Part 39 (1/2)
_Pater Clestis._ If I among them might find but five and forty Them would I not lose for that just company.
_Abraham._ What if the city may forty righteous make?
_Pater Clestis._ Then will I pardon it for those same forty's sake.
_Abraham._ Be not angry, Lord, though I speak undiscreetly.
_Pater Clestis._ Utter thy whole mind and spare me not hardly.
_Abraham._ Peradventure there may be thirty found among them.
_Pater Clestis._ May I find thirty, I will nothing do unto them.
_Abraham._ I take upon me too much, Lord, in thy sight.
_Pater Clestis._ No, no, good Abraham, for I know thy faith is right.
_Abraham._ No less, I suppose, than twenty can it have.
_Pater Clestis._ Could I find twenty, that city would I save.
_Abraham._ Once yet will I speak my mind, and then no more.
_Pater Clestis._ Spare not to utter so much as thou hast in store.
_Abraham._ And what if there might be ten good creatures found?
_Pater Clestis._ The rest for their sakes might so be safe and sound, And not destroyed for their abomination.
_Abraham._ O merciful Maker, much is thy toleration And sufferance of sin: I see it now indeed; Vouchsafe yet of favour out of those cities to lead Those that be faithful, though their flock be but small.
_Pater Clestis._ Lot and his household, I will deliver all, For righteousness sake, which is of me and not them.
_Abraham._ Great are thy graces in the generation of Shem.
_Pater Clestis._ Well, Abraham, well, for thy true faithfulness Now will I give thee my covenant or third promise.
Look thou believe it as thou covetest righteousness.
_Abraham._ Lord, so regard me as I receive it with gladness.
_Pater Clestis._ Of many peoples the father I will make thee, All generations in thy seed shall be blessed: As the stars of heaven, so shall thy kindred be; And by the same seed the world shall be redressed In circ.u.mcision shall this thing be expressed, As in a sure seal, to prove my promise true, Print this in thy faith, and it shall thy soul renew.
_Abraham._ I will not one jot, Lord, from thy will dissent But to thy pleasure be always obedient, Thy laws to fulfil, and most precious commandment.
_Pater Clestis._ Farewell, Abraham, for here in place I leave thee.
_Abraham._ Thanks will I render, like as it shall behove me.
Everlasting praise to thy most glorious name, Which savedst Adam through faith in thy sweet promise Of the woman's seed, and now confirmest the same In the seed of me. Forsooth great is thy goodness.
I cannot perceive but that thy mercy is endless.
To such as fear thee, in every generation, For it endureth without abbreviation.
This have I printed in deep consideration, No worldly matter can rase it out of mind.
For once it will be the final restoration Of Adam and Eve, and other that hath sinned; Yea, the sure health and race of mankind.
Help have the faithful thereof, though they be infect; They, condemnation, where as it is reject.
Merciful Maker, my crabbed voice direct, That it may break out in some sweet praise to thee; And suffer me not thy due lauds to neglect, But let me show forth thy commendations free.