Volume Vi Part 45 (1/2)
French, the. See France.
French and Indian.
war, the, I.
England's plans in, I.
Braddock in, I.
results of, II.
a military training for the colonies, II.
produced union of the colonies, II.
removed a dangerous neighbor to the colonies, II.
French Panama Company, VI.
French Revolution, the, II.
Frobisher, Martin, tries for a northwest pa.s.sage, I.
his second expedition, I.
third expedition, I.
tradition concerning visits of, among the Esquimos, I.
Frontenac, Count, I.
in King William's war, I.
Fry, Sir Edward, VI.
Fugitive slave law, III.
the new, III.
Fuller, Dr. Richard, III.
Fuller, Chief Justice, VI.
Fulton and the steamboat, II.
Funston, General Frederick, captures Aguinaldo, V.
Gag law, III.
Gage, General, in Boston, II.
evacuates Boston, II.
Gaines, General, in Florida, III.
Gaines's Mill, battle of, IV.
”Gallomaniacs,” II.
Galveston, Texas, flood, VI.
plan of city government, VI.
port of, VI.