8 Anger (2/2)
Luna's quickly followed after him with her tail wagging behind her. After talking to Magna, she felt… better. As if a weight was taken from her shoulders. While some weight still remained, it got just a bit more bearable.
Final arriving at the ruins, Magna lightly smiles as he sees Argo walking into camp carrying the now skinned and drained rabbits. It wasn't long before the trio had set up a fire and began roasting the meat.
As the sun slowly started to set, the trio happily sat around the camp fire while enjoying roasted meat and the company. Suddenly, Argo's entire body leaped towards Magna and Luna as razor sharp feathers impaled where she was sitting.
An intense glow appeared in her eyes as she screamed, ”RUN!!!”
Not wasting any time, Magna grabbed Luna, who appeared to be in a daze, and began chasing behind Argo. Feathers kept appearing seemingly out of nowhere, almost hitting Magna and Luna a number of times. Luckily, Magna was starting to adapt to his new found ability, the body flicker technique. Just before any attack even got close, his body would blink out of existence before appearing just a few feat away.
While this ability is quite taxing in the stamina department, when used in small bursts to travel small distances, Magna was confident he could do this for hours. The only problem he was having was the fact that he couldn't control the exact distant he would travel.
Suddenly, a blood curdling screams rang through the forest. Magna came to an abrupt halt as he stared in shook at the sight before him. In the claws of a familiar Nevermore was Argo. Blood stained her new clothes as the glow in her eyes dimmed quickly.
A powerful pain started to spread through Magna's stomach as a suffocating pressure started weighing down on him.
The pain seemed to grow and spread endlessly as his breathing became rough and ragged.
Low growls escaped his lips as the sound of bones cracking echoed from Magna's body. The world around him slowly seemed to fade into black and white as he slowly lost his hearing to a loud ringing noise.
A bubbling sensation started to appear all over his body as Magna fell to the floor gritting his teeth. Luna's hoa.r.s.e voice screamed to her sister, over and over again, not witnessing the birth of a monster behind her.
In a fit of anger, Magna reared his head towards the sky and released a terrifying roared filled with hatred, causing Luna to faint and the Nevermore to drop Argo as it tried to distance itself from Magna.
Just before she hit the ground, Magna appeared next to her and easily caught her before flickering back to where he stood, looking as if he hadn't moved at all. Laying her next to her unconscious sister, a red aura oozed from his body as he painfully muttered, ”I'll… f.u.c.king… KILL YOU!!!”