Part 41 (1/2)

”Amy in her letter said so----”

”The awful liar!”

”Nice way to talk of a lady!”

”Lady be--I mean she's not a lady if she set down such a thing in black and white. She so badgered me on the boat with hints for an invitation, that at last, in sheer desperation, I did ask them to come.”

”Of course you did! And I wish they were a hundred thousand miles away!”

The blank look of astonishment crept on to his face again as he stuttered:


”Yes, yes, yes.”

”Well, I'm----Do--you--mean--to--tell--me that you weren't glad to see them? When during the whole of the first dinner you did nothing but simper and make eyes and laugh with Percy, till the veriest fool in Christendom could have seen you were head over ears in love with him?”

”I hate him! I hate him! I Hate Him!”

His sister's vehemence partly cleared the clouds away. Acted as a douche on his bad temper, as a tonic to his good one; coolly he said:

”My dear girl, take my advice; you'd better send for the quack! Your mind's unhinged; that's what's the matter with you. You're fairly going dotty! If you hate him, what the dev--deuce did you want to pretend to make love to him for?”

”I d--did it”--she was sobbing in her handkerchief now; all the stiffening gone from her back--”to annoy P--Prince Ch--Ch--Charlie.”

What there was left of the look of astonishment quite left his face. The scales fell; his eyes were fully opened. Thrusting his hands into his pockets he said vigorously, characteristically:


Then hope sprang into his eyes; filled his bosom. There was a tangle somewhere, but he was getting his fingers on the ends: he needed to unravel it. Walking over to, he sat beside his sister, who was sobbing on the sofa.

”Just hold up the water supply, old girl.” He spoke with all a brother's brutality. ”Turn off the tap, and talk coherently, if it isn't too great a tax. I've only got a man's brain, so you might make an effort and leave off conundruming. The way you women twist up things--well, there!

You seem to take a positive delight in making troubles for yourselves and everybody else; put up obstacles and cry because you can't get over them. Why did you want to annoy Masters?”

”He insul--sul--sul--ted me so.”

Once more a look of amazement crept on d.i.c.k's face as he repeated:


The idea of Prince Charlie's insulting a woman was--well, he almost laughed as he said:

”For many weeks past he had not seen you; for many weeks past I have been his close companion. During all that time he has spoken of you to me as if you were a G.o.ddess, instead of being a little devil with a temper vile enough to provoke a saint. He insult you!”

Then he did laugh--heartily. Began to see that there was a path out of the difficulty--it only needed finding. Let him find it--that was all!

”He c--c--could not have thought m--m--much of me, or he would not have f--f--flirted with every girl on board.”

”Flirted! Prince Ch----” His laugh broke out again; into a roar this time. ”Why, he was the most taciturn beggar on the boat, to everyone but me! Flirt! That's good. Beyond a 'Good morning,' I never heard him address a woman. If one at table asked him for the water-bottle, he acted as if she had done him a deadly wrong in speaking to him! He was not even on pa.s.s-the-salt-and-pepper terms with a lady on board. Flirt!