Volume Vi Part 41 (1/2)
his career and powers, III.
sends cannon to St. Louis boxed up, III.
and his government leave Richmond, IV.
his capture, IV.
excluded from Mexican war pension, V.
Debs, Eugene V., Social Democratic Party candidate, VI.
Debt, the Federal, at close of the Revolution, II.
the foreign debt, II.
domestic debt, II.
state debt, II.
scheme for payment, II.
reduction of national, IV.
Decatur, II.
Declaration of Independence, II.
mooted, II.
drafted, pa.s.sed, and signed, II.
the language and spirit of, II.
its effect, II.
”Declaratory Act,” the, II.
De Kalb, General, II.
the hero of Camden, II.
Delaware, Lord, governor of Virginia, I.
his mild sway, I.
Delaware, settlement begun, I.
intimately related to Pennsylvania, I.
its legislature, I.
population in 1700 and later, I.
ratifies the Const.i.tution, II.
and secession, III.
De Lesseps, Ferdinand, VI.
De Lome, Dupuy, V.
Democratic Party, the origin of, II.
enters a long lease of power, II.
its policy, II.
and the tariff, III.
in 1840, III.
favored annexation of Texas, III.
and Whigism, III.