Part 2 (1/2)
'Never!' my father replied, viciously crumpling a handful of creeper leaves as he spoke. 'I have thought it over carefully, and have come to the conclusion that it will be a good thing for society if the name dies out with me. Good-bye.'
'Good-bye,' answered His Excellency, 'and G.o.d help you!'
Then he mounted his horse and rode away.
I have narrated this little episode in order to show that I had some justification for believing that my father was not merely the humble, commonplace individual he professed to be. I will now tell you another, which if it did not relieve my curiosity, was surely calculated to confirm my suspicions.
It happened that one day, early in winter, I was in the towns.h.i.+p at the time when the coach, which now connected us with civilisation, made its appearance. This great event happened twice weekly, and though they had now been familiar with it for some considerable time, the inhabitants, men, women and children, seemed to consider it a point of honour that they should be present, standing in the roadway about the Bushmen's Rest, to receive and welcome it. For my own part I was ten years old, as curious as my neighbours, and above all a highly imaginative child to whom the coach was a thing full of mystery. Times out of number I had pictured myself the driver of it, and often at night, when I was tucked up in my little bed and ought to have been asleep, I could seem to see it making its way through the dark bush, swaying to and fro, the horses stretched out to their full extent in their frenzied gallop.
On this particular occasion there were more pa.s.sengers than usual, for the reason that a new goldfield had sprung into existence in the ranges to the westward of us, and strangers were pa.s.sing through our towns.h.i.+p every day _en route_ to it. It was not until the driver had descended from his box and had entered the hotel that the crowd saw fit to disperse. I was about to follow them when I saw, coming towards me, a tall, dignified-looking man whom I had noticed sitting next to the driver when the coach arrived. He boasted a short, close-cropped beard, wore a pair of dark spectacles, and was dressed better than any man I had ever seen in my life before, my father not excepted. In his hand he carried a small portmanteau, and for a moment I thought he was going to enter the Bushmen's Rest like the remainder of the pa.s.sengers. He changed his mind, however, and after looking about him came towards where I stood.
'My lad,' said he, 'can you tell me which path I should follow to reach Mr Heggarstone's residence?'
My surprise at this question may be better imagined than described. It did not prevent me, however, from answering him.
'My name is Heggarstone,' I said, 'and our house is on the hill over there. You can just see the roof.'
If I had been surprised at his inquiry, it was plain that he was ever so much more astonished when he heard my name. For upwards of half a minute he stood and stared at me as if he did not know what to make of it.
'In that case, if you will permit me,' he said, with curious politeness, 'I will accompany you on your homeward journey. I have come a very long way to see your father, and my business with him is of the utmost importance.'
My first shyness having by this time completely vanished, I gazed at him with undisguised interest. I had not met many travellers in my life, and for this reason when I did I was prepared to make the most of them.
'Have you come from Brisbane, sir?' I inquired, after a short silence, feeling that it was inc.u.mbent upon me to say something.
'Just lately,' he answered. 'But before that from London.'
After this magnificent admission, I felt there was nothing more to be said. A man who had come from London to our little towns.h.i.+p, for the sole purpose of seeing my father, was not the sort of person to be talked to familiarly. I accordingly trudged alongside him in silence, thinking of all the wonderful things he must have seen, and wondering if it would be possible for me at some future date to induce him to tell me about them. At first he must have inclined to the belief that I was rather a forward youth. Now, however, I was as silent as if I were struck dumb. We descended the path to the river without a word, crossed the ford with our tongues still tied, and had almost reached our own boundary fence before either of us spoke. Then my companion moved his bag to the other hand and, placing his right upon my shoulder, said slowly,--
'So you are--well, Marmaduke Heggarstone's son?'
I looked up at him and noticed the gravity of his face as I answered, 'Yes, sir!'
He appeared to ruminate for a few seconds, and my sharp ears caught the words, 'Dear me, dear me!' muttered below his breath. A few moments later we had reached the house, and after I had asked the new-comer to take a seat in the verandah, I went in to find my father and to tell him that a visitor had arrived to see him.
'Who is it?' he inquired, looking up from his book. 'How often am I to tell you to ask people's names before you tell them I am at home? Go back and find out.'
I returned to the verandah, and asked the stranger if he would be kind enough to tell me his name.
'Redgarth,' he said, 'Michael Redgarth. Tell your father that, and I think he will remember me.'
I returned to the dining-room and acquainted my father with what I had discovered. Prepared as I was for it to have some effect upon him, I had no idea the shock would be so great. My father sprang to his feet with what sounded almost like a cry of alarm.
'Redgarth here,' he said; 'what on earth can it mean? However, I'll soon find out.'
So saying he pushed me on one side and went quickly down the pa.s.sage in the direction of the verandah. My curiosity by this time was thoroughly excited, and I followed him at a respectful distance, frightened lest he should see me and order me back, but resolved that, happen what might, I would discover his mysterious errand.
I saw my father pa.s.s through the door out on to the verandah, and as he did so I heard the stranger rise from his chair. What he said by way of introduction I could not catch, but whatever it may have been there could be no doubt that it incensed my father beyond all measure.
'Call me that at your peril,' I heard him say. 'Now tell me your errand here as quickly as you can and be gone again.'