Part 29 (1/2)
'That's what I thought/ Newman agreed again.
Arriving back at the Three Kings, Tweed followed Paula inside and stood stock-still. Standing by the reception desk was the last person in the world he expected to encounter. Sir Guy Strangeways.
'h.e.l.lo, my good friend,' Strangeways greeted him. 'Small world.'
'As you say.'
'I'd appreciate a word with you. The writing room opposite the lift do you?'
'Just for a short time.'
As Strangeways disappeared into the room Tweed joined the others waiting for the lift. He kept his voice down.
'In half an hour's time we have to be in Beck's office across the street. You go on ahead when you're ready. I'll follow you. Guy has something on his mind.'
The door to the small room was closed. When Tweed opened it, shut it behind him, Strangeways was seated at a desk, writing furiously. There was no one else in the room as Sir Guy, hearing the door close, dropped his fountain pen, twisted round in his chair with a worried expression.
'Good of you to come so quickly. Please do sit down.'
'How did you know I was here?' Tweed demanded, still standing.
'That's hush-hush. Sorry, I gave my word.'
'What was it you wanted to see me about? I haven't much time.'
'I have problems.'
'We all have. What are yours, Guy?'
'Rupert, for one thing.' Strangeways grimaced. 'I told you - he owes that casino at Campione a packet. They're turning nasty. They even had the nerve to call me at Irongates.'
'So where is Rupert?'
'I do wish you'd sit down, Tweed.'
'I can only give you a few minutes just now.' 'Rupert's here. With me.'
'In this hotel?'
'Yes. Situation being what it is, thought I'd better keep him under my wing, so to speak.'
'He may sneak off,' Tweed warned. 'To borrow more money.'
'He's tried that back home. No one will give him a sou. Didn't know I was going to have to buy three tickets when we came out here.'
'So who is the third party?'
'Basil Windermere.'
'And has he a room in this hotel?' Tweed asked, suppressing his annoyance.
'He has. Not the sort of chap I want within a thousand miles of me, but I hadn't much choice. They're close friends. I know at one moment they'll be snarling at each other, then the next they're bosom pals. I thought Rupert needed someone of his own age to keep him company.'
'Where did you think I come in on this domestic problem?'
'Well.. Strangeways capped his pen, began twirling it between his fingers. 'I thought maybe Bob Newman could phone the boss of Campione, threaten to write an article exposing him.'
'Threaten? He doesn't know anything about the place.' Leaning on the edge of the desk, Tweed folded his arms. He stared down at the worried man.
'I don't think that's the real reason that you - somehow - found out where I was and hopped on a flight to see me.'
'There was something else.'
'I've got a couple of minutes left before I have to go.'
'Morgenstern called me, urged me to come and see him right away at the You know what he's like - wants everything yesterday, if not sooner. I drove up for the meeting. His one theme, hammered away non-stop, was that the special relations.h.i.+p between Britain and America must be enormously strengthened. And quickly. He thinks you're a key element in the plan. He said he'd seen you once. Now he wants to see you again. I'm worried.'
'As you must know, recently American companies have taken over electricity companies in Britain. Also water supply companies. Soon they'll control our country. Do we resist - or do we go along with them?'
'Guy, you were in the Gulf War: Did you ever wonder whether to fight the enemy or to go along with him?'
'Put that way, we have no alternative. I'd still like to talk to you about what Jefferson Morgenstern said later.'
'Later, we will. I must go now ...'
Tweed had just entered his room, the coat he had taken off earlier over his arm, when someone tapped on his door. It was Paula. He had called her from the reception desk before coming up in the lift. She carried her own fur-lined coat over her arm, had her gloves in one hand, and was wearing knee-high boots. She went straight to a table, poured a gla.s.s of water from a bottle on the table, took it to him. She had dropped her coat on a chair and held out the other hand.
'Take this now. We have fifteen minutes. You should have had it earlier. A Dramamine tablet. Don't look out of the window but the river is rough. You know you hate being on water.'
'Thank you.'
He swallowed the tablet, drank the whole gla.s.s of water. Then he sat down. Paula noticed he looked grim, sat beside him on the couch.
'Want to tell me about it?'
'First, we can expect Keith Kent very shortly. I phoned him to come over from downstairs. I want to show him what was inside the envelope Juliette gave me which I opened in the taxi on our way from the station.'
'I didn't see what it was. I knew you'd tell me if you wanted to.'
'These were inside. No note. Just these.'
Taking the envelope from his pocket, he extracted two banknotes. He handed them to Paula. She stared at them, examined them, then looked at him with a puzzled expression.
'One English twenty-pound note, one English ten-pound note. I am mystified. Why would Kurt travel all the way to St Ursanne to see his friend, Juliette, just to leave these with her? And then put her details in that little black book Irina extracted from behind the brick in the wall?'