Part 40 (1/2)

The Sphinx explained that he had been on the move because of evidence that the Society of the Evening Star was closing in on his location. Once he was clear, he became worried that n.o.body at Fablehaven was answering his calls, and doubly concerned when he found the gates locked and n.o.body responding to his solicitations for entry. He had waited there until Tanu finally answered the phone after freeing Grandpa. Tanu had opened the gates for him.

In the end, the conversation had turned to Vanessa. The problem was, as a narcoblix, she would forever have power over those she had bitten whenever they were asleep. She must be shut away in a prison that will inhibit her power, the Sphinx had said emphatically. We cannot expect Mr.

Lich to spend the remainder of his life watching her. At the time, Mr. Lich was in the dungeon, stationed outside her cell.

Can't the sand from the artifact cure those of us she bit? Kendra asked.

I have been studying the artifact, the Sphinx said. Its423 healing powers appear to affect only the physical body. I donot believe it can cure maladies of the mind. The dust instantly removed the marks from her bite, but it is powerless against the mental link the bite forges.

Do you know of a prison that would curtail her power?

Grandpa asked.

The Sphinx paused and then nodded to himself. I have a simple answer. The Quiet Box in your very own dungeon will suit our needs perfectly.

What about the current occupant? Grandma asked.

I know the history of the current prisoner inside your Quiet Box, the Sphinx said. He has great political significance, but no talents that require such a mighty cage. I know a place where he will be no more likely to cause harm.

Who is he? Seth asked.

For the safety of all, the ident.i.ty of the prisoner must remain a mystery, the Sphinx said. Let your curiosity take comfort in the reality that for most of you, the name would hold little meaning. I was present when he was sealed in the box, trussed up and hooded, disguised and unknown to the others who attended the event. I worked long to ensure his capture, and to keep all knowledge of him hidden. Now I will provide the anonymous captive with new confinement, so the Quiet Box can be used to secure the type of villain for which it was designed. Morally, with her as our prisoner, we cannot execute Vanessa. But neither can we reward her treachery with leniency, or provide her the slightest opportunity to inflict further harm.

All had agreed that it was a sound plan. Seth had asked424 to be present for the prisoner exchange. Kendra had secondedthe request. The Sphinx said he saw no harm in it, since the current occupant of the Quiet Box was unrecognizable beneath his mask and bindings. Grandpa had granted permission.

As Kendra followed Grandpa and Seth down the stairs, she reflected that this punishment was in many ways worse than an execution. From what she had gathered, imprisonment in the Quiet Box meant centuries of uninterrupted solitude. The Box put the occupant in a suspended state but did not render the prisoner entirely unconscious. She could not imagine complete sensory deprivation for a day, let alone a year, but this was potentially many lifetimes standing upright inside a snug container. She could only guess at the psychological consequences of such extended isolation.

Kendra was hurt that Vanessa had betrayed her, and glad to see her come to justice, but the prolonged confinement of the Quiet Box struck her as a heavy price for even the most heinous crime. Even so, the Sphinx was right-Vanessa could not be permitted to exert further control over those she had bitten.

They met Grandma in the kitchen and descended together into the dungeon, where they found Mr. Lich escorting Vanessa from her cell, with a firm grip on her upper arm. The Sphinx nodded gravely. Once again we prepare to part ways, he said. Hopefully our next meeting will be under less duress.

Tanu, Coulter, Dale, and Warren had all opted not to attend, so the small party set off down the hall in silence425 toward their destination. Mr. Lich led the way with Vanessa,so Kendra could not see her face. Vanessa was dressed in one of Grandma's old housecoats, but she held her head erect.

Before long they reached the tall cabinet that reminded Kendra of magicians making lovely a.s.sistants vanish. The Sphinx turned and faced them. Let me stress one last time what exemplary courage and character all of you showed in thwarting this insidious attempt to steal a potentially ruinous artifact. Kendra and Seth, both of you displayed remarkable valor. Words cannot convey my sincere admiration and grat.i.tude. Once we release the prisoner, Mr. Lich and I will need to make a hasty departure. Rest a.s.sured that we have a safe home in mind for both the artifact and the captive from the Quiet Box, and that we will telephone you, Stan, to confirm that all is safe and secure. When the prisoner emerges, make no sound until we are gone. My cautious nature would rather he not hear your voices or receive any other clues about who you are.

The Sphinx turned to face Vanessa. Have you any final words before you learn why we call it the Quiet Box? Take heed-any utterance that your lips had best be words of apology. His voice held a menacing edge.

Vanessa looked at them in turn. I apologize for the deceit. I never meant any of you physical harm. A false friends.h.i.+p is a terrible thing. Kendra, though you might not believe it, I remain your pen pal.

Enough, the Sphinx said. Make no professions of continued fidelity. We pity your fate, and collectively wish you had not brought this evil upon yourself. You have sought426 forbidden knowledge and committed unforgivable betrayals.You once had my trust, but it is now irretrievable.

The Sphinx opened the cabinet. The inside was lined with purple felt. The box was empty. Seth craned his neck, then gave Kendra a befuddled glance. Where was the current occupant?

Mr. Lich ushered Vanessa into the box. Her eyes were cold, but her jaw trembled. The Sphinx closed the door, and the cabinet rotated 180 degrees. Mr. Lich opened a door identical to the first, providing a view of the same s.p.a.ce from the opposite side. But the view was not of Vanessa.

Instead, a figure clad entirely in burlap stood in the box.

A coa.r.s.e sack covered his head, chained snugly around his neck. Thick ropes bound his arms to his sides. Shackles gripped his ankles.

Mr. Lich laid a hand on his shoulder and led the mysterious captive out of the box. The Sphinx closed the door.

Kendra, Seth, Grandma, and Grandpa watched as the prisoner shuffled away down the hall between the Sphinx and Mr. Lich. Grandma put an arm around Kendra, giving her a comforting squeeze.

That night, Kendra found she could not sleep. Her mind was whirling with the events of the past few days. They had been through so much, it seemed she had returned to Fablehaven a lifetime ago.

Midsummer Eve was a few days away. Grandpa had emphasized to Seth that they were putting their lives into427 his hands by permitting him to remain on the preserve duringthat perilous evening. Her brother had a.s.sured everyone that he had learned his lesson, that he would stay far from the windows unless otherwise instructed. Kendra was almost surprised to discover that, like her Grandpa, she absolutely believed him.

One particular thought kept recurring as Kendra lay awake in the dark. Vanessa's last words kept striking her as increasingly peculiar: I remain your pen pal.

Kendra knew she might be crazy, but she felt certain the statement was more than a plat.i.tude. It sounded like Vanessa might be hinting at a secret message.

Deciding she had to know, Kendra kicked off the covers.

Opening the nightstand drawer, she removed the umite wax candle that Vanessa had given her. She padded across the attic floor and down the stairs to the hall.

Kendra eased open the door to Grandpa and Grandma's room. Like everyone else in the dark house, they were sleeping soundly. There were the dungeon keys, on a peg near the bed. Grandpa had sworn he was going to make copies and hide them in strategic locations in case of another takeover.