Part 28 (1/2)
No offense, but it might be a bit of a squeeze, Newel said.
We have potions to shrink ourselves down, Seth said.
Resourceful kids, Doren commented.
Newel studied them shrewdly. Why would you want to299 get into the house that way? There may be barriers to preventyou. And who says the brownies will grant you access?
They keep to themselves.
We have to sneak inside, Kendra explained. Vanessa is a narcoblix. She drugged my grandparents and took over the house, and will probably try to destroy Fablehaven next!
Wait a minute, Doren said. Vanessa? As in, smoking-hot Vanessa?
As in betrayed-us-all Vanessa, Kendra said.
I'm not sure how the brownies would feel about us giving away their secret entrance, Newel said, rolling his tongue against his cheek and winking at Doren.
True, Doren said, nodding sagely. We'd be violating a sacred trust.
I wish we could help, Newel said, folding his hands.
But a promise is a promise.
How many batteries do you want? Seth asked.
Sixteen, Doren said.
Deal, Seth said.
Newel elbowed Doren. Twenty-four, is what he meant.
We've already got a deal for sixteen, Seth said. We could make it less.
Fair enough, Newel said. He gave Seth a sly glance.
I'm a.s.suming you have said batteries on your person.
In my room, Seth said.
I see, Newel said, scowling dramatically. And suppose you get caught and never make it back? We're out sixteen batteries, and we've broken our sacred promise to the300 brownies. I could live with sixteen up front, but with deferredpayment, we're going to have to up our fee by fifty percent.
Okay, twenty-four, Seth said. I'll pay up as soon as I can.
Newel grabbed Seth's hand and shook it vigorously.
Congratulations. You just found yourself a secret entrance.
So, seriously, Doren said. What's with the puppet?
Dusk was deepening when the satyrs, Kendra, Seth, and Mendigo reached the driveway to the main house, not far from the front gates of Fablehaven. Kendra had seen a few twinkling fairies in the woods, but when she tried to get their attention, they darted away.
Now I'd say it's getting dark, Doren said.
Save it, Newel replied, kneeling beside a tree and pointing. Seth, go straight not more than twenty paces, and you'll find a tree with a reddish hue to the bark. At the base of the tree, between a fork in the roots, you'll see a good sized hole. That is the entrance you're looking for. Don't blame me if they don't roll out the red carpet.
And don't tell them we told you how to find them, Doren said.
But be a pal and leave this near the entrance, Newel said, handing Seth his freshly broken racket.
Thanks, Kendra said. We'll take it from here.
Unless you want to help us, Seth tried.
Newel winced. Yeah, about that, see, we've got a thing-301We promised some friends, Doren said.It's been scheduled for a while...
We've already canceled twice...
Next time, Newel promised.
Take care, Doren said. Don't get eaten by a brownie.
The satyrs gamboled away and pa.s.sed out of sight.
Why'd you even ask? Kendra said.
Didn't think it could hurt, Seth replied. Come on.
They rushed across the gravel driveway. The house was not in sight, so they felt relatively safe from Vanessa and her imps. Mendigo followed a few paces behind them.
They continued in the direction the satyrs had indicated.
That must be it, Seth said, touching a tree with rosy bark. There's the hole. Good thing we found it before it was totally dark. Seth leaned the broken tennis racket against the tree.
The hole looked big enough to roll a bowling ball into.
It fell away at a steep angle. Get the potions out, Kendra said.
Seth rummaged in the pouch. He pulled out a pair of small vials. These should do the trick.
You're sure they're the right ones? Kendra verified.
They're the easiest to remember-the potion in the smallest bottles makes you small. He handed one of the vials to Kendra. She frowned at it, her brow furrowed. Now what? he asked.
Do you think our clothes will shrink too? she asked.
Seth paused. I hope so.
What if they don't?302 Tanu said the potions leave him about ten inches tall.So we'd be what, around seven or eight inches? What could we wear?
Tanu wraps handkerchiefs around some of his bottles, Kendra said.