Part 7 (1/2)
A few days before, the maiden Orberosia had disappeared. Her absence had at first caused no uneasiness because on several occasions she had been carried off by violent men who were consumed with love. And thoughtful people were not astonished at this, reflecting that the maiden was the most beautiful of the Penguins. It was even remarked that she sometimes went to meet her ravishers, for none of us can escape his destiny. But this time, as she did not return, it was feared that the dragon had devoured her. The more so as the inhabitants of the valley of Dalles soon knew that the dragon was not a fable told by the women around the fountains. For one night the monster devoured out of the village of Anis six hens, a sheep, and a young orphan child called little Elo. The next morning nothing was to be found either of the animals or of the child.
Immediately the Elders of the village a.s.sembled in the public place and seated themselves on the stone bench to take counsel concerning what it was expedient to do in these terrible circ.u.mstances.
Having called all those Penguins who had seen the dragon during the disastrous night, they asked them:
”Have you not noticed his form and his behaviour?”
And each answered in his turn:
”He has the claws of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the tail of a serpent.”
”His back bristles with th.o.r.n.y crests.”
”His whole body is covered with yellow scales.”
”His look fascinates and confounds. He vomits flames.”
”He poisons the air with his breath.”
”He has the head of a dragon, the claws of a lion, and the tail of a fish.”
And a woman of Anis, who was regarded as intelligent and of sound judgment and from whom the dragon had taken three hens, deposed as follows:
”He is formed like a man. The proof is that I thought he was my husband, and I said to him, 'Come to bed, you old fool.'”
Others said:
”He is formed like a cloud.”
”He looks like a mountain.”
And a little child came and said:
”I saw the dragon taking off his head in the barn so that he might give a kiss to my sister Minnie.”
And the Elders also asked the inhabitants:
”How big is the dragon?”
And it was answered:
”As big as an ox.”
”Like the big merchant s.h.i.+ps of the Bretons.”
”He is the height of a man.”
”He is higher than the fig-tree under which you are sitting.”