Volume Vi Part 66 (1/2)

naval battle Manila, V.

evacuates Cuba, cedes Porto Rico, sells Philippines, V.

in American Revolution, V.

Spaniards, treatment of American natives by the, I.

Spanish-American war, V.

Spanish coins, II.

Specie payment, resumption of, IV.

Sperry, Rear-Admiral Charles S .. VI.

Spinning machinery, II., III.

Spooner Act concerning isthmian ca.n.a.l, VI.

Sports, in United States, in 1800, II.

Spotswood, Governor, of Virginia, I.

Spottsylvania, battle of, IV.

”Squatter Sovereignty,” III.

Stamp Act, the, II.

repealed, II.

Stanton, Secretary, III.

Star of the West, the, fired on, III.

Stark, General, II.

his cool courage, II.

”Starving time,” the, in Virginia, I.

State const.i.tutions, revision of, V.

State Department, the, II.

rights and the central government, III.

rights in slavery, III.

authority as compared with that of the Union, III.

under Secretary Hay, VI.

Steam, navigation begun, II.

fire engines, III.

Steams.h.i.+p combinations, VI.

Steel trade, VI.