Part 17 (1/2)

Are you really part lion?

You mean, am I appearing to you as an avatar? I will tell you if you win. Would you care to serve?

Seth grabbed the handles. You can.

As you wish. The Sphinx pushed the ball through the slot. The cowboys started spinning frantically. The Sphinx got control of the ball, nudged it sideways about an inch, and, with a flick of his wrist, blasted it into Seth's goal.

Wow! Seth said.

Your serve.

Seth put the ball in play. Flailing with his cowboys, he knocked it all the way to the Sphinx's goalie. Using controlled movements, the Sphinx pa.s.sed the ball across the table, from row to row, until he slammed it into Seth's goal from a tricky angle.

You're amazing! Seth said. Did you say Kendra beat you?

Your sister needed confidence. Yours is a different problem.

Plus there is no chance of me telling you my secret unless you earn it. Seth put the ball back in play, and the Sphinx swiftly scored again. The same thing happened two more times, the final point coming from a shot that put a spin on the ball so it curved into the goal.

You skunked me! Seth cried.

Do not tell your sister that I went easy on her. Tell her178 you beat me, if she asks. The Sphinx paused, looking Sethup and down. You have obviously been cursed.

A demon statue bit me. You can tell?

I knew beforehand, but the evidence of the curse is plain. Olloch the Glutton. How does it feel to be on his menu?

Not so good. Can you fix me?

The Sphinx opened the refrigerator. I offered your sister a drink.

You have anything from Egypt?

I have apple juice. I suppose Egyptians drink it sometimes.

Okay. Seth roamed the room, looking at the strange knickknacks on the tables and shelves. A miniature Ferris wheel, a collapsible spygla.s.s, a crystal music box, numerous figurines.

The Sphinx popped open a can of apple juice and poured the contents into a frosty mug. Here you go.

Seth accepted the mug and took a sip. I like the frozen cup.

I am glad. Seth, I cannot remove the curse. It will remain until Olloch either devours you or is destroyed.

So what do I do? Seth started guzzling his juice.

You will have to rely on the barrier the walls of Fablehaven provide. The day will come when Olloch shows up at the gates. The insatiable drive that compels him toward you will only increase over time. Worse, the demon is in the hands of the Society, and I suspect they will ensure he makes his way to you sooner rather than later. When179Olloch makes his appearance, we will find a way to deal withhim. Until that day, Fablehaven will be your refuge.

No more school? Seth asked hopefully.

You must not leave Fablehaven again until the glutton has been subdued. Mark my words, he will appear before long. When he does, we will discover a weakness and learn a way toexploit it. You should have no problem returning to school by the fall.

Having finished the juice, Seth wiped his lips with the back of his hand. No big rush.

Our conversation is nearly finished, the Sphinx said, taking the mug from Seth. Take care of your sister.

Turbulent times lie ahead. The gift the fairies have given her will make her a target. Your bravery can be a powerful a.s.set if you can keep it unspoiled by recklessness. Do not forget that Fablehaven almost fell because of your folly. Learn from that mistake.

I will, Seth said. I mean, I have. And I'll keep Kendra's fairykind thing a secret.

The Sphinx extended a hand. Seth shook it. One last thing, Seth. Are you aware that Midsummer Eve is scarcely a week away?


Might I make a suggestion?


Don't open any windows.180An Uninvited Guest Grandpa leaned back in his wheelchair, tapping his lips with the safe end of a fountain pen. Kendra and Seth sat in the oversized armchairs, and Grandma was behind the desk. Kendra and Seth had not seen Grandpa the previous night-Grandma had taken them to a fondue restaurant after their meeting with the Sphinx, and so they had not returned until well after dark.

Our story is that you were fairystruck, and that there were some residual effects from the incident, Grandpa said, ending the contemplative silence. It sounds perfectly plausible, and will make you less of a target than if word gets out you are fairykind. Obviously we never let on that the diagnosis came from the Sphinx-we do not mention him at all, to anyone.180 181 Coulter already knows we went to see him, Kendraconfessed.

What? Grandma leaned forward.

He already told me, Grandpa said. Ruth, he was trying to teach the lesson that spies could be anywhere, eavesdropping on conversations, and in the process learned about the Sphinx. The secret will be safe with Coulter. But he need not hear further details. No discussing it outside of this study.

So if anyone asks, Kendra was fairystruck, Seth said.

If someone knows enough to ask, and deserves an answer, that is our story, Grandpa reiterated. Now I hope we can get back to business as usual. Tanu is off scouting some unexplored territory. Coulter has an outing specifically for Seth. And Kendra can a.s.sist Vanessa with research.

Research? Kendra asked. Here in the house?

Seth bit the side of his hand. He was choking back laughter, which only served to inflame Kendra's indignation.

She's going through some journals, Grandpa said.

Following up on some hints left by Patton Burgess.

Why can't I go with Coulter? It's s.e.xist! Can't you make him take me?

Coulter is one of the most stubborn men I know, Grandpa said. I have serious doubts whether anyone could make him do anything. But I'm not sure today need be an issue for you, Kendra. I suspect you would rather skip this outing of your own accord. You see, a certain fog giant snared a valuable lead with us. In return, we promised him a live buffalo. So Coulter, Seth, and Hugo will be handing182over a buffalo to the brute to be instantly devoured. It willbe a gruesome sight.

Awesome, Seth whispered reverently.

Okay, well, I guess I don't mind skipping that, Kendra admitted. But I still don't like the idea of being left out of Coulter's excursions.

Complaint noted, Grandpa said. Now, Seth, I don't want this Olloch the Glutton business keeping you up at night. The Sphinx is right, the walls of Fablehaven will be sufficient protection, and if he says he will help us take care of the glutton once the demon shows up, then I see no cause for worry.

Sounds good to me, Seth said.