Vol 3 Chapter 19 (1/2)

Chapter 19

Interlude – Then, shall we try raising the degree of difficulty?

A building which was quietly on a plot of land of the royal capital

That place was one of shi+on’s above ground bases

That the building was a sage’s base was kept secretIt was because there were also those who opposed the sagesThere wasn’t soes, but on the other hand, receiving attacks would be a troubling story

Inside of that houseshi+on was relaxing in the extravagant living room

She was lying untidily on the sofa

In front of the sofa, Yōichi—a follower of the sages—was standing

“The sage candidate’s capture of hell has reached the sixth layerIf it’s this trend, it’s probably just a matter of time before they reach the seventh layer” (Yōichi)

“Is that rightIt being too easy is troublesome” (shi+on)

It didn’t‘capture hell and kill the Devil’ or so like that, it was to obstruct the E ‘for the sake of humanity’

That was difficult, and it was appointed only because achieving it was close to i

Even though they had the nature as a sage, their ability still had sooThey had to suffer more, be cornered, and awaken it

“Then, shall we try raising the degree of difficulty? Let’s try to hinder them a little” (shi+on)

“No, killing the Devil itself shouldn’t be easy……” (Yōichi)

Yōichi knit his browsHe probably thought ‘I’ worthless’

“And, a deceased appeared in the sage candidatesThe death itself isn’t very unusual, but the circue” (Yōichi)

“And, as said?” (shi+on)

“He was killed inside of the cityApparently, so at themIt’s said that the student called Ayaka shi+nozaki is the culprit, but this is a student as left on the bus” (Yōichi)

They ere left on the bus were those who failed to install the system

She induced him to do so, and shi+on confirmed it was like that

“A the four people ere left on the bus, three were alive, huhIf that’s the case, the fourth person is a point of concern” (shi+on)

“AahWe went to look at the busThe corpse of the male student was left inside of the busWe collected it just to be sure, and disposed of the bus as well” (Yōichi)

“Is that soWe should be cautious towards the ones who fail to install it from now on” (shi+on)

Fundamentally, an installation failure was only a problem of affinity, and it occurred on several people each timeThere hadn’t been any problems in particular so far, but if probleilance would become necessary

“Don’t we need to deal with that guy?” (Yōichi)

“If she is e, we should leave her aloneIt’s perfect if the difficulty level goes up because of her” (shi+on)

“So, ill you do with that boy after all?” (Yōichi)

“That’s rightI’ still……” (shi+on)

Yogiri Takatou’s whereabouts were known, and she roughly heard about his ability from Hanakawa as well

She was thinking about several counteret rid of himents of eerieness

If there were no probleht ‘maybe I shouldn’t make a move on him poorly’

If there were no probleht ‘maybe I shouldn’t make a move on him poorly’

“Sage killing is an obvious problem, is it not? I think we can’t leave him alone” (Yōichi)

“But, it also can be said that ‘if they seem to be killed, they were that extent’There’s no probleht with itBesides, if it’s ‘killing sages’, then we need to deal with hedgehog as well” (shi+on)

In the first place, the origin was hedgehogA co on its entire bodyThe sages decreased due to that, so they sues

Al was a arding it as wellWhile she was thinking such things, there was a knocking noise from the door

“What kind of thing is it?” (Yōichi)

Yōichi was suspiciousIt was because the other side of the door was a bedroom, so there shouldn’t be anyone in there

“I seeIt’s the transporter’s door to door” (shi+on)

shi+on prompted Yōichi to open the door

What ca a uniform

“It’s Haruto Ōtori, a sage candidate” (Yōichi)

Yōichi supples as the nae candidates unless it was necessary

“Certainly, you can come to here if you use door-to-door, but how did you find this place?” (shi+on)

It was a skill which connected between buildings freely, but you needed to know both buildings to use itHowever, this place was a secret refuge, and those who knew of its existence were limited

“Oh yeahA s the proble skill” (Haruto)

Haruto responded to shi+on’s question carelessly

Haruto responded to shi+on’s question carelessly

“I seeThe consultant’s probleree if it is about rank fourIt’s very nice while having the touch of a cheat” (shi+on)

Even if she didn’t remember the names, she could know the class of the person before her eyes through the system

As its na skill was a skill that could understand the way to solve a problem

The general also had a similar skill, but it was li skill could understand answers more broadly

shi+on installed the system, but she didn’t knohat kind of classes would manifestThe potential of the class ‘consultant’ was also unknown

But, Sage candidates had to be like thisIt was because if they could only do things within range of expectations, they wouldn’t attain ‘sage’ or anything like that

“So, what do you have to tell me?” (shi+on)

“Saying it frankly, there isn’t enough timePlease, may you extend the deadline?” (Haruto)

The tie during that time

“That’s rightIt’s for pushi+ng the deadline back, so if everyone doing their to aie, there aren’t any problems in particular” (shi+on)

What she wanted to avoid was everyone living sluggishly and irresponsibly in the parallel world

If they had the hope of becoe, then their realand finish it all by the deadline

“Then” (Haruto)