Volume Vi Part 50 (1/2)
at second battle of Bull Run, IV.
at Chancellorsville, IV.
killed, 96.
Jackson, Governor, of Missouri, III.
James I., issues first English colonial charter, I.
appoints commission to inquire into Virginia Company, I.
James II.
becomes king, I.
makes Andros governor, I.
New York named after, I.
Penn and, I.
not popular in Maryland, I.
Virginia and, I.
James, Postmaster, IV.
Jamestown settled, I.
colony of, I.
abandoned by the colony, I.
exposition, 1907, VI.
j.a.panese students in San Francisco, VI.
Jay, John, his share in peace negotiations, II.
first chief justice, II.
a Federalist, II.
sent to England as envoy extraordinary, II.
his treaty, II., III.
burned in effigy, II.
Jefferson, Thomas, writes Declaration of Independence, II.
first secretary of state, II.
an anti-Federalist, II.
opposes United States Bank, II.
his criticism of Was.h.i.+ngton's proclamation of neutrality, II.
fond of menageries and circuses, II.
a.s.sailed, II.
elected President, II.
the typical Democrat, II.
his character, II.
his civil service policy, II.