Volume V Part 2 (1/2)
W. J. Bryan and Arthur Sewall Nominated.
Sketch of William J. Bryan.
Thomas Watson Nominated for Vice-President by Populist Convention.
National or Gold Democratic Ticket.
Speeches Made by Candidates.
Result of the Election.
John Sherman, William R. Day, and John Hay as Secretary of State.
Other Members of Cabinet.
Revival of Business in 1897.
Gold Discovery in Yukon, Klondike, and Cape Nome.
Alaskan Boundary Controversy Between United States and Great Britain.
Joint High Commission Canva.s.ses Boundary and Sealing Question.
Estimate of Loss to Seal Herd.
Sealskins Ordered Confiscated and Destroyed at United States Ports.
Hawaiian Islands Annexed.
Special Envoys to the Powers Appointed to Consider International Bi-Metallism.
President Withdraws Positions from the Cla.s.sified Service.
Extra Session of Congress.
Pa.s.ses Dingley Tariff Act.
Reciprocity Clauses.
Grant Mausoleum Completed.
Presentation Ceremonies at New York.
Cuban Discontent with Spanish Rule.
United States' Neutral Att.i.tude Toward Spain and Cuba.
Red Cross Society Aids Reconcentrados.
Spanish Minister Writes Letter that Leads to Resignation.
United States Battles.h.i.+p Maine Sunk in Havana Harbor.
Congress Declares the People of Cuba Free and Independent.
Minister Woodford Receives his Pa.s.sports at Madrid.
Increase of the Regular Army.
Spain Prepares for War.
Army Equipment Insufficient.
Strength of Navy.
The Oregon Makes Unprecedented Run.
Admiral Cervera's Fleet in Santiago Harbor.
Navy at Santiago Harbor Entrance.
Army Lands near Santiago.
The Darkest Day of the War.
Sinking of the Collier Merrimac to Block Harbor Entrance.
Spanish s.h.i.+ps Leave.
General Toral Surrenders.