Part 19 (1/2)
'Don't forget my Browning automatic - and plenty of ammo,' said Paula.
'The lady will be equipped with her favourite weapon,' Marler promised.
'I should have thought of that myself,' Tweed admitted, but I have a lot on my mind. This evening I have dinner with Jefferson Morgenstern.'
'You'll tell him where we're going?' Newman teased. 'Of course not. Don't be so silly.'
Paula narrowed her eyes, then looked away. It was very rare for Tweed to have a flash of temper. Something must be putting him under immense pressure. Her mind flooded with doubts about him again.
'I was joking,' Newman said mildly.
'Sorry. I should have realized that,' Tweed said with feeling.
The phone rang. Monica answered, asked the caller to hold for a moment. She looked at Marler, her hand shutting off the mouthpiece.
'It's for you. Your girl friend, Denise Chatel.'
Tweed stood up, told Marler to take the call on his phone. As he picked it up, Marler noticed everyone else in the room was suddenly interested in what was going on outside the window, which amused him. Was this their idea of giving him privacy?
'h.e.l.lo, Denise. Alec here. How is the desirable brunette?'
'All right. And thank you. I'm calling on my special line from my flat. Have you heard anything yet about Virginia?'
'Not yet. It may take a day or two. As soon as I have something you'll hear from me.'
'I'm afraid I won't. Which is why I'm phoning you. Sharon told me at lunchtime that we're flying to Basel in Switzerland today. Well be staying at a hotel called the Three Kings. I'll call you as soon as I get back - although I don't know when that will be.'
'Did she give any reason for this sudden decision?' 'Not even a hint. But she works like that. I have to go. Take care of yourself.'
'You do the same. And don't mention the Virginia business to anyone.'
'I promise.'
Tweed returned to his desk. Marler walked over to the wall near Paula, leant against it. He took his time about lighting up a king-size. No one asked why Denise had phoned but Tweed sat looking at him.
'Denise is going abroad today,' Marler eventually announced. 'With Sharon.'
'So I can forget my date,' Newman commented. 'They are both flying to Switzerland today,' Marler went on. 'Specifically, to Basel. They're staying at the Three Kings Hotel.'
'Which is where we'll be staying from tomorrow,' Tweed told everyone. 'Another coincidence? Probably. It is not only the oldest hotel in Basel, it's also the best.'
'So I may see Sharon.again soon,' Newman said more cheerfully.
'Bob.' Tweed smiled. 'I foresee great activity in Basel. You won't have to much time to pursue your personal affairs.'
'You couldn't care to spell that last word?' Newman joked back.
'I wouldn't like to embarra.s.s you.' Tweed smiled again. 'In fact, the closer you get to Sharon the more pleased I'll be. She's a beautiful lady-- and men talk to lovely women. She may have heard something we need to know. If she has, sooner or later she may let something slip when you're together.'
The phone rang. After answering, Monica again looked at Marler.
'It's for you. Cord Dillon...'
Tweed again ushered Marler into his chair. He wandered over to the window, staring into the distance. Outside sleet was falling. Moving cars had their wipers going full blast.
'Marler here, Cord.'
'We may be on to something big, reaching right up to Was.h.i.+ngton. I found Jim Briscoe's phone number. Told him who I was, what my job was, omitting to say I don't hold the post any more. He'd had a few drinks, but his brain was ticking over. He's bitter as all h.e.l.l. He has no doubt at all Chatel and his wife were murdered. A heavy truck or some other vehicle slammed them over the edge down into that gorge. He called in the FBI, wrote a report. Next thing he knows, he's been replaced by a new sheriff, retired on full pension. His report was shredded.'
'This is pretty sensational...'
'There's a bit more. A few weeks after his forced retirement Briscoe was drinking with a young deputy brought in at the same time as the new sheriff. The boy got talkative when Briscoe mentioned the Chatel case. His boss had told him the case was closed for ever - that if it was ever reopened someone back in Was.h.i.+ngton called Charlie would see they both disappeared for good. It stinks of a huge cover-up. Guess that's all I have to give you.'
'It's more than enough, Cord. I'm very grateful. You've been very quick.'
'You've got a job to do, d.a.m.ned well do it.'
The connection was broken without another word. Marler relaxed in Tweed's chair, recalled out aloud everything Dillon had said. As he went on, Tweed perched on the corner of his own desk, arms folded, his eyes fixed on Marler's. Eventually Marler spread both his hands.
'You've got the lot.'
'Charlie again,' Tweed said in a-quiet voice. 'I know you're doing your best, Monica, but at the earliest possible moment we must identify Charlie.'
Halfway through dinner in a magnificently furnished room, full of antiques, Jefferson Morgenstern brought up the subject. Earlier he and Tweed had had drinks in a smaller room and the American Secretary of State had chatted about their previous meeting in Was.h.i.+ngton.
Morgenstern was about five feet eight tall, in his fifties. He was clean-shaven with greying hair, plump cheeked, had a longish face and a prominent nose and wore rimless His personality radiated self- confidence without arrogance and he spoke at speed in a deep voice. His mind moved like quicksilver and Tweed considered him one of the most intelligent men he had ever met.
He had the reputation of liking the company of beautiful women, providing they were also intelligent. His expressions were mobile - sometimes grave and on other occasions amiable. He was known internationally as a man who could charm the birds out of the trees and his diplomatic skills were awesome. Despite his long sojourn in the States he was far more European than American. His energy was legendary.
'You know, Tweed,' he began, 'today the world is changing, and to survive we must change with it.'
'Jefferson, what sort of changes had you in mind?'
Tweed finished his fourth gla.s.s of wine and out of nowhere an attentive waiter appeared and refilled his gla.s.s, then vanished. On the wine front Tweed was keeping up with his host. He had an unusual metabolism. He would drink hardly anything for months, then, when the occasion required it, could consume a large quant.i.ty without it in any way affecting his brain.
'For one thing,' Morgenstern continued, 'I believe we have to considerably strengthen the special relations.h.i.+p between our two countries. In every field - economically, socially and politically '
'You haven't changed. You never hesitate to ask the leading question. Which is one of the many things I like about you. That and your global outlook.'
'So why?' Tweed repeated.
'From Was.h.i.+ngton's point of view - and the world's - we are the great superpower. Between us, I believe we have peaked. In the Pacific we face China. China is steadily building itself up into a monster.