Part 6 (1/2)

A building as big as an aeroplane hangar, but not so high. It 's painted all over with brown and yellow stripes. It stands on the edge of the water in as neat a little cove as you ever see.'

'What 's in this shed?'

I dunno, sir. It was dark when I was there. I lay down in the dunes near by, reckoning to have a closer look when it got light, in case there was a dinghy in it. I was trying to find a way in when I see you coming, so I ran down on to the beach so as you'd spot me.'

'Did you find anything else on this bit of no-man's-land ?'

'No, sir, that 's the lot.'

Algy thought quickly. The absence of the motor-boat was now explained, but he was more concerned about the shed Briny had described. That it was a secret supply depot seemed certain, and this, no doubt, accounted for the notice-board forbidding people to land. But Briny's description of the shed had been vague, and he felt that while he was there he ought to obtain more detailed information, for the Admiralty would be anxious to have full particulars. 'How far away is this shed ?' he asked.

About a mile, sir, I reckon.'

And as far as you know there was no guard over it ?'

I didn't see a soul, sir.'

In that case we'll go along and have a look at it. Get in.'

Briny started, 'Get in what, sir ?'

'This aeroplane-what else do you think I mean ? You can't see any motor-cars about, can you ?' 'What, me, sir ?'

'Yes, you. Don't argue.'

'You don't mean you're going to fly there, sir ?'

Algy wasted no more words. He bundled Briny into the back seat, and then, climbing in himself, taxied swiftly along the beach.

'Steady on, sir, me 'at 's blowing off,' roared Briny, who was clutching at the sides of the c.o.c.kpit.

Algy did not take off, for the short distance he had to travel made it unnecessary, and five minutes brought them to within sight of the building. He saw at once that Briny's description of it, as far as it went, was correct. The shed was a large but low structure, covering nearly half an acre of ground, built in a dip in the dunes at the landward extremity of a tiny cove so regular in shape that there was reason to suppose that it was artificial. The building stood at the very edge of the water; indeed, it was obvious that at high tide a boat of shallow draft would be able to moor up against the huge sliding doors; yet so cleverly camouflaged was it, in the same drab colours as the surrounding sand, that it would have been possible to fly over it at a low alt.i.tude without suspecting that it was there. It appeared to be absolutely deserted.

Seeing that it was impossible to taxi right up to the shed on the landward side on account of the dunes, Algy took the machine on to the water, and after raising his landing-wheels, made a cautious approach, prepared to take off the instant anyone appeared; but by this time he felt confident that had a guard been on duty he must have heard the approaching aircraft and revealed himself.

Nevertheless, he did not relax his caution as he taxied on, very slowly, until the Didgeree -du was alongside a wooden landing-stage that now appeared near the doors.

'Go and have a look round to make sure that n.o.body's about,' he told Briny. 'I'll stay here in case of accidents. If it's all clear I'll join you.'

Briny was soon back. 'Can't see a thing, sir,' he reported.

'What 's in the shed ?'

I can't see, sir. There ain't no winders.'

'That's queer. You'd have thought there'd have been some sort of lighting.' Algy got out and tried the doors, but, as he expected, they were locked.

Meanwhile, Briny had climbed to the top of a dune, high enough to overlook the roof. '

There's skylights on top,' he announced.

'Skylights usually are on top, Briny,' smiled Algy. 'I'd better have a look. Give me a bunk up.'

Algy was soon on the roof which, like the rest of the building, was built of corrugated iron. Crawling to the skylight, he peered down through it. For a few seconds he could see nothing, for owing to the inadequate lighting the interior of the shed was in dim twilight.

Presently, however, he was able to make out the broad details, enough to tell him that the shed was, in fact, a naval depot -for submarines, chiefly, he thought, judging by the torpedoes and a formidable stack of oil drums. Having seen enough for his immediate purpose he slid off the roof.

It seems to be an ideal spot to plant a bomb,' he declared as they went back to the machine. And the sooner the better,' he added. 'If we can get rid of this lot, submarines coming here, relying on finding fuel, might find themselves stranded. I should say the sub. we sank was making for this place. Come on, let's get back; the C.O. ought to know about it.'

More than a little satisfied with the result of his survey, Algy turned the nose of the Didgeree-du to the mouth of the cove, and opening his throttle, roared away in the direction of the base.

So concerned was he with getting back that beyond keeping a watchful eye on the horizon for s.h.i.+pping he paid little attention to the sea below; so when Briny tapped him on the shoulder and pointed downwards, he followed the outstretched finger with a twinge of anxiety-anxiety that grew rapidly to acute alarm when his eyes found the object that Briny had spotted. Unquestionably, it was the wreckage of an aeroplane.

Cutting his engine, he side-slipped steeply towards it, and at a thousand feet his worst fears were realized, for showing just above the gently lapping waves was the circular red, white, and blue nationality mark of a British aircraft. For a moment he experienced a feeling of relief as he remembered that the Dingo had been lost, for he a.s.sumed, not unnaturally, that this must be the remains of it; but then he recalled that Ginger's machine had been burnt out, whereas there was no sign of fire on the wreckage.

As quickly as he dared he put the Didgeree-du down on the water and taxied up to the wreck. One glance was enough to tell him the worst. The machine was one of their own ; and if further proof were needed, the boomerang device on the crumpled fuselage, with the name Willie-Willie below, provided it. It was Biggles's machine. And the reason for its present condition was apparent, for through fuselage and wings were the unmistakable gashes of shrapnel.

As white as death, Algy flung off his flying-coat and slid into the water, groping blindly for the c.o.c.kpit. He found it. It was empty, as was the spare seat. Gasping, he returned to the surface, and climbed up on the nearest float of his own machine, from whence he stared at the wreckage as if he could not believe his eyes. His brain seemed paralysed.

Biggles had been shot down. That was obvious. And judging from the number of hits registered on the plane, and the mangled condition of it, the crash must have been a terrible one. He tried not to believe it, but there was no getting away from the grim evidence before him.

It was Briny who discovered that the engine was missing. 'It looks as though it was chopped *out with an 'atchet,' he declared in a sombre voice.

'Then that settles it,' returned Algy miserably. 'They shot him down and salvaged the engine for their own use. They would, of course.' He said no more. There was nothing else to say. Minutes pa.s.sed and still he stood on the float, staring dumbly at the wreck.

At last, realizing that no good purpose could be served by remaining, yet hating to leave the spot, he climbed slowly into his c.o.c.kpit. His eyes wandered over the surrounding sea.

Briny guessed what he was looking for. 'It ain't no use looking for the body,' he said gruffly. It 'ud sink. I remember 'We'll get back,' broke in Algy harshly, and taking off, he raced on full throttle for the base.

'Where 's Mr. Hebblethwaite ?' he asked the Flight-Sergeant, who came running along the catwalk to meet them.

I don't know, sir,' was the unexpected reply. 'We haven't seen him for a couple of hours or more.'

'He didn't by any chance go with the C.O. after all ?'

'No, sir. The C.O. hasn't come back yet.'

I'm afraid he-won't be coming back,' said Algy slowly. He glanced at the Platypus, the spare machine, still riding at her mooring. 'Mr. Hebblethwaite must be about somewhere.'

'That's what we thought, sir, but we can't find him.'

Briny and the Flight-Sergeant watched in embarra.s.sed silence as Algy unfastened the strap of his flying-cap and lit a cigarette. 'The war still goes on,' he said evenly. 'It can't stop because the C.O. is-missing. I am now in command here. Get my machine up to the derrick and sling a torpedo on it.'

Tut are you going off again right away, sir ?' asked the Flight-Sergeant.