.+onable make a foolish though fatal elegance, will soon begin to perform its true function, and putting its strength at the service of the entire people, will behave like a docile, toiling monster. But in order that the motor may cease to be injurious and become beneficent we must build roads suited to its speed, roads which it cannot tear up with its ferocious tyres, and from which it will send no clouds of poisonous dust into human lungs. We ought not to allow slower vehicles or mere animals to go upon those roads, and we should establish garages upon them and foot-bridges over them, and so create order and harmony among the means of communication of the future. That is the wish of every good citizen.”
Madame Clarence led the conversation back to the improvements in M.
Ceres' const.i.tuency. M. Ceres showed his enthusiasm for demolitions, tunnelings, constructions, reconstructions, and all other fruitful operations.
”We build to-day in an admirable style,” said he; ”everywhere majestic avenues are being reared. Was ever anything as fine as our arcaded bridges and our domed hotels!”
”You are forgetting that big palace surmounted an immense melon-shaped dome,” grumbled by M. Daniset, an old art amateur, in a voice of restrained rage. ”I am amazed at the degree of ugliness which a modern city can attain. Alca is becoming Americanised. Everywhere we are destroying all that is free, unexpected, measured, restrained, human, or traditional among the things that are left us. Everywhere we are destroying that charming object, a piece of an old wall that bears up the branches of a tree. Everywhere we are suppressing some fragment of light and air, some fragment of nature, some fragment of the a.s.sociations that still remain with us, some fragment of our fathers, some fragment of ourselves. And we are putting up frightful, enormous, infamous houses, surmounted in Viennese style by ridiculous domes, or fas.h.i.+oned after the models of the 'new art' without mouldings, or having profiles with sinister corbels and burlesque pinnacles, and such monsters as these shamelessly peer over the surrounding buildings. We see bulbous protuberances stuck on the fronts of buildings and we are told they are 'new art' motives. I have seen the 'new art' in other countries, but it is not so ugly as with us; it has fancy and it has simplicity. It is only in our own country that by a sad privilege we may behold the newest and most diverse styles of architectural ugliness. Not an enviable privilege!”
”Are you not afraid,” asked M. Ceres severely, ”are you not afraid that these bitter criticisms tend to keep out of our capital the foreigners who flow into it from all arts of the world and who leave millions behind them?”
”You may set your mind at rest about that,” answered M. Daniset.
”Foreigners do not come to admire our buildings; they come to see our courtesans, our dressmakers, and our dancing saloons.”
”We have one bad habit,” sighed M. Ceres, ”it is that we calumniate ourselves.”
Madame Clarence as an accomplished hostess thought it was time to return to the subject of love and asked M. Jumel his opinion of M. Leon Blum's recent book in which the author complained. . . .