Part 32 (1/2)

_Thomas._ O James, it is no use for thee; A man who is dead certainly Does not live again.

Foolish idleness, not to leave it, But to go to a.s.sert A thing of no benefit.

_John._ O Thomas, thou art a fool; That is the belief of all: Jesus Christ after dying, To be put into the ground; After that to rise again At the end of three days, and to stand up.

_Thomas._ O John, be not absurd, For my wonder,--it is great, That thou shouldst speak folly.

Christ through sufferings was Indeed put to death on the cross tree; My curse on him that did it!

_Bartholomew._ Thomas, believe me, though I am gray; Man could not have power To put him to death.

For us he would die, And go into the tomb, and rise, To carry all Christians to heaven.

_Thomas._ O Bartte, thou art mad And fond beyond all men Who are fools.

G.o.d, without dying, might have Caused all men to be saved, Over all the world.

_Matthew._ That is true, he could Destroy every thing again, That it be no more.

But nevertheless for us, Christ wished to go into the ground, And to live again.

_Thomas._ And thou art a fool, Matthew; If thou art wise thou wilt be silent, And withdraw.

He lives not, through all thy words, When I saw him, he was dead On the cross tree.

_Philip._ Alas! to be so foolis.h.!.+

Crooked, wilt thou not believe The Head of sovereignty; And he saying to us That after dying he would rise Out of the tomb?

_Thomas._ Sit silent, wilt thou, Philip, For in faith thou swearest wrongly About him.

Christ's limbs were bruised, And on his body a thousand wounds; Alas! he is not risen.

_James the Greater._ O do not say so, That Jesus the best Lord Cannot rise, For very truly he is risen; To be his servant thou art not worthy, It appears well.

_Thomas._ O thou James, if he were alive His servant I would be Very joyfully.

But he is not alive, leave off thy noise; The thorn even into his brain, Went to his head.

_Simon._ Though the thorn went into his head, And through his heart and side The spear was seen, Nevertheless need is to believe Jesus Christ will rise again, As he is true G.o.d.

_Thomas._ O Simon, do not speak a word; Never, never, unhappily, He has not risen again.

But if it were so, Together we should all be Exceedingly at ease.

_Judah._ Sir Thomas, it is so, He has risen again to-day Out of the tomb.

For if he should not rise again, Never with us would there be Joy without end.

_Thomas._ O Judah, Judah, leave thy belief; His heart torn in pieces I saw.

Notwithstanding what any man may say, That same body will remain; It has not risen.

_Andrew._ Peace, Thomas, and say not a word; Very truly our dear Lord Is risen again.

Surely too much thou hast disbelieved, For Mary has spoken With him to-day.

_Thomas._ Thou art a fool, Andrew; The girl has told a lie, Do not think otherwise.

That he ever rose again I will not believe it.

As long as I am alive.

_Mary Magdalene._ I have not said an untrue word; For to me all his wounds He shewed.