Part 14 (1/2)
At the end of the small open glade the pack-horses dragged about their ropes. A short distance in front, the thick timber stopped and a mountain spur went up to the dim white peaks. The sun had gone and the sky was calm and green. One heard a river brawl and a faint wind in the trees. Deering lay in the pine needles and rubbed his neck.
”The mosquitoes are fierce. Throw some green stuff on the fire and make a smoke,” he said. ”I don't want to get up.”
Jimmy, sitting on a log, pushed green branches into the flames, and then turned his head and looked about. Two Indians were cutting poles and putting up a tent. In the gaps between the trunks the gloom got deep, and although the sharp top of the spur was distinct, Jimmy only saw a few small pines and junipers. Stannard and Okanagan Bob, who had gone up in the afternoon to look for a line to the high rocks, were not coming yet. The horses could not go farther and in the morning the hunting party would leave them behind.
”They recently let me join a highbrow mountain club; but when I start for the rocks I hesitate,” Deering resumed. ”To boost two hundred pounds up crags and glaciers is a strenuous job, and I allow I'd sooner Stannard had brought the hotel guides. When I camp I like two blankets and a square meal. A good guide can carry a lot of useful truck.”
”Their charges are high and Okanagan claims he knows the big-horn's haunts.”
”Somehow I reckon Bob knows too much,” Deering rejoined. ”Well, I allow to let you break your neck wouldn't pay Stannard.”
”In one sense, it wouldn't cost him much,” said Jimmy, with a laugh.
”You see, I insured my life in his favor some time since.”
”Ah,” said Deering, thoughtfully. ”That was when he took you down to Vancouver?”
”I went down. The plan was mine. After I fell into the gully, I saw Stannard ran some risk.”
Deering grinned. ”I like you, Jimmy! You're sure an honest kid.” Then his glance got keen and he resumed: ”Say, are you going to marry Laura?”
”Miss Stannard refused to marry me,” Jimmy replied in a quiet voice.
”But we were talking about the insurance. I rather urged Stannard--”
”Exactly! Stannard's a highbrow Englishman,” said Deering, but somehow Jimmy thought his remark ironical. ”Well, you urged, and since Stannard is not rich, he agreed? Perhaps the strange thing is, he was able to lend you a pretty good sum. Do you know where he gets the money?”
”I don't know. It's not important.”
”Oh, well! You have insured your life and Miss Laura has refused you!
She's a charming girl, but since I don't see her helping you run a bush ranch, perhaps her refusal was justified. However, I think somebody's coming down the ridge.”
Not long afterwards Stannard and Bob reached the camp and Stannard said, ”We have found a line and we'll start at daybreak. Bob now declares he expects a reward for each good head we get.”
”You can promise him his bonus. If we shoot a big-horn, we're lucky; the tourist sports have scared them back to the North,” Deering remarked.
They got supper and went to bed. The spruce twigs were soft and the Hudson's Bay blankets were warm, but for a time Jimmy did not sleep. The tent door was hooked back and the night was not dark. He saw the smoke go up and the mist creep about the trunks. Sometimes a horse broke a branch and sometimes the river's turmoil got louder, but this was all and Jimmy missed the cow-bells that chimed at Kelshope ranch.
Perhaps it was strange, but Laura's refusal had not hurt him very much.
In fact, he began to feel that so long as she did not marry Dillon he would be resigned. Now Jimmy came to think about it, Deering's hint that she attracted Frank to some extent accounted for his resolve to marry Laura. Anyhow, Laura was his friend, and Stannard had used tact. He was quietly sympathetic and soon banished Jimmy's embarra.s.sment. Then the noise of the river got indistinct and Jimmy thought he heard cow-bells ring. Branches cracked and somebody called, ”Oh, Buck! Oh, Bright!”
At daybreak Bob sent off two Indians to wait for the party at another spot. He and an Indian carried heavy loads, but all carried as much as possible, because Bob declared the party was rather large for good hunting and refused to take another man. When they stopped at noon Deering's face was very red and Jimmy was satisfied to lie in the stones while Bob brewed some tea.
After lunch they pushed through a belt of timber. The trees were small, but some had fallen and blocked the way. Others, broken by the wind, had not reached the ground and the locked branches held up the slanted trunks. Where the underbrush below was thick, one must crawl along the logs.
On the other side of the timber an avalanche had swept the slope, carrying down soil and stones, and the party was forced to cross steep rock slabs. Jimmy carried a rifle, a blanket, and a small bag of flour and admitted that he had got enough. To pitch camp at sunset behind a few half-dead spruce was a keen relief.
They had not a tent and the cold was keen, but where one can find wood one can build a shelter. Supper was soon cooked and when they had satisfied their appet.i.te all were glad to lie about the fire. Some distance above them, untrodden snow, touched with faint pink by the sunset, glimmered against the green sky. Below, rocks and gravel went down to the forest, across which blue mist rolled. Sometimes a belt of vapor melted and one saw a vast dim gulf and a winding line that was a river. The austere landscape rather braced than daunted Jimmy. He knew the Swiss rocks and the high snows called.