Part 41 (1/2)
Troops charged out from the choppers, converging on the well from opposite sides.
Marshall Judah himself stepped out of one of the choppers, directing the operation.
'Oh, Lily...' West breathed, frozen, stunned.
At the hexagonal well, a CIEF trooper called to Judah: 'Sir, you better come and see this.'
Judah strode to the edge of the well.
And he was surprised by what he saw.
There, pressed right up right up against the roof-bars of the cage inside the well-her face upturned, with only her mouth and nose and eyes protruding above the surface of the quicksand pool that now filled the well, breathing shallowly and desperately, her lips puckered, was Lily. against the roof-bars of the cage inside the well-her face upturned, with only her mouth and nose and eyes protruding above the surface of the quicksand pool that now filled the well, breathing shallowly and desperately, her lips puckered, was Lily.
Judah wondered how on G.o.d's Earth she had got into this lifesaving position.
The cage-and the well-must have been at least twelve feet deep. Caught in the grip of the sand, she could never have reached up and grabbed the cage's roof-bars and lifted herself out- There must be someone else in there, he figured. he figured. Holding her up. Holding her up.
Then Judah saw it.
But only barely, it was so small.
He saw the tip of a gunbarrel gunbarrel protruding a centimetre above the surface of the quicksand pool right next to Lily's upturned face. It was the tip of a sniper rifle's gunbarrel-an ultralong Barrett M82A1A sniper rifle. protruding a centimetre above the surface of the quicksand pool right next to Lily's upturned face. It was the tip of a sniper rifle's gunbarrel-an ultralong Barrett M82A1A sniper rifle.
Only this gunbarrel was not being used for its original purpose.
It was being used as a snorkel by whoever was holding Lily up from below!
It wasn't until he had the well-trap reset and drained of quicksand that Judah fully appreciated the scene underneath Lily.
As the quicksand drained away, he beheld Stretch, standing on top of the statue of the winged lion that itself stood in the centre of the well, his own face upturned, breathing through the barrel of his disa.s.sembled Barrett sniper rifle, with Lily balancing on his shoulders in a perfect ballet toe-pose!
Stretch had indeed made his decision.
It would turn out to be a very good one, but for another reason entirely: for Judah would take him and Lily away alive.
Avenger and his team of Israeli commandos would not be so lucky.
For at the secret rear entrance to the Hanging Gardens, an American CIEF squad led by Cal Kallis was waiting for them.
And Kallis had strict orders not not to be merciful. to be merciful.
Avenger and his Israelis-thinking they had got away with the Piece-emerged from the underground tunnel system to see their extraction helicopter lying nearby, charred and smoking, destroyed, its pilots shot dead.
They also found themselves surrounded by Kallis's team.
The Israelis were quickly disarmed. Then, slowly and deliberately, Cal Kallis executed them all himself-one by one, shooting each man in the head, killing Avenger last of all, smiling meanly the whole time. This was the kind of thing Kallis enjoyed enjoyed.
Then he took the Piece from their dead hands and flew away, leaving the corpses for the desert birds to feast upon.
And so West watched, helpless, as Lily and Stretch were bundled into Judah's helicopter- -at which moment, a wave of gunfire smacked down all around him, from two Apache attack choppers that appeared suddenly from behind the stalact.i.te.
Horus squawked.
West moved too late.
But Pooh Bear didn't.
And he saved West's life-yanking him out of the line of fire and down into the square-shaped well-shaft of the ziggurat.
Down on the floor of the supercavern, Judah snapped round to see the cause of the commotion.
He glimpsed the two tiny figures of Pooh Bear and West up on the peak of the ziggurat-saw Pooh pull West down into the well-shaft that descended into the ziggurat, the shaft known as the Priests' Entrance.
'Jack...' Judah whispered. 'Alas, you've served your purpose. You're no longer a protected species. Time for you to die.'
Judah returned to his heavily-armed Black Hawk, with Stretch and Lily as his captives. The chopper lifted off and zoomed out of the cavern.
It was quickly followed by the other choppers: the Apaches and the Black Hawks. The American troops covering the liquid floor of the cavern also pulled out, exiting through the blasted-open Great Arch.
Once all his people were out, Judah-still eyeing the top of the ziggurat, the last place he had seen West alive-gave his final order.
'Fire into the stalact.i.te. Bring it down on that ziggurat.'
His pilot hesitated. 'But sir ...this place is histori-'
'Fire into the stalact.i.te now or I will have you thrown out of this helicopter.' The pilot complied.
Moments later, three h.e.l.lfire missiles lanced out from the missile pod of the Black Hawk, their three matching smoketrails spiralling in toward the giant rock formation...
...and they hit.
Shuddering explosions. Starbursts of rock and foliage.
And then, a momentous groaning sound as- -the great stalact.i.te slowly peeled off the ceiling of the supercavern, tilting precariously before fell away from the ceiling.
It sounded like the end of humanity. The sound was deafening.
Great chunks of rock were ripped away from the ceiling as the upside-down mountain fell away from it and crashed down onto the ziggurat.
The tip of the stalact.i.te slammed down against the peak of the ziggurat and the ziggurat-itself the size of a fifteen-storey building -was just crushed crushed like an aluminium can, compressed horribly downwards, like an aluminium can, compressed horribly downwards, totally totally destroyed. destroyed.
Then the great rock formation tipped sideways like a slow-falling tree and splashed down into the quicksand lake on the inner side of the supercavern.
The stalact.i.te hitting the lake had the impact of an aircraft carrier being dropped from a great height into the ocean. An enormous wave of rolling quicksand fanned out from the impact zone, slapping hard against every wall of the supercavern.