Part 2 (1/2)


_Messenger._ I pray you all give your audience, And hear this matter with reverence, By figure a moral play-- The _Summoning of Everyman_ called it is, That of our lives and ending shows How transitory we be all day.

This matter is wondrous precious, But the intent of it is more gracious, And sweet to bear away.

The story saith,--Man, in the beginning, Look well, and take good heed to the ending, Be you never so gay!

Ye think sin in the beginning full sweet, Which in the end causeth thy soul to weep, When the body lieth in clay.

Here shall you see how _Fellows.h.i.+p_ and _Jollity_, Both _Strength_, _Pleasure_, and _Beauty_, Will fade from thee as flower in May.

For ye shall hear, how our heaven king Calleth _Everyman_ to a general reckoning: Give audience, and hear what he doth say.

_G.o.d._ I perceive here in my majesty, How that all creatures be to me unkind, Living without dread in worldly prosperity: Of ghostly sight the people be so blind, Drowned in sin, they know me not for their G.o.d; In worldly riches is all their mind, They fear not my rightwiseness, the sharp rod; My law that I shewed, when I for them died, They forget clean, and shedding of my blood red; I hanged between two, it cannot be denied; To get them life I suffered to be dead; I healed their feet, with thorns hurt was my head: I could do no more than I did truly, And now I see the people do clean forsake me.

They use the seven deadly sins d.a.m.nable; As pride, covetise, wrath, and lechery, Now in the world be made commendable; And thus they leave of angels the heavenly company; Everyman liveth so after his own pleasure, And yet of their life they be nothing sure: I see the more that I them forbear The worse they be from year to year; All that liveth appaireth[7] fast, Therefore I will in all the haste Have a reckoning of Everyman's person For and I leave the people thus alone In their life and wicked tempests, Verily they will become much worse than beasts; For now one would by envy another up eat; Charity they all do clean forget.

I hoped well that Everyman In my glory should make his mansion, And thereto I had them all elect; But now I see, like traitors deject, They thank me not for the pleasure that I to them meant, Nor yet for their being that I them have lent; I proffered the people great mult.i.tude of mercy, And few there be that asketh it heartily; They be so c.u.mbered with worldly riches, That needs on them I must do justice, On Everyman living without fear.

Where art thou, _Death_, thou mighty messenger?

_Death._ Almighty G.o.d, I am here at your will, Your commandment to fulfil.

_G.o.d._ Go thou to _Everyman_, And show him in my name A pilgrimage he must on him take, Which he in no wise may escape; And that he bring with him a sure reckoning Without delay or any tarrying.

_Death._ Lord, I will in the world go run over all, And cruelly outsearch both great and small; Every man will I beset that liveth beastly Out of G.o.d's laws, and dreadeth not folly: He that loveth riches I will strike with my dart, His sight to blind, and from heaven to depart, Except that alms be his good friend, In h.e.l.l for to dwell, world without end.

Lo, yonder I see _Everyman_ walking; Full little he thinketh on my coming; His mind is on fleshly l.u.s.ts and his treasure, And great pain it shall cause him to endure Before the Lord Heaven King.

_Everyman_, stand still; whither art thou going Thus gaily? Hast thou thy Maker forget?

_Everyman._ Why askst thou?

Wouldest thou wete?[8]

_Death._ Yea, sir, I will show you; In great haste I am sent to thee From G.o.d out of his majesty.

_Everyman._ What, sent to me?

_Death._ Yea, certainly.

Though thou have forget him here, He thinketh on thee in the heavenly sphere, As, or we depart, thou shalt know.

_Everyman._ What desireth G.o.d of me?

_Death._ That shall I show thee; A reckoning he will needs have Without any longer respite.

_Everyman._ To give a reckoning longer leisure I crave; This blind matter troubleth my wit.

_Death._ On thee thou must take a long journey: Therefore thy book of count with thee thou bring; For turn again thou can not by no way, And look thou be sure of thy reckoning: For before G.o.d thou shalt answer, and show Thy many bad deeds and good but a few; How thou hast spent thy life, and in what wise, Before the chief lord of paradise.

Have ado that we were in that way, For, wete thou well, thou shalt make none attournay.[9]

_Everyman._ Full unready I am such reckoning to give.

I know thee not: what messenger art thou?

_Death._ I am _Death_, that no man dreadeth.

For every man I rest and no man spareth; For it is G.o.d's commandment That all to me should be obedient.

_Everyman._ O _Death_, thou comest when I had thee least in mind; In thy power it lieth me to save, Yet of my good will I give thee, if ye will be kind, Yea, a thousand pound shalt thou have, And defer this matter till another day.

_Death._ _Everyman_, it may not be by no way; I set not by gold, silver, nor riches, Ne by pope, emperor, king, duke, ne princes.

For and I would receive gifts great, All the world I might get; But my custom is clean contrary.

I give thee no respite: come hence, and not tarry.