Part 21 (1/2)
Till that the sun rise in the east, Let us all here abide.
[_There the Shepherds draw forth their meat, and do eat and drink, and as they drink they see the star and say thus:_
Brother, look up and behold, What thing is yonder that s.h.i.+neth so bright?
As long as ever I have watched my fold, Yet saw I never such a sight In field.
Aha! now is come the time that old fathers hath told, That in the winter's night so cold, A child of maiden born, be he would, In whom all prophecies shall be fulfilled.
_1st Shepherd._ Truth it is without nay, So said the prophet Isaye, That a child should be born of a maid so bright In winter nigh the shortest day, Or else in the middest of the night.
_2nd Shepherd._ Loved be G.o.d, most of might!
That our grace is to see that sight; Pray we to him as it is right If that his will it be, That we may have knowledge of this signification, And why it appeareth on this fas.h.i.+on And ever to him let us give laudation, In earth, while that we be.
[_There the angels sing ”Gloria in Excelsis Deo.”_
_3rd Shepherd._ Hark, they sing above in the clouds clear!
Heard I never of so merry a choir.
Now gentle brother draw we near To hear their harmony?
_1st Shepherd._ Brother, mirth and solace is come us among For, by the sweetness of their song; G.o.d's Son is come, whom we have looked for long, As signifieth this star we do see.
_2nd Shepherd._ Glory, _Gloria in Excelsis_, that was their song, How say ye fellows! said they not thus?
_1st Shepherd._ That is well said, now go we hence To wors.h.i.+p that child of high magnificence; And that we may sing in his presence, _Et in terra pax omnibus._ [_There the Shepherds sing:_]
As I out rode this enderes' night, Of three jolly shepherds I saw a sight, And all about their fold a star shone bright; They sang, Terli, terlow; So merrily the shepherds their pipes can blow.
_Joseph._ Now, Lord, this noise that I do hear With this great solemnity, Greatly amended hath my cheer, I trust high news shortly will be.
[_There the Angels sing ”Gloria in Excelsis” again._
_Mary._ Ah Joseph, husband, come hither anon My child is born that is King of bliss.
_Joseph._ Now welcome to me, the maker of man, With all the homage that I can; Thy sweet mother here will I kiss.
_Mary._ Ah Joseph, husband, my child waxeth cold And we have no fire to warm him with.
_Joseph._ Now in my arms I shall him fold, King of all kings by field and by frith,[229]
He might have had better, and himself would Than the breathing of these beasts to warm him with.
_Mary._ Now, Joseph, my husband, fetch hither my child, The maker of man, and high King of bliss.
_Joseph._ That shall be done, anon, Mary so mild!
For the breathing of these beasts hath warmed him, I wis.
_1st Angel._ Herdmen kind, dread ye nothing, Of this star that ye do see; For this same morn G.o.d's son is born, In Bethlem of a maiden fre.[230]
_2nd Angel._ Hie you hither in haste, It is his will ye shall him see Lying in a crib of poor repast; Yet of David's line come is he.
_1st Shepherd._ Hail, maid-mother, and wife so mild!