25 Weiss Schnee (1/2)

[All personal, be advised. We will shortly begin landing procedures. I repeat, All personal, be advised. We will shortly begin landing procedures.]

Groaning while attempting to cover his ears, Magna winced at the voice that boomed through out the room.

Yesterday, after Winter left, Magna didn't have the energy to reach his room so he went with the next best thing. He returned to the meeting room and crashed on the couch across from Weiss.

Slowly, Magna managed to stand up while his body ached all over. Suddenly, a high pitched scream echoed from behind him, giving Magna a fright.

Turning towards the source of the scream, Magna's lips twitched as he saw Weiss, pointing at him with a shaking finger as her cheeks were dyed in a deep blush.


Weiss's voice was shaking as she continued to point at Magna.

With a wry smile on his face, Magna could already guess what set her off. She's probably angry about the fact that Magna slept in the same room as her.

As if she heard his thoughts, Weiss's eyes seemed to glow in anger as she harshly screamed, ”YOU HEATHEN!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!”

Her voice could be a weapon with how loud she was being. Magna took a couple seconds to allow his ears to stop ringing before saying, ”I'm sorry. I was training with your sister last night. When we finished, I was too tired to walk back to my room so I came here and slept on the couch.”

Once Magna stopped talking, Weiss abruptly froze before she started to tremble. Magna had no clue what was going on and was about to ask her if she was alright when he heard a soft crying sound come from Weiss.

Before he could even react, Weiss plopped onto the ground and burst into tears. Panic washed over Magna as he started to freak out.

His eyes were spinning inside his head as he fell into confusion.

'Was it something I said? Did I do something wrong?'

These thoughts continued to swirl around inside his mind as he honestly didn't know why Weiss suddenly burst into tears.

In his confusion, Magna suddenly pulled Weiss into his chest and softly started to pat her head. Weiss struggled, trying her best to break away from him but to no avail.

After a couple minutes, Weiss settled down as she knew it was useless to try and escape. She was no longer crying but her eyes were red and puffy.

Magna was actually stunned as he felt as if his body moved on its own. Never in a thousand years would Magna just up and hug someone like that, especially if they've only known each other for a short time.

He could tell from how much she struggled in his embrace that she was extremely uncomfortable being hugged by him.

But now, not only did she stop struggling, she even quietly leaned against his chest.

Magna's hand softly ran through her hair, earning him a short glare from Weiss but ultimately, she didn't try to shake off his hand and only softly snorted at him before turning away.

A big and silly grin found its way onto Magna's face as he said in a sincere tone, ”Now that you've calmed down, do you want to tell me why you started crying, Princess?”

Weiss glared at Magna with a light blush on her face as she quietly muttered, ”…ot fair…”

Her voice was so quiet that Magna doubted she even said anything, so he couldn't help but ask her to speak up.

As if his words were the spark that ignited a firework, Weiss stood up from Magna's hug, turned towards him with a fiery glare and screamed, ”IT'S NOT FAIR!!! WINTER NEVER TRAINS WITH ME!!! HOW COME YOU GET TO TRAIN WITH HER!?!”

Once again, Magna found himself partially deaf as he thought over Weiss's words. Turns out she was just jealous of him spending some time with Winter.

Realising this, Magna couldn't help but find her reaction to be a little bit funny. The more he thought about it, the more uncontrollable the urge to laugh became.

Finally, he reached his limits as he started to giggle before breaking into full out laughter. He didn't care about anything anymore as he collapsed to the ground and started slapping the floor while he cracked up laughing.

This earned him a mighty glare from Weiss as she lost the blush on her face as her expression started to become… dangerous.

She glared at Magna and coldly said, ”You think it's funny?”

A s.h.i.+ver ran up Magna's spine as he instantly stopped laughing. He even started to pinch his waist just to stop himself from bursting into laughter.

Sweat dripped down the side of his head as he gave a crooked smile and said, ”N-no… I-its not funny at all.”