Part 25 (1/2)

[_The innocents are ma.s.sacred._

_1st Soldier._ Who heard ever such a cry Of women, that their children have lost And greatly rebuking chivalry Throughout this realm in every coast Which many a man's life is like to cost; For this great revenge that here is done, I fear much vengeance thereof will come.

_2nd Soldier._ Eh! brother, such tales may we not tell, Wherefore to the king let us go, For he is like to bear the bell, Which was the cause that we did so; Yet must they all be brought him to With wains and waggons full freight.

I trow there will be a careful sight.

[_They come before Herod._

_1st Soldier._ Lo! Herod, king! here must thou see How many thousands that we have slain.

_2nd Soldier._ And needs thy will fulfilled must be, There may no man say there again.[269]

_Herald._ Herod, king! I shall thee tell, All thy deeds is come to nought.

This child is gone into Egypt to dwell, Lo! Sir, in thine own land what wonders byn[270] wrought.

_Herod._ Into Egypt? Alas! for woe, Longer in land here I cannot abide.

Saddle my palfry, for in haste will I go After yon traitors now will I ride Them for to sloo.[271]

Now all men hie fast Into Egypt in haste: All that country will I tast[272]

Till I may come them to.


[_From the Towneley Collection_]


Jesus Mary John Joseph Pilate Longeus Nicodemus Four Torturers


_Pilate._ Peace I bid every wight; Stand as still as stone in wall, Whiles ye are present in my sight, That none of ye clatter nor call; For if ye do, your death is dight.

I warn it you both great and small, With this brand burnished so bright, Therefore in peace look ye be all.

What? peace, in the devil's name!

Harlots and dastards all bedene[273]

On gallows ye be made full tame.

Thieves and michers ken[274]

Will ye not peace when I bid you?

By Mahoun's blood! if ye me teyn,[275]

I shall ordain soon for you Pains that never e'er was seen, And that anon: Be ye so bold beggars, I warn you, Full boldly shall I beat you, To h.e.l.l the de'il shall draw you, Body, back, and bone.

I am a lord that mickle is of might, Prince of all Jewry, Sir Pilate I hight.

Next bring Herod, greatest of all, Bow to my bidding, both great and small, Or else be ye shent;[276]

Therefore keep your tongues, I warn you all And unto us take tent.[277]

_1st Torturer._ All peace, all peace, among you all!